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25 religion PLR articles, #12

salvador.tradebit.com presents 25 religion PLR articles, #12

All religion articles are top notch, were professionally written and come with PLR (Private Label Rights). The articles are in the easy to use .txt format. You can open and edit them easily with any text editor you prefer.

The structure of the religion articles is easy and widely supported by blogging tools:
- First line: title of article
- Rest: article body

This high quality PLR product was built for easy and direct use. You can put it directly into most mass publishing or auto blogging tools, adding religion content to your web site in minutes or dripping over time.

This product includes the religion articles:

- Silver And Gold. (1042 words)
- Simplest Way To Be Healed By Faith (776 words)
- Sitting Shiva Sympathy Gift, The Jewish Tradition Of Mourning (746 words)
- Sleep Well With A Feng Shui Bedroom (396 words)
- Some Tips For Writing Your Own Magick Spells (532 words)
- Spell For Attracting Romantic Prospects (568 words)
- Spending A Day With God. (462 words)
- Sweet Surrender (514 words)
- Symbols On Headstones (249 words)
- Taking Jesus Out Of Christmas (1092 words)
- Tapping Unused Outreach Potential (391 words)
- Terror; The Lost War. (1177 words)
- The 10 Commandments - A Guide (508 words)
- The Best Things That Have Been Culminated (1389 words)
- The Blessing Of The Christian Sabbath (561 words)
- The Cancer Of Sin. (why Do Christian Suffer?) (1436 words)
- The Carnal Christian. (1337 words)
- The Christian Sabbath. (967 words)
- The Christ, Ratu Adil & Satria Piningit--revealed?! Part 1 (3120 words)
- The Christ, Ratu Adil & Satria Piningit--revealed?! Part 2 (3272 words)
- The Christ, Ratu Adil & Satria Piningit--revealed?! Part 3 (3128 words)
- The Christ, Ratu Adil & Satria Piningit--revealed?! Part 4 (2825 words)
- The Christ, Ratu Adil & Satria Piningit--revealed?! Part 5 (3401 words)
- The Consistency Of God In His Promises (series 1, Lesson 1) (774 words)
- The Deep Desires Of Your Heart (402 words)
- Worship When YouӲe Down (271 words)


This quality product contains 26 religion articles with a total of 31336 words. The average length is 1205 words.

BONUS for 25 religion PLR articles, #12:

Find an overview file _https://www.tradebit.com, that
- lists the religion articles
- together with their word counts and
- a list of words, that are used frequently in this article. Use these to select the wanted religion articles and as inspiration for tags and keywords.


25 religion PLR articles, #12 comes with these rights:

[yes] you can do with it, whatever you want.

This includes:

[yes] can be sold with personal use rights
[yes] can be sold with resale rights
[yes] can be sold with master resale rights
[yes] can be sold with private label rights
[yes] can be used as web content, e.g. for a site related to religion
[yes] can be edited completely and your name put on it
[yes] can be broken down into smaller articles
[yes] can be combined with other religion articles
[yes] can be used as religion ecourse or autoresponder series
[yes] can be submitted to article directories, if rewritten first
[yes] can be added to an religion ebook/pdf as content
[yes] can be translated
[yes] can be used to create derivative religion products, like ebooks, audio books, presentations, and lots more.

Thomas Salvador.

Visit http://salvador.tradebit.com for more high quality products.
Visit https://www.tradebit.com for other high quality products with PLR

.diz? .diz files are regular text files, you can open in your favorite text editor. The extension .diz is used to enable you to put the whole product directly in a blog tool.

This way you do not need to worry, that these lists/descriptions (=not-religion-content) get published on your site. The blogging tool should only process .txt-files. Hence .txt is used exclusively for publishable religion content, but not for internal information.

It is just used to make your life easier.

Get 25 religion PLR articles, #12 now!
Tags: religion cash
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This file is sold by salvador, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 1 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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