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6 HOT Niche Reports - with FULL Private Label Rights + BONUS

Comes with FULL Private Label Rights, and a Mystery BONUS!

Get 6 Smoking Hot Niche Reports - Complete With *FULL* Private Label Rights!

Total: 444 Pages: 94,597 Words!

All the reports come in .DOC format! You can do anything you want with them - sell them, change or modify them, or anything else!

List of PLR Reports You Will Get in This Package:

1. Acne Free System - with PLR!

58 Pages: 9,076 words!

Put An End To Costly Chemical Drugs Or Painful Treatments That Just Don't Work!

Discover The Scientifically Proven Secrets To Permanently Removing Acne With Simple Home Based Treatments That Are Guaranteed To Work!

You'll get a complete system that makes elimination of acne exceptionally easy, even in severe cases:

- Discover how you can instantly prevent acne flare-ups with natural remedies that are proven to work. Never worry about permanently damaging or scarring your skin with dangerous chemicals or procedures again.

- Simple, safe and pain free methods of eliminating acne, rather than just temporarily masking the problem. These are fool proof techniques that will begin to work instantly!

- Instantly save time and money by eliminating any need for expensive creams, lotions, or expensive prescriptions!

- Give your social life an instant adrenaline shot! Rediscover your self confidence and reclaim the life you were meant to have!

- Gain the freedom from anxiety over white heads, black heads, painful sores and exhausting daily, time consuming "maintenance" rituals

- Permanently eliminate embarrassing situations by never again having to carry around 'acne baggage' again. Throw out the dozens of facial creams, pills and face packs for good, and simply wake up, shower and get on the move!

This product is split into 2 Modules:

Module#1: Acne Free System

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. Natural Acne Remedies

3. Treating Acne

4. Outrageous (but effective) Home Remedies

5. Removing Acne Scars

6. Treating Acne with Medication

7. Acne and Hormone Balancing Treatments

8. The Best Nutritional Acne Diet

9. Conclusion

Module#2: Acne Myths & Misconceptions:

Table of Contents:

1. The Truth About Acne

-Black Heads
-White Heads

2. Acne Conglobata

3. Acne Fulminans

4. Gram Negative Folliculitis

5. Pyoderma Faciale

6. Keloidalis

7. Acne Rosacea

8. Acne Myths

-Myth #1: Acne Is Caused By Poor Hygiene
-Myth #2: Acne Is Caused By Your Diet
-Myth #3: Acne Is Caused By Stress & Anxiety
-Myth #4: Acne Will Disappear On Its Own
-Myth #5: Tanning Will Eliminate Acne
-Myth #6: Breaking the Zit Will Clear It Up
-Myth #7: Only Teenagers Suffer From Acne


2. Get You Ex Back - Forever - with PLR!

60 Pages: 19,259 words!

Discover How To Get Back Your Ex And Re-Ignite That Missing Spark In Your Relationship!

It doesn't matter just how over your relationship may feel because you're going to learn the tips and techniques to save your relationship and bring it back from the brink!

This ebook will offer you:

- Quick Tips and Tricks to Boost Your Confidence So Your Ex Will See a New and Improved Side of You

- The Right Information That Will: Guide You toward a Positive Decision-Making Processes To Help You

- Where the Source of the Problem Lies and How to Stop It From Sabotaging Your Relationship Again

- Techniques And Activities That Not Only Win Back Your Ex, But Also Keep Him Or Her From Ever Straying Again and so much more

Table of Contents:

1. Understanding Why Your Relationship Ended (And Why It's Not Over Just Yet)

-Why Lovers Say Goodbye
-Why Men Check Out of the Relationship
-Why Women Leave Their Men
-Constant Arguing and Fights

2. Don't Panic - Your Key to Winning Back Their Love

-Where Does the Panic Come From?
-Take a Break
-Avoiding Avoidance
-You Need This Time
-They Need This Time
-Give Yourself a Break
-Reconnect With Old Friends
-Renew a Hobby
-Focus More Energy at Work
-Avoiding Depression
-Managing Your Feelings Using The Fast Forward Technique

