MP3 Donald Vowels - The Quiet
A soothing guided meditation that transports you to that place of peace and quiet within.
2 MP3 Songs
NEW AGE: Meditation, NEW AGE: Healing
What is the quiet? Where is the quiet? The answers to these questions are the essence of the two tracks of The Quiet. Simply stated, the quiet is a natural state of consciousness that comes to us when we allow ourselves the space and time to intentionally gather into unity the three core aspects of who we are: the body, the mind, and the spirit. In The Quiet you will not only learn about this state of internal peace and quiet but you will be given the opportunity to experience it in a 22 minute guided meditation. So, treat yourself. Relax and come to The Quiet where you will enjoy the peace of your natural state of being. You owe it to yourself and you deserve it.
The Quiet has been a long time in coming. Its origin reaches back to 1989 with the onset of the facilitation of my first breast cancer support group. I discovered through group feedback that a 20-30 minute guided meditation at the closing of each session brought a deep level of peace, calm, and healing to the members of the group. It also brought the awareness, as a surprise to me, that there was something about my voice that aided in that process of quieting. Since that time, I have infused guided meditation into my work as a spiritual counselor and clinical social worker. I have used and continue to use it in healing circles, talks, groups of all natures, and individual sessions. The result continues to be the same: calming, peaceful, and quieting. And over all these years I heard: “You need to make a tape,” that became with technological advancements, “You need to make a CD”. So, here it is. My debut CD – The Quiet. My hope is that as you step out of the fullness of your life and into The Quiet, you are enlightened with a deeper understanding of the nature of your inner world and gifted with an experience of peace, calm, and healing that serves you in your life. Thank you for listening.
Donald Vowels holds a Master of Arts degree in Theology from St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Baltimore, Maryland and a Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Louisville in Louisville, Kentucky. He currently has a body, mind, spirit health and wellness practice in Louisville. He can be reached at dmvowels@ or (502) 585-6041.