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PSD Blowout V2 - Photoshop PSD Minisite Graphic Templates

PSD Blowout V2 - Unflattened Source PSD Graphics Set

Finally Get All The PSD Templates You Need To Produce Amazing Minisites & eCovers

Now's your chance to grab 24 unflattened RAW PSD projects to some of the best mini-sites available to date without having to design anything yourself!

Here's what you get...

Template PSD graphics - this is the 'front cover' of your mini-site template where your header, footer and page background, your sales letter, eCover graphics, and everything else is stored. You'll be able to fully edit, move and modify for your own site

Package PSD graphics - you'll receive the unflattened package graphics which may include a stack of CDs, boxes, DVD cases and more

eCover 2D PSD graphics - with the flat versions of each eCover, you'll be able to edit and render each file to make your own virtual products

Range of banner PSD graphics - you'll receive the raw banner files and animation script that's used to make your banners look so good. Edit how you wish to promote your products

Guarantee PSD graphics - guarantees improve conversions which is why we've included them in here for you to edit and re-word to suit your own product

Component box PSD graphics - the component box stores your module, or in-depth information about your product. Use it to redirect your visitor's eyes to the real meat of your product.

This collection contains the following products:

Video Marketing PSD Templates: Quality Unflattened PSDs
Hubpages PSD Templates - Quality Unflattened PSDs Pack
Craigslist Outsourcing Secrets Unflattened PSD Graphics Set
FTP Know How PSD Graphics Set
Consultation PSD Template: Unflattened PSD Graphics Pack
Wordpress Plugin Secrets PSD Template: Unflattened PSD Graphics
Secret Webinar Riches PSD Graphics Set
Info Product Academy PSD Graphics Set
Fiverr Gold Rush PSD Templates
Advance CB Paycheck Secrets PSD Templates Set
Email Marketing PSD Templates - Quality Minisite Graphics
Clickbank Paycheck PSD Templates
Business PSD Templates - Quality Unflattened PSDs
Web Branding DNA PSD Templates - Quality Unflattened PSDs
Twitter Marketing PSD Templates - Quality Unflattened PSDs
Super Affiliate Commissions PSD Templates
Public Speaking PSD Templates - Quality Unflattened PSDs
Overnight Cash Pump PSD Templates: Quality Unflattened PSDs
eCoaching Success PSD Templates - Quality Unflattened PSDs
Site Flipping Riches PSD Templates: Quality Unflattened PSDs
Facebook Profits PSD Templates - Quality Unflattened PSDs Pack
Conversion Profit PSD Templates - Quality Unflattened PSDs
Affiliate Blogging Secrets Unflattened RAW PSD Graphics Set
Public Domain PSD Template: Quality Unflattened PSD Graphics

Use them to create your own products or to improve existing ones or use them to help you come up with original designs.

*Special Bonus Package Just Added!*

High Res eCovers V2 - 3D eCover Templates - eCover Action Scripts

Secure Your Copy Now!
...And Start Producing Unique And Beautiful Sites That Stop Any Visitor In Their Tracks So They Actually Take The Time To Look At What You're Selling!
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