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25 poetry PLR articles, #28

25 poetry PLR articles, #28 is brought to you by salvador.tradebit.com

All poetry articles are top notch, were professionally written and come with PLR. The articles come in the easy to use .txt format. You can open and edit them with any text editor.

The structure of the poetry articles is easy and widely supported by blogging tools:
- First line: title of article
- Rest: article body

This high quality poetry related product was prepared with easy and direct use in mind. You can put it directly into most mass publishing or auto blogging tools, adding poetry content to your web site in minutes or dripping over time.

This product includes the poetry articles:

- Get Your Prince Tickets To Witness The Return Of A Musical Legend (585 words)
- Giclee Prints - Affordable Fine Art (307 words)
- Gift-giving 101: Cheap Groomsmen Gifts (561 words)
- Gifts Children Can Make (625 words)
- Gift Baskets For The Team‘s Cheerleaders (566 words)
- Gift Baskets For Women (517 words)
- Gift Basket Advice (382 words)
- Gift Cards Have Some Strings Attached (422 words)
- Gift Cards ֠Everything You Need To Know (1104 words)
- Gilleland Poetry ֠Storoems And Poems - Review (247 words)
- Give Me Cable Please! Yank My Dish!! (1056 words)
- Give Painting Portraits This Easter Season (544 words)
- Giving A Baby Bath Set As A Gift (413 words)
- Giving Dollhouses As Gifts (525 words)
- Giving Handmade Christmas Gift (439 words)
- Giving Non-toy Christmas Gifts For Kids (416 words)
- Glass Coffee Table ֠Great For Any Space, And Decor (382 words)
- Global Overview Of The Different Casino Bonuses In A Nutshell (727 words)
- Gold Versus Silver Jewelry (314 words)
- Good Guitar Technique Will Allow You To Play Anything! (310 words)
- Good Singing Tone Quality (519 words)
- Gordon Ramsay: The Bad Boy Chef From Hellӳ Kitchen Teaches Good Business (1972 words)
- Gordonӳ Jewelry Offers Traditions, Trust And Service (437 words)
- Gourmet Gift Baskets For An Exotic Touch (530 words)
- Go Metal Detecting And Find A Treasure Trove! (1071 words)


This quality product contains 25 poetry articles with a total of 14971 words. The average length is 598 words.

BONUS for 25 poetry PLR articles, #28:

Find an overview file _https://www.tradebit.com, that
- lists the poetry articles
- together with their word counts and
- a list of words, that are used frequently in this article. Use these to select the wanted poetry articles and as inspiration for tags and keywords.


25 poetry PLR articles, #28 comes with these rights:

[yes] you can do with it, whatever you want.

This includes:

[yes] can be sold with personal use rights
[yes] can be sold with resale rights
[yes] can be sold with master resale rights
[yes] can be sold with private label rights
[yes] can be used as web content, e.g. for a site related to poetry
[yes] can be edited completely and your name put on it
[yes] can be broken down into smaller articles
[yes] can be combined with other poetry articles
[yes] can be used as poetry ecourse or autoresponder series
[yes] can be submitted to article directories, if rewritten first
[yes] can be added to an poetry ebook/pdf as content
[yes] can be translated
[yes] can be used to create derivative poetry products, like ebooks, audio books, presentations, and lots more.

Thomas Salvador.

Visit http://salvador.tradebit.com for more high quality products.
Visit https://www.tradebit.com for other quality products with private label rights

How to use the .diz files? The .diz files are just regular text files, you can open in your favorite text editor. The extension .diz is used to enable you to put the whole product AS-IS in a blog tool.

This way you do not need to fear, that these lists/descriptions (=not-poetry-content) are published on your site. The blogging tool should only process .txt-files. Therefore .txt is used exclusively for publishable poetry content, but not for internal information.

It is just used to make your life easier.

Get 25 poetry PLR articles, #28 now!
Tags: poetry cash
File Data

This file is sold by salvador, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 1 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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