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25 parenting PLR articles, #23

25 parenting PLR articles, #23 - presented by salvador.tradebit.com

All parenting articles are top notch and come with PLR. The articles come in the comfortable .txt format. You can open and edit them easily with any text editor you choose.

The structure of the parenting articles is easy and widely supported by blogging tools:
- First line: title of article
- Rest: article body

This quality PLR product is ready for easy and direct use. You can put it directly into most mass publishing or auto blogging tools, adding parenting content to your web site in minutes from now or dripping over time.

This product includes the parenting articles:

- Should You Buy A Vibrating Chair For Your Baby? (607 words)
- Shyness In Children (408 words)
- Six Ideas To Help You Discipline Your Kid (863 words)
- Sleep Experts Conclude That Kids Don‘t Get Enough Sleep (305 words)
- Smartstart: Home-based Cognitive And Language Remediation Program For Internationally Adopted Children (1051 words)
- Snatched In The Night-what Every Parent Should Know About Home Invasion Abductions (714 words)
- Solving Baby Slep Problems - The Ferber Method (729 words)
- Some Unusual Causes Of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (sids) (559 words)
- So You Have A Picky Eater? (971 words)
- Special Baby Clothes For Those Special Days (557 words)
- Special Natural Skin Care For Babies (313 words)
- Special Occasion Baby Wear (450 words)
- Spelling Games For Kids (762 words)
- Spitting Up ֠And Other Joys Of Motherhood (539 words)
- Stammering Toddler (284 words)
- Standardized Testing Teaching Tips (304 words)
- Start Your Child‘s Education Early (490 words)
- Statistics On Children Hit By Cars (365 words)
- Sticks And Stones: Are You Unintentionally Driving Your Child Away? (981 words)
- Stop Lying Now (945 words)
- Stop "shoulding" On Yourself: Parenting Without Resentment (597 words)
- Strengthen Your Child‘s Self Esteem (965 words)
- Stuttering Child (306 words)
- Stuttering Toddler (420 words)
- Stutter In Child (376 words)


This quality product provides 25 parenting articles with a total of 14861 words. The average length is 594 words.

BONUS for 25 parenting PLR articles, #23:

Find an overview file _https://www.tradebit.com, that
- lists the parenting articles
- together with their word counts and
- a list of words, that are strong in this article. Use these to select the wanted parenting articles and as inspiration for tags and keywords.


25 parenting PLR articles, #23 comes with these rights:

[yes] you can do with it, whatever you want.

This includes:

[yes] can be sold with personal use rights
[yes] can be sold with resale rights
[yes] can be sold with master resale rights
[yes] can be sold with private label rights
[yes] can be used as web content, for example for a site related to parenting
[yes] can be edited completely and your name put on it
[yes] can be broken down into smaller articles
[yes] can be combined with other parenting articles
[yes] can be used as parenting ecourse or autoresponder series
[yes] can be submitted to article directories, if rewritten first
[yes] can be added to an parenting ebook/pdf as content
[yes] can be translated
[yes] can be used to create derivative parenting products, like ebooks, audio books, presentations, and lots more.

Thomas Salvador.

How to use the .diz files? The .diz files are just regular text files, you can open in your favorite text editor. The extension .diz is used that you can put the whole product instantly in a blog tool.

This way you do not need to fear, that these lists/descriptions (a.k.a. not-parenting-content) are published on your site. The blogging tool should only process .txt-files. Therefore .txt is used exclusively for publishable parenting content, but not for internal information.

It is just used to make your life easier.

Visit http://salvador.tradebit.com for more high quality products.
Visit https://www.tradebit.com for other high quality products with private label rights.

Buy 25 parenting PLR articles, #23 now!
Tags: parenting cash
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This file is sold by salvador, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 1 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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