6 Step-By-Step Checklists to Get Your Projects Done FASTER!
Comes with two Mystery BONUSES!
Straight To-The-Point, Actionable, Step-By-Step Checklist For Every Part Of An Online Business!
In This Package You Will Be Getting 6 Checklists That Would Take You By The Hand! All the Checklists Come in .PDF Format!
The newbie checklist package includes:
Checklist #1: The Mindset Checklist: 7 Steps to a Better Mindset:
Discover The Mindset Actionable Steps That Will Help Anyone Jumpstart Their Success! In this checklist you will learn:
* The simple key factor that makes the gurus - the gurus!
* Discover how to find out if your business model is going to make money or not...
* Why most employees have trouble with this step, and how you can overcome it...
* The simple truth about why the big companies grow so fast, and how you can do the same.
* How to go from where you are to where you want to be easily, and immediately!
* Discover how you could be slowing down your business by thinking too much!
* How to easily grow your income with new streams without much more effort than you already putting in!
* Why working on you is WAY more important than working on anything in your business...
Each step has a paragraph that goes in detail of what YOU can do RIGHT NOW to move forward to a better mindset that will allow you to have a perfect business mindset.
Chapters Covered in This Checklist are as Follows:
1. The Power Of Concentration
2. Introduction
3. Overcoming Self-consciousness
4. Thinking Right, Being Positive
5. Developing Imagination And Initiative
6. Summary
7. Some Resources You May Want To Explore
Checklist #2: The Niche Checklist: Define Your Niche and You Define Your Success:
Discover 6 Easy Fundamental Steps To A Hot & Hungry Niche That Will Ensure Your Success! In this checklist you will learn:
* The 10 second niche-finder tests that will allow you to get started right now!
* How to master a niche even without knowing ANYTHING about it!
* The gurus way to crafting the perfect offer - every time.
* Why most newbies fail in every niche they enter, and why you won't!
* The simple truth to instantly standing out in any crowd, easily.
* How to avoid one of the most deadly and cash stopping newbie mistake ever...
Each step has a paragraph that goes in detail of what YOU can do RIGHT NOW to move forward to a better niche that will allow you to have a perfect business market...
Chapters Covered in This Checklist are as Follows:
1. Let me show you the process I go through when I'm trying to brainstorm for ideas.
2. Now that I have some potential sub-niches to work with, I want to see how much of a market there is there.
3. Time to scope it out a little further.
4. Again, at this point I'm just trying to get a snapshot or pulse of this market.
5. Remember, high volume + low PPC bids = low click through rates and even lower conversions.
6. Obviously the more the better, up to a point.
7. This is where I go to niche-specific sites.
8. So where's the product, you ask
9. How much traffic I am getting from PPC
10. My opt in percentage
11. Once I confirm a niche will be profitable, with this approach I already have a pre-built list that keeps getting bigger by the time I launch the product!
Checklist #3: The Website Checklist - The Simple Steps You Can Take To Get A Better Response Every time!
Your Website Is Where Do Business, So This Checklist Helps You Make It Count With Good CMS Choose, and Sales Process Advice! In this checklist you will learn:
* The hidden truth about creating a useful and effective website that almost no one is using!
* Discover the biggest mistake of newbies, and how to avoid it!
* How the gurus set up their website, and keep it producing with outstanding results...
* Discover the easy way to do the CMS litmus test!
Each step has a paragraph that goes in detail of what YOU can do RIGHT NOW to move forward to a better website that will allow you to have a perfect business!
Chapters Covered in This Checklist are as Follows:
1. Introduction
2. Who Should Read This Book
3. Part 1: Setting Website Goals
-The Website as Today's New Necessity
-New Times Require New Approaches
-Business Websites Benefit Both Consumers And Companies At Once
-Not Just Any Website Will Do
-People Still Judge A Book by Its Cover
-Who Gets to Define "Professional"
-Giving A Website An Audience-Oriented Focus and Direction
-Audience-Oriented Business Goals
-Audience-Oriented Design Goals
-The Work Factor
-Doing It Yourself
-HTML Editor Tools
-Multimedia Editors
-Working From A Template
-Outsourcing the Job
-The Cost Factor
4. Part 2: Web Design Guidelines
-Planning Guidelines
-The Flat Plan
-The Multi-Level Plan
-The Perfect Plan
-Web Design Tips
-Common Navigational Systems
-The Multilevel Navigation Bar
-The Sitemap
-Text Links
-Image Links
-Color Schemes
-Color Meaning
-Web Safe Colors
-Preferred Format
-Common Fonts
-Images and Multimedia
5. Part 3: Website Maintenance
-Testing For Functionality
Checklist #4: The Web Copy Checklist
Mastering This Skill Will Allow You To Do Well Even If Everything Else Has Gone Wrong! In this checklist you will learn:
* How to craft a good and effective headline that will draw your readers in like raving fans!
