Twitter Marketing For Newbies
Heres How You Can Learn To Market Successfully Through Twitter
Dear Internet Marketer,
Have you ever tried to get on a train that has already left the station?
If you don’t know what Twitter is, then that is probably what has already happened to you in terms of business.
The fact is that the internet is changing, and social interaction between you and your customers is becoming more and more important.
Internet marketing is no longer about White Hat SEO, Black Hat SEO, cramming keywords into small paragraphs, linking to a million other websites or any of that complex stuff.
Weirdly, after more than a decade of evolution, web business has become all about customer service and such values as:
Offering a functional website
Offering 24 hour support for customers
Creating an intimate bond with your customers through information
Offering a quality product at a low price
Giving them a reason to come back again and again.
Whoever thought that SEO, which used to be all about satisfying and tricking search engine bots into visiting your site, would transform itself into a marketing and promotional game that offered the customer the best experience possible?
It seemed that in the past, everyone was looking for a short cut to success. It seems that those short cuts are no longer wanted, effective or considered cool.
Those of you in the know have probably known about this concept of being honest, serviceable and friendly for a little while now. The buzzword for it is Web 2.0.
So what does Web 2.0 have to do with Twitter?
One of the key concepts that is absolutely crucial to Web 2.0 is the idea that social networking sites like Facebook and Myspace should be used as ways of promoting your business.
The idea that these two social networking sites can be used as internet marketing tools has been around for a while but the networking tool that is beating the pants off those two sites in terms of simplicity, immediacy and effectiveness also happens to be the newest one - TWITTER.
How can something with such a light-weight name like TWITTER become such a powerful force when it comes to marketing?
In my ebook Twitter Marketing For Newbies, you will learn exactly how this shallow, silly and entertaining program became number one in marketing.
First of all, you need to realize that people have changed how they search for information.
Up until recently, anyone who went looking for info on the internet did a Google search. Now it’s more than likely that they will log on to their favorite social network to pose the same questions to their online friends.
Perhaps the word friends seems out of place in the icy and cutthroat world of internet marketing, but that is just my point. The internet is becoming a much friendlier place to be and people all over the world are genuinely becoming friends over the world wide web.
This also means that if they want to do business, they want to do it with a FRIEND. This means YOU - even if you are trying to sell them something.
Most internet marketers are aware of this trend towards trying to create intimacy with customers, and I know that when I first heard about Web 2.0, I went to great lengths to do the following:
Provide helpful information on my site so my customers would come back to use me as a resource
Make sure that no matter what my site was up 24/7
Provide online telephone and chat support that was also available 24/7
Make the payment process absolutely seamless as possible so that they would trust me
Send out weekly newsletters via email
Publish a blog to create a sense of intimacy with my customers
Give customers my Windows Messenger and Skype so I am available to them personally at any time
Create a podcast so that they could become familiar with me personally and what I have to sell
Make my presence as a business known on both and, which are the two main social networking sites.
I did all of this, but my business still did not thrive as much as my competition’s.
I knew about Twitter, but I thought it was too fluffy to meet my needs. I guess it was the name.
I guess I was under some kind of delusion that Twitter was for kids who liked to text on cell phones. I had no idea that it was one of the fastest rising interactive social networking applications in the world.
In fact, it was so popular that President Barack Obama was using it to keep people informed throughout his entire presidential campaign!
Twitter is a powerful medium and media tool!
So JUST what exactly is TWITTER?
Twitter is a site that millions of people are logging on to every day. It allows people to communicate almost instantly and in a public way.
Every time you add someone to your friends list, other people will see it. They will also see your communications.
It is a fun site that allows you to have very open conversations with other members. It is a very easy place to meet people, laugh with them, spread news, learn from others and become involved in a good way.
The main form of communication is a little box that has a kind of status update. It is similar to the status update you see on Facebook. As it is short, it can also fit every message or tweet
Tweets can also be read on a mobile phone. This means that any advertising message that you have can also be read on a phone. It is versatile because you can use it from your computer, mobile phone or almost any other kind of hand held device.
As it is so easy to get to know people on Twitter, it is also a great place to market your business, PROVIDED you go about it in the right way.
In my book Twitter Marketing For Newbies, you will learn what this powerful yet simple marketing tool is all about including -
How to microblog in 140 characters or less using the Twitter What are you doing status update.
