MP3 Maria Daines - Music United For Animals
Mixed genre, blues, rock, acoustic & ballads
13 MP3 Songs
EASY LISTENING: Soft Rock, ROCK: Acoustic
''Music United For Animals'' is a collection of songs written to speak up for animals in distress and each song supports the end of cruelty.
Many animal welfare/rights subjects are explored in the 13 track cd, which includes the ballad ''I am the owner of this coat'' written to expose the horror of the fur trade.
''They Wanna Kill (Have mercy on the ice) reminds listeners of seal extermination annually, while the true story of Fozzie Bear, a puppy who died in his rescuers arms tells the tale of dogs bred in puppy mills.
Factory farming is exposed in the rock song ''Your meat is our murder'' and other topics include fighting with dogs, vivisection, veal trade, bear bile farming and the circus.
The International anthem ''Rise Up - Make this moment Last'' was written for Marijo Gillis of Welfare For Animals (WAG, New York) and calls for everyone to make a difference.
Proceeds from this cd supports rescue shelters world wide.
Project info -
''It was a unity made in heaven for me and for the animals when I met Maria and Paul, and realised that their music is a peaceful and universal voice of expression, bringing to the public''s attention in a direct way, the cruelty animals are subjected to by the human race on this planet every day''
Mary Alice Pollard
Cornwall''s Voice for Animals (cvfa/
Representing The International Organization for Animal Protection
NGO affiliated to the UN Department of Public Information
Message from Willie Nelson, 26 June 2006
''I Wanna Run Free''
Maria, love your song
you are also a great singer
sincerly Willie
Music for a cause is nothing new but music solely devoted to animals does seem novel. Maria Daines, a British singer and songwriter has just released a CD entitled, *Music United for Animals,* that is aimed towards the cause
of animal rights and welfare. Says Maria, "As a child I had many pets and my mother taught me how to respect animals."
Indeed, her album espouses the cause of animals in a medley of situations, starting from dogs in Romania to the horses of the US. "I can think of no better reason to create music and I would like to make a difference that I can feel in my heart, and share with others," remarks Maria.
The CD features 13 songs, all of which are thoroughly enjoyable. The best song of the album is the ballad, *I am the owner of this coat,* to make people aware of the horror of the fur trade. Maria has also voiced her concern for Indian animals. Recently, she wrote a song for a protest
concerning an elephant polo match organised in Jaipur. She has also performed on BBC recently.
"Everywhere, the animals need a friend," says Maria. The animals surely have one in her.
Shubhobroto Ghosh
Steve Gilmore ''Tracks of the Year 2006''
Maria Daines/Paul Killington - I Am The Owner Of This Coat
Last years Artist Of The Year has been suspiciously inactive for much of the year, at least on the online scene. However, my puny, insignificant membe... ummm award paled into the background when the full glare of internet publicity (Ed: ain''t that a hoot?) fell on Maria and Paul when they also won IOMA''s Artist Of The Year 2005 Award. That, my friends, is pressure. Nonetheless, I''ve been keeping tabs on the Cambridgeshire contingent and know that they have lots of real-world stuff happening (a live band, gigs, opening of supermarkets, that kind of thing) but they''ve also become highly involved with animal welfare; as is typified here in the most heart-breaking song you are ever likely to hear - whatever your thoughts on animal welfare are. With its understated arrangement and production, I Am The Owner Of This Coat leaves Maria to fully express every single emotion it is possible for that tremendous voice to pour into an already emotive subject. The CD Music United For Animals has just been released and boasts this front and centre as track one - which it is, in every respect. (Ed: right, and this would be the vocalist you keep referring to as The Gob would it?)
Dear Maria & Paul,
Words can not express just how grateful we all are to you both for writing this beautiful song about our beloved Andrew. It was so very sad to lose our No 1 ambassador but the thousands of messages of support and now this wonderful (and very emotional) tribute to Andrew show us all that he certainly did not die in vain. His memory lives on with us all and once again strengthens our determination to end this barbaric suffering once and for all.
Andrew has and will continue to play his part in a unique journey and we thank you for playing your part in this journey too. Andrew’s memory will live on in the words of this song.
Best Wishes,
Dave Neale
UK Director
Animals Asia Foundation
Find out more about our historic China Bear Rescue and Friends or Food? projects by visiting the Animals Asia Foundation website at
Dear Maria and Paul,
I just anted to drop by and say how very proud I am to be your friend !!!!
In all that you do in your music, and education of us all, I want to give you an extra special thanks and recognition.
I know this might seem strange, but, I have made up a special award for you both. It''s called the;
This is in recognition of all your contributions to the world wide community through your amazing music and selfless giving of your time and energies to many causes that need to be addressed !!!!
I don''t have a certificate to give to you for this. I can only offer my words and deep gratitude for your continued concern and efforts to give those without a voice, that need assistance in being given some attention, and or, protection, a voice through all your actions and music.
I know that many people have been enriched by your music and willingness to offer compassion through education.
I am one of those people !!!!
MARIA DAINES & PAUL KILLINGTON *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
Zest Radio Show
Zest Radio Show announcement for Music United For Animals
''I am the owner of this coat''
Powerful, heart breaking song
Powerful, heart breaking song Here I am at work, bawling. I hope nobody comes in! Magnificent voice, such a sad song but so important to get the message out there especially as fur seems to be once again be gaining more popularity in the "fashion" world. Do these people not care or are they just clueless? Maybe both. This would be a great song to put in a documentary on the fur trade. I know some of the news shows (Dateline?) ran stories on the cat and dog fur trade, maybe they could be persuaded to re run those stories and add this song. The horse slaughter song is also a wonderful work, thank you so much for your efforts!
Reviewed by: summerhorse 3/1/2006
Beautiful Song for a Beautiful Animal
I burst into tears listening to this song such is the power of the emotion that welled up on hearing the words and music and thinking of Andrew''s tragic life and death! I wish this was a real hit song that millions would hear and maybe then some more would get done to save these beautiful bears!
Review of ''Andrew'' by: Bard of Ely 4/13/2006
Review by: Pinedog 9 August 2006
''Abandoned in Romania''
When a Light Shines
Where there is Love, there is Hope. Compassion spawns kindness and kindness is contagious. The arrangement is masterful both in it''s solemn demeanor and in it''s skillful delivery. I love how the silence speaks when you don''t. Images rise and emotions flow. This song will probably never be any huge hit because it makes people a bit uncomfortable to think about those who are abused and powerless. I guess Maria and Paul may have to be content with being the voice of the downtrodden, the forgotten and the mistreated. You dare to speak of things that are at the core of this world''s problems...the lack of love and compassion between living creatures on this planet. Maria, you are a gifted writer and Paul, your music is so in tune with her it''s incredible. Same wavelength. You may not be rich and famous yet, but you are dare to shine The Light into the dark corners of mankind''s behaviors where most do not want to look. The Light of Success as human beings shines both on you and from you. Beautiful song.