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*NEW* Quick Page Generator | Create Hundreds Of Real Content Pages Wihout Spamming The Search Engines

How A Little Known U.S. Government
Law Will Provide You With Thousands Of
Pages Relevant Niche Content That Won't
Get You Banned From Search Engines.

I Just Took Advantage Of This Law And In Less Than
Five Minutes I Creaeted A 362 Page Website With My
Adsense Codes And An Opt-In Email Form On Each Page!

See The Site I Created By Clicking Here!

Dear Friend,

Let's get straight to the point.

If you're, new to marketing online, or even if you're a seasoned expert you know that building traffic to your website is no easy task. You probably already know that search engines are the best free way to get more targeted visitors to your website.


Getting Maximum Search Engine Traffic
Depends Greatly On How Many Times You Can
Replicate Yourself Throughout The Internet.

This means your website you needs to have several pages of relevant content. And the more original your content is the better your site will do because the largest search engine in the world, Google, is the source of over 70% of all search engine traffic and originality is one of the factors they use when considering how high your site will rank.

That means grabbing a few articles from some ezine article directory just won't be as effective as it used to be because your just duplicating content that is more than likely already available from possibly hundreds of other websites.

So you only have a few more choices...

1. You could write the content your self. Sure you can probably add a few pages you your site site every month but in order to get lots and lots of traffic you would have to write hundreds and in some cased thousands of pages which will eat away at your precious time...

2. You could hire a ghost writer to create original content for you but a quality ghost writer who delivers fast will more that likely cost you $50-$100 for 20 pages of content or less.

3. You could use some page generation software that creates content from search engine results or some other method and risk getting your website BANNED from the search engines.

So is there a better solution to easily generate traffic without wasting too much of your precious time or hard earned money?


There Are Literally Millions Of Keyword
Rich Pages Of Niche Content That You Can
Legally Steal As Written Under U.S. Laws!

These content rich pages are available for anyone to use for any reason, including commercial gain which is clearly outlined under the Public Domain policies of the United States copyright laws.

This Public Domain policy states that...


You can legally reproduce and use any, book, manuscript, transcript, film, art work, or recording published before 1923.

And what's more is that any thing that was published between 1923 and 1963 where the copyrights where not renewed also falls into the Public Domain. It has been estimated that less than 93% of these works were NEVER renewed.

That Means You Can Rightfully Copy Each And
Every Word From A Public Domain Book Or
Document And Turn It Into 1000's Of Pages
Of REAL Content For Your Website.

And It's A Lot Easier Than You Think...

1. Find a public domain book relevant to the market you want to target. I'll show you how to find public domain books in over 16,000 U.S.

Public Libraries right from your desk top. If your local library doesn't have a copy of the book you want I'll show you how you can get books shipped to your local library so that you can use them.

2. Simply scan the book using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) software. OCR software will scan the pages of the book and instead of tuning them into images it will turn them into actual text that you turn into a .txt file or copy and past into MicroSoft Word.

If you don't have a scanner or OCR software I'll show you how you can still get your books scanned and turned into text.

3. Now you've got a huge text file but how do you turn it into hundreds of optimized traffic sucking web pages?


Works In Under 5 Minutes!...

This Software Will Turn Your Public Domain Text
Files Into Hundreds Of Highly Optimized Organized Web
Pages, With Your Adsense Codes, Opt-In Email Forms, And
Just About Anything You Can Put Into A regular HTML file..

Just Create Two Template Pages.

You'll Need To Create An HTML Template For
Your Index Page And Another HTML Template
For Your Content Pages By Using A Few Special
Tags That You Can Copy From The Software.

Locate the text file that you want to use as your
content pages and set the words per page.

Set Your Title, META Keywords,
and META Description Tags.

Set The Text Links That Will Connect Your Pages
Together. You Can Use Any Text For The Previous
Page, Next Page, and Index Page.

Load The Location Of Your Index And Page Templates.

Set The Location Where You Would Like To Save
Your Newly Generated Index Page And Your Content
Pages And Set The File Names For Your Content Pages.

Then Click The Generate Button....

But Will This Software Get You A
#1 Listing In The Search Engines?

While I can't make the bold claim that this software will get you a number one listing in the search engines over night I can tell you this...

Your Sites Won't Get Banned From The
Search Engines Using This Software
Unless You Do Something Stupid.

Originality counts in the search engines and most of your content pages will be "considered " to be very original because there are tens of thousands of works in the public domain and even if some one else is targeting the same niche that you are there's about a one-in-a-million chance that they will use the same public domain book that you do.

The truth is 99% of webmasters won't ever even know about this content creation method in the first place.

Also this isn't some "slight of hand" trickery that uses search engine listings as content. That type of content can get your websites kicked out of search engines for ever.

Why risk it....

Just create REAL relevant content pages with out all the worries so you can....


Generate More Traffic

Build Your Adsense Revenues

Get More Opt In Subscribers

Get More Hits To Your Product Pages


I'll Even Show You How To Find
Public Domain Content On Just
About Any Topic You Can Imagine!

Note: You're About To Unlock The Keys
To Building Your Information Product Empire!

($97.00 Value)

You’ll learn from such well-known experts as:
Russell Brunson –

Founder and owner of https://www.tradebit.com, a website that allows Internet entrepreneurs to obtain hot public domain products without the worry of research and creating marketing materials.
James Jones –

Publisher of Kick Butt Business Ideas, which produces products designed to help entrepreneurs start their own home-based businesses or create additional revenue streams for an existing business.
Dave Vallieres –

Editor of The Public Domain Reports and an Internet entrepreneur who has made his living creating digital information products and marketing them online and offline.

You'll discover...

* How to protect your public domain project from being stolen, with full legal protection!

* How to create 'instant' businesses you can profit from in less than 24 hours with little-known free sources of public domain works!

* Where to easily find works in the public domain- some of which may be in your own home library, in your neighborhood or at your local used book store!

* How to re-package public domain info for the highest profits!

* What one document you must have when re-publishing public domain info to protect yourself from legal problems!

* How to perform a copyright search to determine if the work you want to re-publish is in the public domain!

* The surest marketing methods for converting your public domain information into a salable product that will generate cash profits for years to come!

* Where to find public domain information and other creative works online, for free!

* Where to find public domain works you can re-publish right in your area using classified ads!

* How to tell, with a quick look, if a work is in the public domain or not!

* 10 ways you can re-package public domain information!

* Where to find services and products that will get your public domain re-publishing business off the ground fast!

* What you should say to people who challenge your 'rights' to re-publish a work in the public domain! And why saying the wrong thing will get you in a mess of trouble!

Are You Ready To Take Advantage Of
One Of The Greatest Website Content
Creation Methods And Information
Publishing Opportunities In History!...

Click Button Below To Order Now For Just $57

Order Now And You'll Get
An Entire System To...

Create Product-After-Product
And Crank Out Multi Page Traffic
Sucking Websites To Sell Them!

Using the Public Domain you can churn out product after product. And Quick Page Generator will help you to generate the traffic to sell sell your products, increase your Google Adsense revenue, and . boost your Opt-In subscription rates.

You could easily create just 10 websites with QPG. Now what if those websites were making you $300 each per month, you'd be making $3000 per month. Ordering this package now makes that goal more than possible!...

Tags: ocr software, search engines
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This file is sold by masterkeys, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 1 megabytes
File Type ZIP
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