3. Removing the Splinter in Your Relationship?

-Where Did You Go Wrong?
-Looking at the Positives
-Noticing the Negatives
-A Word About Infidelity
-Why Do You Want To Get Back Together?
-The Lies We Tell Ourselves
-This is The Truth!
-Legitimate Reasons to Explore
-Making Big Changes
-Re-evaluating Your Goals
-Where Do They Stand?
-Once You've Made the Decision

4. Re-Igniting the Spark of Passion and Desire

-Begin With the Body
-Get Moving
-You Are What You Eat
-Fruits and Veggies
-Feed Your Body Fat
-Hydration for Health
-Matching Your Mind with Your Body
-Write It Down
-Depend On Your Friends
-Advice from a Pro
-Focus on Fun
-Avoid Substances
-Your Appearance
-The Next Step

5. Dates and Lovers - How Other People Can Actually Bring You Back Together
With Your Ex

-Making the Decision to Date
-Moving On
-Keeps Your Mind Off Your Ex
-Fighting Phobia
-Taking the First Steps
-High-Tech Dating
-Speed Dating
-Dinner Dating Clubs
-The Great Setup
-Making a Dating Plan
-Dating Etiquette
-If Your Ex is Dating...
-Rebound Relationships
-Reconnecting With Your Ex

6. Easing Back Into Your Relationship to Solidify Your Love

-How Do You Feel?
-The First Contact
-Dating Danger
-Getting a Yes
-Getting a No
-Preparing for the Date
-Put Your Best Foot Forward
-During the Date
-Avoid Upset
-Keep Things Light
-The Instant Reconnect Technique
-At the End of the Night
-Ending the Date
-If Your Ex Asks You...
-Tension Rising
-Continuing to Date

7. About Sex- IMPORTANT!

-Advice to Men
-Advice to Women
-If Your Date Goes All Wrong
-Talking About Being Together
-Moving' On
-The Next Steps

8. Maintaining the Fun and Love Without Dredging Up Old Wounds and Arguments

-Find the Fun
-Weekly Date Nights
-Keeping Things Fun From Day to Day
-Take Time
-Letting Go of the Past
-Give the Gift of Independence
-Embracing Disagreement
-Choose to Forgive
-Forgive and Forget
-Dealing With the Other People In Your Life
-Enjoy the Honeymoon
-Things May Not Be What You Expect

9. When Your Relationship Can't Be Saved - Moving On With Grace

-Keep Up the Good Habits
-Continue to Play the Field
-Leave Your Ex Alone
-Avoiding a Rebound
-Learn to Love Yourself
-Learn From Your Mistakes
-Don't Make Major Life Decisions
-Let Yourself Grieve

-Time Will Heal You
-Growing and Changing


3. Muscle Building System - with PLR!

122 Pages: 18,352 words!

Learn How to Build Muscles and Get the Body of Your Dreams!

Discover The Proven Secrets Of Pro Trainers In Achieving Massive Muscle Growth, Quickly And Easily!

Here's just a bit of what you will learn inside the guide:

- Eliminate any chance of failure by following my proven strategy for maximizing your weight training and packing on layers of muscle in less time than anything you've ever tried before!

- Discover my fast action training series that reveals step by step instructions on how to speed up your muscle growth and sustain your bulk doing LESS training than your current routine! I hand you my personal training routine so that you can follow the exact system that has added over 47 pounds of muscle to my body in less than 18 weeks!

- Detailed instructions on what you NEED to do every week in order to add pounds of muscle to your frame, regardless how big or small you are! These are critical elements you MUST incorporate into your fitness training in order to see the results you've been looking for!

- Complete diet plan featuring the power foods that will play a huge factor in the effectiveness of your weight training. Super charge your efforts quickly by adding a handful of basic foods to your daily diet! (Comes complete with recipe guides)

- Mass Scale Training methods finally revealed! These are secret strategies revealed by a hardcore personal trainer who has helped countless bodybuilders bulk up in record time!

- If you are even considering entering a competition you NEED to read Page 82 first! I reveal the exact strategies used by countless winners who have mentally and physically prepared for some of the most competitive contests out there. Gain the unfair advantage by following this quick-start preparation guide!

