Traffic Lottery with MRR
Traffic Lottery with MRR.
Discover Countless Effective Ways To Building Unlimited Traffic To Your Website!
Dear Entrepreneur.
This Pakage Contains:
https://www.tradebit.comes Letter
https://www.tradebit.comipt License
Buy This Script For Just $14.95 With Master Resell Rights
Only 50 48 copies left at this price!
Traffic Lottery Script is a Web 2.0 Play lottery and win traffic to promote your FREE Services. Admin can earn by placing Ad network Banners in top and bottom and Selling VIP Memebrships.
How it works?
It is as simple as lottery. You just need to submit your web pages url and you get a chance to win the lottery.
What do I pay? And what do I win?
What you pay is to visit todays winning web page. And what you win is all the traffic to your website for the day.
How many time can I submit my web page?
You are allowed to submit only one url per day.
But Admin can customize it
Are all websites permitted?
No. Websites with pornography, obscene or defamatory content will be removed and banned permanently.
How often does the lottery draw take place?
The lottery draw takes place every night at server time12:00 AM.
But Admin can customize it
If I win today, what are my changes to win again tomorrow?
The winning web page is selected through a random algorithm. Every draw is independent of previous results.
See the Admin Screenshots Given Below:
Adsense is integrated with the script and installation is quick and easy (Readme included)
Fear of Loss!
Only 50 48 copies left at this price!
Requirements: PHP, MySql, Curl, (All freely downloadable and come with most hosting accounts - please contact your host for verifying/installing)
Yes Your Name Count Me In, I Want Traffic Lottery Script With Master Resell Rights Right Now!
For Only $14.95
Yes can be sold
Yes can sell resale rights or master resell rights
You can add the product into your product bundle or package and sell for a higher price
Yes can be added to a paid membership site
You CAN give the product away for FREE
You CANNOT offer the product as a bonus to another product you are selling. However, you can offer other bonuses to this product when selling
You CANNOT sell the product on auction sites such as
You CANNOT use nor sell this product in a dime sale event, under any circumstances at all. An event that constitutes a dime sale is one whereby the product starts selling at a very low price and increases every dime after a certain time frame or with every purchase using the dime sale script
Traffic Lottery with MRR.
Disclaimer: We do not guarantee that any form of financial success by using our products and services. Results vary. Hard work, diligence, knowledge, enthusiasm and motivation all play a vital role in your quest to make an income from your internet business.
ebooklover/ is not liable in any manner
resulting from the use or misuse of this product.