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Ultimate Cost Per Action (CPA) Pack - with 2 Mystery BONUSES

Get 10 HOT products on CPA marketing, along with two Mystery BONUSES!

If you want to make money from cost per action (CPA) offers, then this package is for you! Listed below are the 10 products you will get as part of the package:

Product 1. CPA Cash Cow Report - with Private Label Rights:

21 pages - 3,571 Words!

Learn How to Make Thousands A Month From CPA with The CPA Hybrid Method!

This method will work:

* Today
* Tomorrow
* Next Week
* Next Month
* Next Year

Or 5 years from now! You don't have to worry about Google changing any algorithm. No one can raise your PPC costs or do anything to your Quality Score (which I still can't even figure out what that means!)

The best part about this method is that you can outsource the entire thing! In fact the amount of money you can make by outsourcing this is off the charts! It can't be saturated and there are a ton of people right now that would love to have you pay them for this and PAY THEM VERY CHEAPLY at that.

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Getting Started

2. URL/Tracking

3. Social Media

4. Outsourcing

5. Advanced Tactics

- Advanced outsourcing option


Product 2. CPA Explosion - with Master Resell Rights:

Not Making Money With PPC Anymore? Discover How to Explode Your Profit Potential With CPA!

In CPA Explosion, you will learn:

1. Understand What CPA Is And How It Can Make You Money!

2. Generate The Targeted Leads That Companies Pay The Big Bucks For!

3. Launch Your Very First CPA Campaign!

4. Get Some Of The World's Biggest Companies To Recommend Your Campaigns!

5. Understand The Difference Between Leads And Sales!

6. Make Much More Money With CPA!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:


1. Chapter 1: Google - The Why & Where-To

2. Chapter 2: What Is CPA Advertising?

-For The Advertiser
-For The Publisher

3. Chapter 3: How CPA Works

4. Chapter 4: CPA & Affiliate Marketing?

5. Chapter 5: For Who Does CPA Pay?

-Commission for Sales
-Generating Targeted Leads

6. Chapter 6: Why Use CPA?

-Big Names Advertise Using CPA
-Big Names Such As?
-Creating Your Relationship
-Which Is Working Best?

7. Chapter 7: It's Not Click Fraud, But

8. Chapter 8: Your First CPA Campaign

-Step 1: What Is Your Topic?
-Step 2: Site Targeting
-Step 3: Site Content
-Step 4: Get Traffic
-Step 5: Apply!

9. Chapter 9: Making Money From CPA

-Setting Up
-Method 1: Here & Now
-Method 2: Focus On Your Bottom Line
-Method 3: Give & Take

10. Conclusion


Product 3. CPA For Newbies Video Course - with Resell Rights:

In this video course you will have access to 6 content packed videos that will show you step by step how to make money with CPA Networks. You will learn:

1. What CPA is and why you will want to get into it

CPA, also known as Cost Per Action is a great way for publishers like you to make money. The way you make money with CPA is if the traffic you send takes a specific action, whether it's filling out a zip code, email address, or a form. For advertisers it's a great way to build leads and many advertisers are willing to pay you anywhere from $1, $15 or more just to get a lead. The nice thing about CPA is that you don't have to sell anything to make money.

2. List of CPA Networks

Just as the title states, you will be shown several CPA Networks in this video. While there are hundreds of CPA networks out there, I will show you just a handful of the top ones; where I will recommend to you just a few to get started. The best thing you can do when you get started, is to sign up with 1-2 CPA networks and start there.

3. Signing up for CPA Networks and increasing your approval rate

Before you sign up for CPA networks, you must realize that they will not take just anyone. So in this video I will show you how CPA networks screen applicants for experienced marketers, which whom they want to do business with. There are about 4-5 things you need to make sure you have before you fill out the application, because your goal is to get approved.

4. Once you are in, then what? CPA Types

In this video, you will learn the different types of CPA offers from ones that have higher conversions to ones that are less converting, but may be more profitable. You see while some convert faster, they pay less, so you need to do it on a massive scale. You will also learn how to pick and choose the right CPA offers for you.

5. Keyword Research

That brings us to Keyword Research. Testing your market before you get into it is important. So in this video you will learn several methods of testing. You will also learn how to test the market by using Keyword Tools. Once the market is profitable, you will understand how to move forward and create a list of keywords that you want to rank on.