* Finally, the correct way to build trust and long lasting rapport with your reads right off the bat...
* The right way to sell the benefits and not the features - without this you can be lost...
* The secret number of call to actions that works like gangbusters and no one is doing it right!
* The instant expert-o-meter, how to be the seen as the expert without effort right from the start.
Each step has a paragraph that goes in detail of what YOU can do RIGHT NOW to move forward to a better web copy that will allow YOU to have a perfect business...
Chapters Covered in This Checklist are as Follows:
6. Introduction
7. Internet Copywriting Vs. Traditional Copywriting
8. The Importance of Visitors
9. Your Plan For Success
10. Writing Web Friendly Copy
11. Keywords, Keywords, Keywords
12. Short and Sweet
13. Factors of Great Copywriting
14. Make Your Headline Shine
15. Headlines: How To Write Them
16. Evaluating Your Headlines
17. Universal Text Links
18. The Right Attitude
19. In Conclusion
Checklist #5: The Traffic Checklist
Getting More Traffic Can Be Easy As Turning On The Light, But Quality Traffic Takes Some Effort! In this checklist you will learn:
* The real secret key to getting a TON of traffic through the search engines...
* The strongest way to get people to stay on your site, and how it can work miracles for you.
* Discover the best way to get SEO traffic, regardless of how much you know about SEO...
* How to add one simple design element that can increase your conversions! HINT: It takes less than 2 minutes to add.
* Discover how to automate your content and why search engines will love your site!
* The little known secret to getting traffic and gaining HUGE trust with your readers and customers...
Each step has a paragraph that goes in-detail of what YOU can do RIGHT NOW to move forward to more traffic that will allow you to have a perfect business!
Chapters Covered in This Checklist are as Follows:
1. Day 1: Business Plan and The Importance of Targeted Traffic
2. Day 2: Autoresponder(Cost $20) Find Incentive for Opt-In List (Cost $20)
3. Day 3: Write Articles and Submit Them...Free
4. Day 4: Write and Place PPC Ads (Cost $80)
5. Day 5: Register with ClickBank (Cost $49)
6. Day 6: Find Blogs and Forums and Post...Free
7. Day 7: Place E-Zine Advertisements (Cost $30)
8. Day 8: Find Link Exchange Partners....Free
9. Day 9: Get a Press Release (Cost $0)
10. Day 10: Plan to Continue to Grow and Thrive
Checklist #6: Conversion Checklist - If You Don't Know Your Metrics, You Don't Know Your Business!
The Only Thing You Need To Keep Your Eye On Constantly Is Your Conversion - It's Your Key To Higher Sales! In this checklist you will learn:
* Discover the only metrics you need to track, and why others don't mean as much...
* The strongest way to get better conversions, and how it can work miracles for you.
* Discover the best way to get more sales with information you already have or will have very soon!
* If you aren't doing this ____ you are missing the boat!
* Discover how to these "simple" starbucks coffee price scripts can increase your conversion so much!
* The little known secret to getting better conversion rates...
Each step has a paragraph that goes in detail of what YOU can do RIGHT NOW to move forward to better conversions that will allow you to have a perfect business...
Chapters Covered in This Checklist are as Follows:
1. Copywriting Today
2. Headline & Sub-Headline
3. Opening of Your Sales copy
4. The Middle Section of Your Sales Copy
5. Throwing in Endorsements & Testimonials
6. Call to Action
7. Recommended Resources + Bonuses
As You Can See... This Checklist Package Covers Everything From Mindset To Conversion - Perfect For Struggling Newbies!
Here is A Summary of Everything You will Get in This Package:
Checklist #1: The Mindset Checklist: 7 Steps to a Better Mindset
Checklist #2: The Niche Checklist: Define Your Niche and You Define Your Success
Checklist #3: The Website Checklist - The Simple Steps You Can Take To Get A Better Response Every time!
Checklist #4: The Web Copy Checklist
Checklist #5: The Traffic Checklist
Checklist #6: Conversion Checklist - If You Don't Know Your Metrics, You Don't Know Your Business!
To make the deal even sweeter for you, we are even including two unannounced bonuses with it! Only those who purchase this package from us would be able to get the bonuses at NO cost!
So what are you waiting for? Order today.
30-day money back guarantee!
In case you are not 100 percent satisfied with your purchase, simply contact us within 30 days of your purchase and we will refund every penny! No questions asked!