MP3 Richard Bliwas - Yarrow Stalk Bridge
Piano/Vocal Pop-Jazz masterpiece
16 MP3 Songs
JAZZ: Jazz Vocals, POP: Folky Pop
Rising Rose Records is proud to release Yarrow Stalk Bridge a piano/vocal pop jazz masterpiece---- an original, modern, orchestral sounding solo album of unparalleled writing and playing by virtuoso musician ,composer, poet, Richard Bliwas --- performing on an 1894 Steinway piano at Sear Sound Recording Studio in New York City (which-by the way- inherited much of the Beatles'' historic Abbey Road equipment). Our 2004 release Ghost , achieved top 10 and top 200 charting in dozens of markets --- without any of the typical PR associated with new releases. Listen to what some of the critics have been saying:
Bliwas offers listeners intoxicating mix .His writing, unmistakably original, shares similarities with that of, Miles Davis, Patricia Barber and The Beatles. ---- Truly inspired music., alluring and intricate
fearless mixing of genres, perceptive lyrics, something new with each spin. ~ All About Jazz
Striking sense of organization...great feel for texture....pleasingly messy ...ingenious keyboards...Beatles'' influence ... Sun-Ra-esque instrumentals Cadence Magazine
A cool, mellow blend of Van Dyke Parks, Paul Simon, Brian Wilson and other sixties influences, but with some nice jazz piano liberally added., nothing dates this exquisite music. Timeless. - eloquent and softly haunting. somber and reflective, nothing superfluous. The entire CD sounds like a suite of connected pieces; great laid back, bluesy, jazzy tunes. Richard Bliwas is a truly gifted pianist and songwriter, he should not go unnoticed for very long. Downtown Music Gallery
Strange soulful vocal stories...haunting melodies...piano virtuoso Hit Session
Bliwas transforms intricate phrases into seamless music that has flow to go along with the freedom he exhibits in his playing. He has produced an engrossing creative album. Cadence Magazine
Richard Bliwas has a great sense of humor All About Jazz
I swear Walk the Bike is the happiest, sweetest, goofiest, most optimistic album I''ve heard in a long time, without -get this-ever being smarmy or sappy or stupid-positively uplifting-arrangements that are simple and perfect. The Big Takeover, Music Dish
Bliwas walks the line between jazz and folkrock with confidence, producing a dialectic sound that compliments rather than conflicts. His lyrics range from profound to silly to cryptic but always with something to say. Shredding Paper
Nel pianismo di Bliwas emergono echi romantici che svolazzano per un istante per poi cedere il campo ad un incedere quasi blueseggiante che esalta le risposte dei suoi compagni d''avventura, in una sorta di ''patois'' del tutto peculiare e meritevole di attenzione All About Jazz ( Italy )
Bliwas est un bon pianiste de jazz, de bonne qualitie certes Jazz Hot , France