6. Create Landing pages that promote CPA offers

Now that you have done your Keyword Research, it's time to setup your landing pages. You'll be given an overview of understand how domain names and web hosting connect together to create a website, so you can get started easily. Taking the keywords we researched earlier, we can easily add them to the landing pages and create a landing page that will not only increase your CPA offer conversions, but will get a good score from Google.

7. Promoting your site: PPC Adwords, SEO

Once you have your landing page, it's time to promote it. That brings us to use of Pay Per Click, by using Google Adwords. In this video you will learn how to create a basic Adwords Campaign and decrease your CPC (Cost Per Click). You will learn some basic out of the box PPC methods.


Product 4. CPA Overdrive - with Master Resell Rights:

Follow A Fool Proof "Instant Results" Formula For Making Money With CPA Offers, Even If You Are A Complete Newbie!

Here is just a small preview of all that you will learn in CPA Overdrive:

* The insider strategies of the most successful CPA marketers that will show you exactly how to build a powerhouse of profitable landing pages in just days!

* Real Cash Tactics, featuring solid information on how to choose the highest paying CPA offers that will convert like mad! These techniques are highly guarded secrets that are being used by the wealthiest CPA affiliates online!

* How to guarantee that you will get accepted into any CPA network that you apply to! Follow my step by step "guaranteed acceptance" technique and have your system set up in as little as 48 hours!

* How to make an outright fortune in CPA Marketing by activating "auto-cash triggers" that will send highly targeted traffic to your landing pages and motivate your visitors to complete the requirements, so you GET PAID!

* How to find the hottest keywords with simple, yet powerful search tactics! If you want to make a fortune in CPA marketing, you NEED this information!

* How to triple your income by blending PPC with killer CPA offers, so that you are generating PRIME traffic to your websites within 17 minutes or less, guaranteed!

And MUCH More!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Introduction To CPA Overdrive

2. Chapter 1: CPA Overview

3. Chapter 2: Getting Accepted

4. Applying For A CPA Account

5. Chapter 3: Joining CPA Networks

6. Chapter 4: Choosing CPA Offers

7. Chapter 5: Keyword Research Overview

8. Chapter 6: PPC And CPA Offers

9. Tools & Resources

10. CPA Terminology / Reference Guide

11. CPA Networks


Product 5: CPA Templates - with Master Resell Rights:

You will get 12 CPA (Cost Per Action) templates on the following topics/merchants:

1. Web Development

2. FastCash

3. Education

4. E-Wealth (Affiliate marketing)

5. Free Magazines

6. Merchant Account

7. Microsoft Exchange

8. Monster Pays Cash

9. Mortgage

10. Taxes

11. Car Loan

12. Cash4Offers

These templates can be used with https://www.tradebit.com merchants (or adapted to others).


Product 6: CPA Slaughter - with Private Label Rights:

11 Pages: 2,461 Words!

In this report you will learn how I have made $2,520 in CPA revenue within a week of mailing 1000 postcards!

Inside CPA Slaughter You Will Find:

- The Best Methods To Find CPA Offers That Convert

- The Exact Offers I Use Every Day In Order To Create Over $1500 A Week

- Step-By-Step Instructions For Printing, Post Office, And All Things Direct-Mail

- I Will Even Reveal The Proven Sales Copy I Use Every Day That Gets A Massive 6 percent Response Rate!

Let's take a moment to show you what you will not find.

Inside CPA Slaughter You Will NOT Find-

-Vague Instructions Such As "find a market with a need and then provide value."

- A Magic Button To Send $200,000 To Your Bank Account Overnight.

-You Will Not Find A System That Requires You To Spend Days Or Months Setting It Up.

- Information on how to get accepted into CPA Networks. I assume you know that already!


Product 7: Newbies Guide To Mastering CPA Marketing - with Master Resell Rights:

According to Wikipedia, The Definition of CPA is:

"Cost Per Action or CPA (sometimes known as Pay Per Action or PPA) is an online advertising pricing model, where the advertiser pays for each specified action (a purchase, a form submission, and so on) linked to the advertisement."

The Biggest Problem Most Newbies Encounter When They First Start At CPA Marketing Is NOT Knowing The 3 Most Essential Steps Required To Succeed!