This product is split into 2 Modules:

Module#1: Muscle Building System:

Table of Contents:

1. Muscle Building Introduction

2. Training Exercises

3. Extensive Workouts

4. Power Foods Defined

5. Meal Plans: Print Out

6. Rested Performance

7. The Truth About Supplements

8. Body Building For Women

9. A Note About Competitions

10. Final Words: Conclusion

Module#2: Muscle Building System - Short Report:

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. New Bodybuilders

3. Muscle Building Workouts

4. Focused On Success

5. Maximizing Your Weight Training Performance

6. Eating For Success

7. Muscle Building Supplements

8. Final Tips


4. Online Dating Secrets - with PLR!

76 Pages: 20,390 words!

Secrets of Attracting and Meeting Women!

Discover The Shocking Strategies Used By Online Dating Pros To Stand Out From The Crowd And Land More Dates Than The "Beefiest" Guy On The Market!

Here is just a bit of what you'll discover within the "Dating Insider" guide:

- Discover how to create a shocking profile that will drive in traffic and leave women literally begging for your attention! These are the insider strategies to gaining more attention than even the muscle ripping jocks or the multi millionaire playboys!

- Find out what you need to avoid so that your online dating experience is the best it can be! You need to be careful of these common dating scams that prey on guys like you.

- Instantly save time and money by finding as many attractive women who are interested in pursuing a relationship without the head games! Don't spend a fortune on monthly dating subscriptions when you can follow my strategy to landing dates in record time!

- Give your social life an instant adrenaline shot! If it's been awhile since you've been successful in love, now is the time to turn it all around! I'll show you exactly what you need to do to guarantee success in every online dating community you venture into!

- Avoid humiliating face to face meetings by planning out the perfect date following my simple strategy! Never set up yourself up for disappointment again!

And MUCH More!

This product is split into 2 Modules:

Module#1: Online Dating Secrets:

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. Beginning Your Online Dating Adventure

3. Not Just For Geeks

4. Creating An Attractive Profile

5. Maximizing Your Chances Of Success

6. Before First Contact: Must Read

7. Avoiding Online Dating Scams

8. Planning Your First Date

9. Conclusion

Module#2: Online Dating Secrets - Short Report:

Table of Contents:

1. What Are Online Dating Services All About?

2. How Online Dating Sites Work

3. Online Dating Tips for Beginners

4. Online Dating Help for Newbies: Writing Your Profile

5. Choosing Online Dating Sites for Beginners

6. Why So Many Beginners Use Online Dating Sites

7. Common Do's and Don'ts for Online Dating

8. Avoiding the Common Online Dating Scams

9. Online Dating Site Steps for Newbies

10. Online Dating: Free Trial Memberships for Beginners

11. Keeping the Riskiness Out of Online Dating

12. Getting to Know People on Online Dating Sites

13. Advantages of Online Dating for Beginners

14. Choosing an Online Dating Site

15. Precautions to Take with Online Dating

16. Online Dating: Filling Out Your Profile

17. Can Online Dating Sites Help You Find Your Soulmate?

18. Ways to Be Safe

19. Dating for the First Time

20. First Date Tips for Men

21. How to Make A Woman Find You Attractive

22. Dating Tips for Women

23. Breaking the Ice on the First Date

24. Making Sure the First Date is Not the Only Date

25. First Time Online Dating Tips for Beginners


5. Successful Seduction - with PLR!

70 Pages: 13,802 words!

The Complete Guide to Attracting and Dating Beautiful Women!

Discover How to Get HOT Women Into Your Bed Without Acting Fake, Without Following A Complicated System, And Without Being A "Weirdo.

No phony routines. No stress. No feeling rejected.

It's Being Called "The Holy Grail" Of Seduction For A Reason!

Inside you'll discover...

- Step-by-step guides of REAL pick-ups, from casual sex to meaningful relationships. These are my BEST stories -- many are legendary -- and all are true!

- How to have IRON CLAD confidence, so that women know EXACTLY who you are and become attracted to YOU ... not some "avatar" or phony personality you "put on" for a Friday night.

- Why beautiful women are rejected MORE OFTEN than you are ... (This is MIND-BENDING stuff, and it will help you determine when you are accidentally telling a hot woman off!)