How to send messages from your computer
How to send messages to a mobile device
How to read the data output such as the following, followers and updates fields on Twitter
Exactly how popular it is, and how much the site is expected to grow according to evidence from reputable market research studies conducted by Quantcast, O’Reilly Research and
How to navigate the entire process of making friends before you start marketing anything to them
How to make the most of the number of messages that Twitter allows you to send and avoid being kicked off the site for spamming
Understanding the adding customers one by one principle
How to avoid getting addicted while you try to get targeted visitors to your website.
How to intermingle your brand with Twitter messages
How to find people with similar interests to your own and market specifically to them
How to discard business terms but still get your message across
How to find valuable contacts and stay away from contacts that seem impressive but are actually PR stunts, such as the sites that are devoted to celebrities
How to write a concise but effective user profile that can be featured by Quantcast
How to tie a Wordpress blog to your Twitter account to keep people posted on what you are all about
How to personalize your profile so people do not see you as overtly selling to them, but rather as someone they would like to befriend
How to quickly and efficiently build a list of followers
How to strategically choose people you will want to follow, to increase your own list
How to use the search function to find people with like interests or who might be interested in buying from your website
How to initially pump up your list by inviting people to join you through email.
Learn How To Automate Your Twitter Account
In my ebook I also do not skimp on the technical advice, and I give you all kinds of information about plugins and other helpful devices.
You will learn -
All about the WordPress plugin from Tweet My Blog that can help make money online
How to use Twitterfeed to pipe a feed to your Twitter account from any type of account
How to use a JavaScript plugin that can be tied into your own Twitter account
Where you can find a simple plugin that will add a sidebar that contains tweets to your site
How to add Twitter badges to all of your sites so that everyone knows you are using Twitter.
How to use sites like Limeshot Design to customize Twitter badges that you can put on your site
How to use the widgets application at the bottom of the Twitter page to help your visitors follow you to your Twitter status updates
How to use Tweetdeck to help you categorize incoming tweets into various programs
How to use the Twitter Fan Wiki page to your best advantage to subtly advertise your site
How to use a site like TweetLater to send out automatic thank you messages as soon as someone decides to follow you and join you as a friend on Twitter.
How to use Twhirl so that you can automatically post your Tweets to other accounts you might have on sites like Jaiku, Myspace and Facebook.
Are You Ready to Make Your Message on Twitter Become a Part of Everyday Life for Millions of People?
Twitter Marketing For Newbies
Remember that your objective here is to build a list of followers as quickly as possible without offending people who have enlisted on the site. After all, they are there to make friends, not be sold stuff.
Yet, I am going to show you how to successfully become friends with the people who follow you on Twitter.
If you don’t learn how to do this, then Twitter could see you as a spammer or stalker and terminate your account.
Only in Twitter Marketing For Newbies will you learn how to get by these rules and turn your friends on Twitter into customers.
I outline it all for you in chapters such as It’s called a social site for a reason ...
I teach you things such as ..
How to keep the fact that Twitter is a social site in your line of sight at all times
How to retain a degree of balance between the marketing goals that you have and providing useful information to your followers for free
How to perceive Twitter as a mailing list
How to avoid becoming addicted to Twitter and letting it be a big drain on your time
The two best times of the day to be on Twitter socializing with your customers
How to lead your customers to things you may have put on YouTube
How to create posts that invite reactions from other people
Why it is important to reply as often as you can to other people’s posts
How to write marketing posts that sound conversational
How to listen to what your tweeters have to say and treat it like market research.
Where to find skins and backgrounds to make your Tweet space more attractive
What the best free Photoshop-like program is on the internet and where to find it
How to write a review rather than send your followers a direct URL so you do not get kicked off the site
Don’t get the idea that this is any kind of vague book about how to use Twitter. I devote chapters to the absolute specifics of marketing with Twitter.
Do you want to know exactly what to do step by step?
Twitter Marketing For Newbies is loaded with screenshots and instructions that are very simple to follow.
I teach you how to put your best tweets forward by explaining -
How to use the site to drive traffic to your web pages
How to grab more publicity and expand your network
How to call up the specific URL of an individual tweet and use it to your advantage
How to load your tweets with targeted keyword phrases
How to get people to retweet for you and add it to their own page
The codes that you can give people that help them easily retweet their page (or you could use these same codes yourself!)
How to use Twitter Blaster to bring free traffic to your sales page virally by using the Twitter network
How to use hashtags to increase the visibility of your tweets
What sites you MUST put information about your twister profile on ...
And much much more...
Are you ready to twitter your way to profits and a popularity with your customers and clients that you never thought would be possible?
Are you ready to finally master marketing on one of the most important social networking sites there is and cut the time you spend on other forms of SEO in half!
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