In "Newbie's Guide to Mastering CPA Marketing", I'll show you how to:

* Join several CPA networks - and see how easy they make it for you to promote their well-streamlined and tested offers

* Learn how to pick and choose - both what you'll promote, and which one-click method you can use.

* Rack up points and be eligible for bonuses and rewards, with CPA Networks run on that sort of system

That's why you should love CPA marketing - and the related income!

You will also learn tips like:

* 2 types of easy CPA marketing - and which is best to start with

* The not-so-hidden benefit of combining them both - and how to effectively do it

* The biggest and most appealing difference between CPA Networks and Affiliate Marketing

* The single, simple action you can easily make it impossible for your readers not to take

* Why CPA click-throughs will pay you 100, compared to 2-4 for driving people to regular affiliate offers

* 10 powerful areas to specialize in, if you really want to see the bigger "no work" rewards!

* The 3 biggest problems that new marketers face, if they don't know these few simple secrets

* What type offers you can sign up for - and which ones are suited to you

* The wonderful CPA offer you've probably never even realized you've often rushed to sign up for!

* 5 types of offers - and the pros and cons you'll need to consider

* "Black Hat" flags to beware of - and how to avoid them

* The simple but fatal mistake you can make, when filling out a CPA Network application

* How to open a CPA Network account - to really "up" your chances of easily getting accepted

* The 5 essential components you need in place, to make this come true

* A visual walk-through of free keyword research - and how it actually plays out, in "real life"

* 4 Questions CPA Networks will ask you - and what you must remember never to reply

* 2 priceless plug-ins that will stop you from unwittingly offending the Federal Trade Commission (and Google)!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. What Is CPA?

What Is A CPA Network'?
-How Does It Work?
-Sorting Out The Confusion

2. Pros and Cons

3. Types Of CPA Products

4. Keys To CPA Success

5. What Type Of CPA Offers Can I Sign Up For?

6. Keyword Research

7. Paid Keyword Research

8. How To Open A CPA Account
-#1: You Need A Website
-#2: You Need A Target Market
-#3: You Need A Phone Number Where You Can Actually Be Reached
-# 4: You Need A Dedicated Email Address
-#5: You Need A List

9. Choosing the Right CPA offer

10. Pitfalls To Beware

11. Finding CPA Networks

12. CPA Website Techniques
-Ads And Website Colors
-Types Of Ads You Display

13. The Importance Of Tracking

14. Where To Get Free CPA Information


Product 8: CPA Empires:

A Fail-Proof Blueprint To Generating Non-Stop Payments From High Profit CPA Offers!

In this report, you will learn about:

- Important tools of the trade! Find out exactly what you need to do to set up powerful CPA campaigns in a breeze!

- How to funnel in non-stop payments from powerful "content blockers!"

- What CPA networks to join and which ones to avoid! Eliminate all risks by signing up for these pre-screened networks!

- The guaranteed approval technique that will turbo charge your application even with the most ridged CPA networks, PLUS, the #1 "no approval" required network where you can start making money with CPA today!



Product 9: The Outrageous Beauty of CPA - with Master Resell Rights:

You Get the Book in PDF Format Together with a Professionally Designed Cover!

Here is an amazing statement: did you know you can make money online without selling anything at all?

Well, you can and, in a nut-shell, thats the outrageous beauty of CPA!

Even if you are the worlds worst internet marketer, you can finally start making money just by giving stuff away!

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. The Beginning

3. Choosing the Best Offer to Promote

4. The Value of Quality Content

5. Traffic Generation

6. Conclusion


Product 10. Red Zone CPA - with Private Label Rights:

45 pages - 8,171 Words!

The Drop-Dead Simple Method To Making $300 Per Day OFFLINE Using CPA Offers!

Start Now And You Will Be Making Money Within 3 Days...With No Articles, PPC, Forums, Youtube, SEO, Or Any Technical Knowledge What-So-Ever!

Here Are Just A Few Secrets Revealed Inside This 'Job Killing' Mega-Course:

* The Simple HOOK I Use Generate Massive Amounts of FREE Traffic - I'll show you a simply process of how to get people who will be passionate about the offer that they will keep coming back to our site to fill out more and more offers.

