Jobs Cashflow Site 2.0 Wordpress Theme with MRR
Imagine Automated Income With Repeat Visitors for Simply Placing Free & Economical Classified Ads for Your Very Own Jobs Site
Owning a jobs site is lucrative because the content is updated daily and automatically, plus you get repeat traffic. Its easy hands off income.
Jan Nichols
Web Consultant
Dear Friend,
Im pleased to introduce you to a hot, in-demand, mega-content website that can help boost your cash flow. Its designed to keep bringing people back to your website. And when they come back, you can make money every time.
Please enjoy the new Jobs Cash flow Site 2.0 for one amazingly low, home business tax-deductible investment.
You get paid when someone clicks on a Google advertisement or buys a Clickbank product shown on every page. Its that simple!
Thats affiliate marketing in a nutshell. You never have to talk to a single person. You dont have to sell anything. You never stock a product. You dont process orders. Nothing. Nada. Zip! The companies on your website do all the work and pay you for helping them make sales. All you do is get people to your website. And best of all...
We Did Everything For You!
• Professional Website Design
• Top-Notch Internet Web Programming
• Tools To Keep Your Visitors Coming Back
• And Content That MILLIONS of Americans Want -- JOBS!
But How Much Money Can You Really Make?
Heres what you get paid automatically by these trusted internet businesses...
• Google: ads are positioned where they will be most likely to be clicked. Weve tested in many locations with many websites. And these are the optimum position to maximize your income. You make money when someone just clicks on an ad! Get paid $20.00 - $110.00 for every one hundred ad clicks
• Clickbank: product links are on every page in the top and bottom navigation bar. Its the Cover Letter, Interview Tips & Resume Maker links. Get paid $10 - $27 for every sale
But Thats Not All... We Also Built In 3 HIDDEN Income Streams!
Youre gonna love this! On every jobs results page is an auto responder called Weekly Job Alert. This brings people back to your website every week. (An auto responder is an automated email tool.) When your web visitor completes the short and quick responder form, he or she will see related encrypted Clickbank product links on the...
• Responder initial Thank You page
• Responder confirmation Thank You page and
• Every follow up email delivered
And It Gets Even BETTER!
• We host the auto responders for you at our GetResponse account
• We pre-loaded 20 weeks worth of follow up emails for each responder
• Your website name and web link are in each follow up email -- not ours
• The Clickbank product links in each email & responder thank you pages are split 50/50
• Your visitors go seemlessly from your site to our white label Thank You pages with your site name and back to your site
• You receive an email and their contact info every time you have a new subscriber
• Your website includes a contact form and every email sent to you immediately
• Multiple income links from Clickbank and Googles AdSense.
• Google AdSense and Clickbank ads embedded with your affiliate ID
• Complete installation manual with download
• No database! Just download, edit six IDs in the config file and upload. Thats it!
• PLUS we used advanced programming so the search engines see 323 Job Results HTML Pages that update everyday. This is huge for being listed in the top search engine results pages.
So Is There A Demo Site?
Even Better! Its a fully operational website. We like this site so much, we use it ourselves. Get a load of the hundreds of job titles under Browse Jobs!
But enough of me blabbing here. Check out a fully functional site (not a demo) that uses this exact web software here. Play with it, enjoy it and order your copy below.
How Do I Get Started?
Thats easy. Download your new site below. Just unzip the file. Edit six items. Upload the files. Its that easy! Your download includes an instruction manual and all the files needed for your new website. Grab your copy now and start making extra income.
Minimum Requirements...
Ability to unzip a file and edit a text file
Web hosting account for PHP 4/5 - no database required. NOT tested with Windows server
Affiliate accounts with AdSense and Clickbank
Experience uploading files via FTP or web-based admin panel
Installation optionally available through link in instruction manual
This Package Contains:
1. Jobs 2.0 Wordpress Theme
Must install in main directory or sub-domain directory License Summary...
[YES] Can sell the product to end users
[YES] Can sell resale rights
[YES] Can be re-sold
[YES] Can be packaged with other products
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus
[YES] Can be offered through auction sites
[YES] Can be added to all membership sites
NO] Can be given away
We do not guarantee that any form of financial success by using our products and services. Results vary. Hard work, diligence, knowledge, enthusiasm and motivation all play a vital role in your quest to make an income from your internet business.
ebooklover/ is not liable in any manner resulting from the use or misuse of this product.
Jobs Cash flow Site 2.0 Wordpress Theme with MRR.