Basic Care for Your Horses
Basic Care for Your Horse is informative and will walk you through the steps to select, purchase, raise and train your horse.
Some people pay hundreds of dollars and end up purchasing the wrong horse for they purposes. The good news is that you with Basic Care for Your Horse you have a low cost answer to all your horse care questions.
Grab your copy today and in no time at all you will be riding into the sunset.
Inside Basic Care for Your Horse you learn:
Selecting Your Horse – learn about breeds, color and purposes.
Stabling – where to keep your horse, fencing, food storage.
Caring for your horse – feeding, exercising and grooming.
Your Horses Health – normal preventative care, special problems and when your horse is sick.
Tack – get all the answers about bits, bridles, saddles, halters, harnesses, ropes and more.
Clothing for the rider – learning about boots, pants, hats, dressage and more.
Different Equestrian Events – interested in showing your horse? Learn about horse shows, rodeos, gymkhanas, racing and more.
Selecting a farrier – to shoe or not to shoe you still need a farrier for keeping your horses feet healthy.
How to select a horse trainer – what to look for in a trainer.
Camping with your horse(s) – should you buy or rent a trailer?
History of horses – discover the evolution of the horse.
Horses and the handicapped – how horses are helping the handicapped.
Horses and Hollywood – from Silver to Trigger visiting famous horses in history.
Horses and Youth – how to help your youngsters raise, train and show horses.
Horse Associations – learn about the various organizations that certify pedigrees.