- The Infamous "Toll Booth Method". How I go from meeting a hot girl -- to having her drag me into the bathroom as we're making out in a matter of minutes. (Chapter 6)

- The #1 place women go when they are looking for a man (and it's free). This is a scientifically proven hot spot most men are totally unaware of.

- How to never feel rejection again. A tip for having a near-100 success rate when approaching a woman.

- 3 things you should NEVER to say to a woman (this will KILL the mood immediately) ... and what to say instead.

- How to get away with CRAZY stuff -- such as making out in public places or getting a woman's phone number with her boyfriend standing beside her, dumbfounded! The trick involves a certain physical cue you're probably using incorrectly...

- Why you might be CREEPING women out, and what to do about it. (Many guys have told me this was THE most valuable part of the book.)

- The secret to having attractive women do things for YOU -- that means, buying you drinks, cooking for YOU, giving you gifts, etc. - whatever you'd like. There's a trick to this, and it works in a way so that they enjoy it, and are even asking for more ways to please you. (There's a limit to what you can do with this, but the limit is VERY high.)

- The #1 thing 99.7 of guys do that makes them LESS attractive. Here's a hint: It starts with an "A". (This tip alone is worth $37.)

- The REAL secret to impressing a woman (Hint: It has nothing to do with what you say, how much money you have, or what you look like, and ALL women can spot it as soon as you enter the room.)

- NEVER tell a woman she's _________, if you want a sexual relationship with her. The answer is in Chapter 3.

- How I turned a "nerdy hobby" of mine into a sexy turn-on for hot women. (Yes, you read this right. You CAN be a total "geek" and get laid. I'll show you how to do it.)

- Why putting on clothes "to get laid" is counterproductive and stupid. I'll give you the real deal when it comes to fashion that attracts women instantly.

- How to compliment a woman so that she beams with happiness, rather than runs for the "Exit". (There is a creepy way to compliment and there is a smooth way to compliment. I'll tell you which is which.)

- 3 easy ways to tease a woman that gets her TURNED ON. If she's not pulling off your pants after using these tips, just write me an email and I'll refund your money! (Seriously!)

- An easy-to-use trick to get you a woman kissing you before you even know her name. It takes less than 60 seconds - it's fun to do, and you won't look like a creep.

- One simple comment (not a "pick-up line") that gets a woman to buy YOU a drink. It's so easy, and it WORKS, you'll be slapping yourself on the forehead when you hear it.

- How to seduce those smoking hot, stuck up women who care only about money without spending a penny.

- How to guide a woman through vivid fantasies and fantastic role-plays that make her literally addicted to you. I've found this is the best way to build long term attraction with beautiful women -- and I'll show you exactly what to do.

- Why you should NEVER talk about your "job" ... and what to talk about instead. (Hint: It starts with a "P".)

- How to use laughter to get her in bed -- and fall in love with you. The best part is - you don't have to be a "comedian" to get this to work.

- 3 effective ways to show interest in a gorgeous woman (and get her to your bedroom) WITHOUT communicating "loserdom", desperation, or sexual frustration like all the rest of the guys.

- How to have her feel like she's with a rockstar, even if you're job "sucks"! (Women want guys who are in unique, powerful positions of passion. I'll show you how to turn YOUR profession into something cool.)

- 1 simple piece of advice ANY man can follow starting TONIGHT that is guaranteed to improve your success with women -- and it's drop dead simple.

- And much, much, MUCH more ...-

WARNING: This Will NOT Work For Everyone.

"Successful Seduction" Only Works If...

- You're NOT too much of a wuss to try something new.
- You're willing to be yourself.
- You're willing to forget some of the lies, myths, snakeoil salesmanship, and just straight garbage that's being taught and sold in dating and seduction.

If you're willing to do these 3 things, let me take you by the hand and personally TRANSFORM YOU into the man you were meant to be.

This product is split into 2 Modules:

Module#1: Successful Seduction:

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

-Who am I?
-What is "routine" and why is it bad?
-Why do people follow a routine?
-Be yourself!

