Affiliate Rescue vers. 2.0 with MRR
Affiliate Rescue
WARNING: Some Merchants Are Going To Hate You For This!
Controversial Marketer Reveals The Exact Methods He Uses To Make an Absolute Killing Promoting Affiliate Programs Without Risky Pay Per Click Advertising or Complicated Search Engine Optimization Techniques
Discover The Simple Techniques That Will Bring Dirt Cheap and Even 100 Free Traffic To Your Website Within Minutes That Can Have You Profit in Less Than 24 Hours 100 Guaranteed!
Dear Frustrated Internet Marketer,
Face any of these lately?
You have tried promoting an affiliate product in the past. You sent good traffic to the affiliate site but made just 1 or 2 sales (or zero sales).
You have tried promoting an affiliate product in the past. But you didnt manage to generate more than 5-10 visitors to the affiliate site.
You have tried promoting an affiliate product in the past. You made good commissions. But you paid so much in advertising that you barely broke even - or even worse, you lost money
You have purchased ebook after ebook after ebook. They all promise a great money making system. But when you try to apply the system, its really more complicated than it sounded - and it only appears to work for others.
You are tired of waiting weeks and months before you start seeing any results after you optimize a website for the search engines.
You are sick and tired of Google changing their rules all the time - but you dont know how else to promote your offers - so you swallow it and keep fighting the good fight - even though you feel that this is a dead end.
You feel frustrated and uncertain of the future - even though you know that you are worth way more than you are getting paid right now (at your job or in your home-based business).
Any.. or all of the above sound familiar?
I have good news for you!
AffiliateRescue: Make Money Online - on a Budget! contains very few simple but devastatingly effective ways to make a living online.
These methods:
Are free or extremely cheap to use
Start showing results instantly
Are very simple to implement
Granted, you will not become a millionaire by using these tactics. But, if you want to make an extra $1,000, $3,000, $5000 or more per month in a safe way, then this guide is for you.
Then, you can use these profits to further build your business (like buy advertising or outsource some of the work). Or, you can just keep using the same techniques since they work like a charm. Its your choice.
I have been marketing online for over 6 years. I have had some great successes as well as some miserable failures. But, whatever I did, I always took note of what worked (and why) and what didnt work (and why).
what is covered?
How to start when you have almost no money: bankrupt, broke and on the run. Right now, you may be having financial difficulties. I will give you some smart ideas to get out of this unpleasant situation (without robbing a bank).
How to find affiliate programs to promote. You will discover the easiest ways to find affiliate programs worth promoting - as well as some little-known products that pay well but not many people promote.
How to promote affiliate products online - the right way. Let the controversy begin. I will show you how to tinker with the merchants site and increase your affiliate commissions 100, 200 or more. Some of these methods ain pretty - but they work like gang busters...
How to get preferential treatment from merchants. I will show you how to negotiate higher commissions from merchants - without sounding needy. These methods are pretty evil, if I say so myself...
Email marketing and how to create killer follow up messages that make you money on autopilot. You may have read entire bibles on email marketing. I will give you in a couple of pages what you really need to keep in mind. Do this, do that.
How to use forums to kick-start your promotions, test your marketing message, make sales, build credibility in your market and build a list. Oh, and if you think you know how to REALLY market on forums, dont bet your house on it :-)
How to tap into the online service Yahoo Answers to gain market intelligence and tap into people who are ready to buy your product. Almost everyone is working the system the wrong way! Ill show you how its really done.
How to get on the first page of the search engines for the best possible terms. And no, this has got nothing to do with long tail keywords or building content sites. We are lazy so well take a shortcut that results in less work and more money! (now thats my kinda system :-).
And much, much more!
New in version 2.0!...
12 Pages of Bonus Material Just Added!
3 step formula!..
Earn Your First Affiliate Sale In The Next 7 Days!
As Known As The GURU Piggyback
By this time next week, you will be raking in cool commissions running your own affiliate business.
Ive uncovered how some smart affiliates are making a killing online selling other peoples products....
How to get started and profit in 7 days or less.
The best kinds of products to promote using this method
Discover the 8 traffic techniques I use.
Ride on the popularity of GURUS to promote your own business
Choose domain names that will speed up your success rate
With this eBook you get full resell rights with that you can sell this eBook anywhere at any price you can sell them on:
Your blog
Your website
Anywhere else you want
Make easy money now with this eBook