MP3 Kyle Bruce Noble - Songs My Wife Really Hates
Rock and roll, electric folk, acoustic ballads. All cool people, from fratboys to karaoke junkies, roasted, toasted and tossed away.
15 MP3 Songs
FOLK: Modern Folk, ROCK: Americana
Well, he''s back. Bitching about all the things he hates. Poking sticks in the eyes of everybody from the crowd at the Karaoke bar to the poor, overworked shmuck next door. Nobody is spared, AND he plays a fair to middlin'' lead on the Telecaster.
''Songs My Wife Hates'' is a dark comedy. This is the third album by Noble, made up of bits and pieces about people and places his wife really wishes he''d just forget about. Or at least shut up about when she''s around.
(Oh, crap, she just walked in and looked over my shoulder. Then stomped out and slammed the door....I guess I got it right.)
Everything went into this musical stew...from acoustic one-on-one to full blown 12 track rock''n''roll. So, kids, buy one, move the speakers out to the back deck, slip it in the ole GPX and turn it WAY up. I guaran-damn-tee ya, you WILL meet the neighbors...
(Stay tuned for the next album by KBN, "Honey, Chicago and the Spiderman" coming to a CDBaby near you sometime in May or June ''07.)
See ya