MP3 Ensemble Katharsis - Vesprae
Blends the power of Gregorian chants and hymnals with the vivid energy and art of 21st century improvisation. Presented by 4 instrumental masters from the old and new world.
9 MP3 Songs
Music that is truly pure and beautiful
Katharsis is a form spiritual and emotional cleansing first defined by greek philosopher and ancient stage writer Aristotle.
Ensemble Katharsis takes the listeners on a musical journey that refreshes the soul and has caused mild forms of exstasis in the audiences at concerts in Italy and Germany.
Ensemble Katharsis blends the power of gregorian chants and hymnals with the vivid energy and art of 21st century improvisation.
Presented by 4 instrumental masters from the old and new world!
By Karsten Muetzelfeldt
If music can do one thing for us, it does that one thing particularly effectively here: it suspends our everyday conception of time. Many boundaries are blurred here, everything is in a state of flux.
The listener can dive in, bathe in the sound, float upon it. And the spatial sound summons up a sound space known for its capacity to do something with a person, to release inner mobility. Markus Burger (piano), Dieter Oberdoerfer (voc), Jan von Klewitz (sax) and Ferucci Bartoletti (organ) came together in the Italian town of Lasa to form a breathtaking musical collaboration, that was documented in an amazing dolby surround sound recording, that has hence moved the hearts of hundred listeners that came to the concerts that followed the recording or have heard the recording since.
Dietrich Oberdoerfer vocals
Markus Burger piano
Jan von Klewitz sax
Feruccio Bartoletti organ
Sometimes the music is soft as alabaster, sometimes exultant as an anthem, at no time does it descend into the merely emotional. Endowed with all the harmonic subtleties of jazz, these musicians show what sorts out the men from the boys, as Pat Metheny put it; they see beauty in simple things and aren''t afraid of major common chords.
Check back for upcoming shows and the release date of their long awaited CD release.