MP3 Chetan Tierra - The Art Of Chetan Tierra
Classical piano music
13 MP3 Songs
CLASSICAL: Traditional, EASY LISTENING: Background Music
Critically acclaimed for his "warm tone" and "soulful manner,"* emerging young American pianist Chetan Tierra has been seen on concert stages in North America and Europe since the age of six. He holds prizes in over twenty competitions including first prize and the gold medal at the Eighth California International Young Artists Competition, first prize at the Twenty-Eighth Frinna Awerbuch International Piano Competition, and second prize at the Eighteenth New Orleans International Piano Competition. He has been featured on Italy''s "teleblu" tv channel, as well as on WCLV and KUSP radio stations.
Among many performances, Mr. Tierra made his Carnegie Hall debut in November, 2006. Other noteworthy performances include appearances with the Santa Cruz Symphony, the Cleveland Institute of Music Orchestra, and the TSO orchestra at the Brevard Music Festival. Upcoming engagements include concerto performances with the Louisiana Philharmonic, the Viana do Castelo Music Festival Orchestra in Portugal, and solo performances in New York, New Orleans, San Diego, and Santa Cruz.
Mr. Tierra gives most of his credit to current teacher and world class pianist, Antonio Pompa-Baldi, and his gifted former teacher, Hans Boepple. He has also had the priviledge to work with Peter Serkin, Misha Dichter, Yoheved Kaplinsky, Sergei Babayan, Daniel Shapiro, Paul Schenly, Emma Tahmizian, Alvin Chow, Pawel Skrzypek, and Bruce Murray. Currently residing in Cleveland, Ohio, Chetan is completing his studies at the Cleveland Institute of Music.
* From the Times-Picaynne, New Orleans