MP3 Todd Mae - Until The End
Folk rock. Electrifies listeners with his acoustic sound.
10 MP3 Songs
POP: Folky Pop, FOLK: Power-folk
Folk rock artist Todd Mae of San Francisco, CA, electrifies listeners with his acoustic sound. With a winning team of lustrous melodies, satisfying rhythms and poignant thoughts, Mae''s carefully woven tapestries of sound envelop the audience in a finely textured universe of organic aural artistry. This is definitive folk songwriting, the spirit of music manifest in your ears.
Todd Mae acknowledges music''s power as a catalyst. Music is a device that can spur people to action; it is a carrier of ideas and inspiration. “Music makes me feel inspired to do,” says Mae. Songs nudge us toward unity and a better world, and Mae uses his music to convey his message while offering listeners solid entertainment value. “Music inspires me to give, to love and to share.” Mae hopes that his own songs can function as that kind of impetus in others'' lives.
If it''s not personal, asserts Mae, then you can''t expect people to listen. Connections happen human to human and if there''s nothing of the artist in the music – if it''s not written from a place of artistic honesty and emotional intelligence – then there''s nothing of the person in the song for the audience to connect with. “Write from a personal perspective,” says Mae. He also attributes his music''s artistic integrity and emotive potency with the fact that he doesn''t cater to a specific genre or style; rather, he lets the music flow naturally. “I don''t really know how to play anything other than my music. I didn''t learn to play the guitar by laboring over my favorite artists songs. Really I don''t feel like I''m able to play, I just try to make the strings resonate in a pleasant fashion. The inspiration to write typically occurs when I feel very strongly about something, which occurs at no specific frequency and follows no cycle. It could be while eating a bag of Fritos, noticing the "Low Fat" label, but staring at 400 mg of sodium in the dietary label. Thinking to myself, wow, lowered my saturated fat intake, but raised my blood pressure. That song would probably be called "Lose-Lose."
Touring is in the works for fall of 2007 and spring of 2008. He has just completed a follow-up to his 2003 effort. It''s called “Until the End” and just hit the streets. He is currently working with A&R Select, the leading A&R firm in Hollywood, CA.
“Mae writes songs the fan embraces willingly but which offers challenges to the listener, encouragement to better himself and the world around him.” - A&R Select