Sold by reneemill on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,277,885 satisfied buyers
8 Sure Ways of Getting Your Child to Do What You Ask
Parents in every generation struggle to get their children to do what they ask.
How often have you asked your child to brush his teeth, go to bed, finish his food…the list is endless…but he just does not do it.
In the end , you resort to yelling or punishment. Right? Of course right! Because all parents experience this parenting challenge and often consult with me to get parenting solutions on how to get the results they want.
Utilising the research, plus my own extensive clinical experience as a psychologist, I have distilled 8 sure ways to get your child to do what you ask. What is more, it is without tears and without anger because it is positive parenting.
When you order this e-book, you will acquire these successful parenting strategies and you will find, to your delight that:
You feel confident as a parent because you now have proven strategies with which to achieve parenting success.
Your child will respond immediately giving you the results you want.
Your home is much happier and calmer.
All of this for a minimum investment. Order now and watch your investment pay off immediately.
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This file is sold by reneemill, an independent seller on Tradebit.