2. Part 1. Your personality

3. Part 2. Tips, Tricks, and Secrets

- Never apologize for who you are
- Accessorize
- Never compliment physical beauty
- Tease
- Never do what you don't want to do
- Make ridiculous demands
- Have your date buy you a drink
- Role play
- Never talk about your job unless you can do it in an exciting way
- Talk about your passions
- Be a passionate person
- Look for women where you are the most comfortable
- Be happy
- Realize that even beautiful women get rejected
- Imagine how they feel

4. Conclusion

Module#2: Successful Seduction - Short Report:

Table of Contents:

1. The Fine Art Of Seduction

2. Guy Gets Girl

3. Approaching Women

4. Questions First, Drinks Later

5. Compliments Versus Negging

6. Best Pick Up Lines


6. Total Time Control - with PLR!

61 Pages: 13,890 words!

Effective Time Management for Busy People

Do you want to get rid of your dreadful "time-wasting" habits and start doing things in an organized, efficient manner?

Give Me a Few Minutes and I'll Show You How to Quickly and Effectively Get More Done in a Week Than What Most People Can Accomplish in a Month!

Check out just SOME of the information you will find inside Super Tactics of Time Management Experts:

- Necessary pre-requisites to help you manage your time effectively.

- Main factors in determining your personal time.

- How to become proficient in the art of prioritizing.

- A very powerful tactic that can help you get more things done in one week than what most people can accomplish in a month.

- The most notorious (and oftentimes irresistible) activities that steal away most of your time, and how you can effectively overcome them.

- How to make your time productive when you really can't avoid the time thieves.

- How to do just once what people are doing many times.

- How to make emails work for you in your pursuit to save time.

- How to finish your job in much lesser time and attain a balanced life.

- Extraordinary methods to gain more direction in accomplishing whatever needs to be done.

- Significant factors to boost your job performance and efficiency.

- How to triple or quadruple your time to enjoy life to the fullest.

- How to relieve yourself of tasks that you hate to do.

- Super tactic to give you the right motivation.

- Practical tips to overcome procrastination.

- Three important aspects in planning your moves.

- Motivational tools to give you the zest in starting out a task or duty with vibrant enthusiasm.

- Important things to remember in setting goals.

- Useful ways to create a sound plan.

- How to utilize your effort or energy to become an achiever.

- Suggested organizational method you can do to entail great results in managing your time.

- Terrific techniques to organize your tasks and activities.

- Unique and fun tactics for organized filing.

- How to remember important dates or occasions without fail.

- How to minimize errors and mistakes that waste so much time.

- Great ways to help you create a better working space and lifestyle.

- How to minimize your time looking for objects.

- How to get control over your workplace, your life, and the time that surrounds you.

- What to do to reduce stress and anxiety.

- Why many people achieve very little despite spending most of their time on certain activities.

- How activity logs function.

- The standard technique used by top-level athletes, successful businessmen and achievers in realizing their dreams and reaching their goals.

- Keys to being really productive and efficient.

- How tasks should be prioritized.

- The difference between an Action Plan and a What To Do List.

- The importance of effective scheduling.

And a lot, lot more!

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. Chapter 1: Time Management and Your Life

3. Chapter 2: What's the Most Important?

4. Chapter 3: Time Robbers

5. Chapter 4: Time Management in the Workplace

6. Chapter 5: The Art of Delegation

7. Chapter 6: Goals and Time Management

8. Chapter 7: Planning and Time Management

9. Chapter 8: Organizing and Time Management

10. Chapter 9: The Benefits of Ergonomics

11. Conclusion


Here is A Summary of Everything You will Get in This Package:

PLR Report #1: Acne Free System Report

PLR Report #2: Get Your Ex Back Report

PLR Report #3: Muscle Building System Report

PLR Report #4: Online Dating Secrets Tool

PLR Report #5: Successful Seduction Report

PLR Report #6: Total Time Control Report

This package comes with PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS! To make the deal even sweeter for you, we are even including an unannounced bonus with it! Only those who purchase this package from us would be able to get the bonus at NO cost!

So what are you waiting for? Order today.

30-day money back guarantee!

In case you are not 100 percent satisfied with your purchase, simply contact us within 30 days of your purchase and we will refund every penny! No questions asked!
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