* The ONE Market That Never Goes Dry - Learn the market that generates me 90 of my online income. It never dries up and there are new people coming into it constantly. Best yet, it's virtually untouched!

* The 'Back Door' Landing Page - You'll get an exact copy (all the files) of the landing pages I use.

* The TV Show Twist - How Simply Turning A TV Show Made Me An Extra $3,500 Monthly!

* Simple Autoresponder Add on - I'll Show You How Adding a Simple Autoresponder Nearly Doubled My Income!

* All My Ads, Graphics, Templates and Websites - No Stone Is Left Unturned! You Get My Entire Business In A Box!

And MUCH MUCH MORE! The Above is Just The Tip Of The Iceberg - You'll Get Many More Tips, Tricks, Tactics And Secrets In This Course!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Introduction

2. How To Take This Course

3. Overview
-Stuff You Will Need
-Email Submit CPA Offer

4. Getting Approved
-Phone Call
-After You Get Approved

5. Website Setup
-Site Overview
-Customizing Your Site
-Changing The Teams
-Changing The GiveAway
-Changing The Link

6. Bonus Tip - AutoResponder
-How To Do It
-Trick Your Button

7. Uploading Your Site

8. Domain

9. Traffic Generation
-Cards/Promo Materials
-Free (Time consuming, low quality)
-Cheap (Low quality, relatively easy, fastest method)
-Paid (high quality, can be hard, takes some time)
-My Suggestion On Promo Material

10. Promoting
-The Game
-The Hand Off
-The Wiper
-The Difference

11. Wrapping it Up


BONUS #1 - Quick Start Action Guide - A $39 Value, Yours FREE: The Entire Process Broken Down Into A Simple Step-By-Step Process That Anyone Can Follow. This 'Quick Action Guide' Is Designed To Get You Profiting Right Out Of The Gate.

BONUS #2 - Free Site Review - A $89 Value, Yours FREE: Worried About Uploading A Website? Your CPA Links? Worry No More! My Expert Design Team Will Review Your Site FOR FREE!

BONUS #3- The Outsourcing Handbook - A $39 Value, Yours FREE: I've Been 'Outsourcing' Way Before Outsourcing Was COOL! Now Learn My Insider Tips And Tricks To Get Things DONE For Pennies On The Dollar. This Is Not Your Typical Outsourcing Guide!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Pay Structure

2. Family And Friends

3. College Students

4. Big Box/Supermarket

5. Facebook/Twitter

6. Facebook/Twitter - Finding Employees

7. Wrap Up

BONUS #4 - The CPA Approval Guide - A $27 Value, Yours FREE: Learn My Simple Way Of Getting Approved To ANY CPA Network With Ease! I've Never Been Denied And I Barely Have A Website!

BONUS #5: Full PLR Included - A $200 Value, Yours FREE: Resell this product for as much as you'd like and keep 100 of the profits! I don't even use my name in the course! Everything is yours!

The PLR Pack will include all the tools and supplies you need to resell this product to your customers. You'll get:

-A Fully Customizable Sales Page - Just input your PayPal address and start selling. This sales page can be fully customized and changed to whatever you'd like.

-Custom Graphics And E-Covers - Custom graphics and ecovers provided by one of the best graphic designers in the business.

-High Converting Sales Letter - Get a full, high converting sales letter that will flood your bank account with sales like never before!


Here is A Summary of Everything You will Get in This Package:

Product 1. CPA Cash Cow Report - with Private Label Rights

Product 2. CPA Explosion - with Master Resell Rights

Product 3. CPA For Newbies Video Course - with Resell Rights

Product 4. CPA Overdrive - with Master Resell Rights

Product 5. CPA Templates - with Master Resell Rights

Product 6. CPA Slaughter - with Private Label Rights

Product 7. Newbies Guide To Mastering CPA Marketing - with Master Resell Rights

Product 8. CPA Empires

Product 9. The Outrageous Beauty of CPA - with Master Resell Rights

Product 10. Red Zone CPA - with Private Label Rights

To make the deal even sweeter for you, we are even including two announced bonuses with it! Only those who purchase this product from us would be able to get the bonuses at NO cost!

So what are you waiting for? Order today.

30-day money back guarantee!

In case you are not 100 percent satisfied with your purchase, simply contact us within 30 days of your purchase and we will refund every penny! No questions asked!
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