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Ultimate Product Creation Secrets Pack + 2 Mystery BONUSES!

Get 10 HOT products on Product Creation, along with two Mystery BONUSES!

If you want to create our own money-making product, then this package is for you! Listed below are the 10 products you will get as part of the package:

Product 1. Ebook Creation and Promotion For Newbies - with Private Label Rights:

Discover How YOU Too Can Create Your Own Collection Of In-Demand, Profit-Pulling Info Products In Just Minutes From Now!

Let Me Tell You About The Hot New Products You Will Own The FULL Rights To...

* Component Number 1: eBook Creation for NEWBIES:

You can actually write an ebook without actually doing the writing. Because of an interesting legal twist, you can hire a writer, and then when the writer is finished, you own the complete copyright to the work.

But there is something else that is almost too good to be true: having an ebook written does not cost near what it costs to have a hard cover book written. It is actually pretty affordable for someone who plans to recoup their money with ebook sales.

In this guide you will get ALL the information you need to have a profitable eBook written for you step-by-step. Even if you are illiterate - you can be an author!

* Component Number 2: eBook Promotion for NEWBIES:

Advanced Pricing Strategies You MUST KNOW to Profit!

Internet. Business. Profit.

Let me ask you a question. The last time you launched your own product to sell online, or even offline, how did you come to a conclusion about what price you were going to be selling at?

At a guess, I would probably say you looked at the competition to see what they were charging. While this is a good start, it is far from the whole picture, and you are fumbling in the dark if you looking at competition as the only factor you are taking into account.

Did you know you can double your sales volume by doubling your price? I have done it myself, and I will show you how!

* Component Number 3: Pay Per Click Marketing for NEWBIES:

Definitive guide to making money on autopilot!

The key to success with Adsense is the placing of ads on pages that are receiving high traffic for high demand keywords. The higher the cost-per-click to the advertiser, the more you will receive per click from your site.

You will learn 2 factors that will make you or break you and successfully use them.

While all the basics are covered to ensure proper start - you will get access to 5 advanced techniques to maximize your earnings and make people click those ads, without any suspicion from Google.

Get access to secrets of using the information of other people to skyrocket your earnings and MUCH MUCH MORE!


Product 2. Product Creation Guru - with Private Label Rights:

Discover The Devastatingly Simple "Secret" Guru Methods For Creating Top-Selling Info Products!

Here are just some of the pieces that could turn you into an Information Products Creation Guru, and you will find them all in this book:

* Why more smart people sell Information Products online rather than any other.

* How to find the best possible presentation method for your particular information product.

* Why competition simply does not matter and in most cases can be a good thing

* How to turn a single sale into a multiple income stream

* Where to find the best free research tools

* How to find "red hot" in-demand ideas for info products

* How to let other people give you the best product ideas

* The big "branding" secret that can make you rich

* Pricing and Testimonial secrets that the gurus use



Product 3. Create Your Own Killer Product in 5 Easy Steps - with Private Label Rights:

25 pages - 4,976 Words

Now there is no excuse for putting off product creation any more, thanks to the step-by-step, solid advice of this ebook!

The Contents Of This Ebook Are:

* Introduction

* Step 1: The Right Mindset Means A Lot!

* Step 2: Finding That Hungry Niche!

* Step 3: How To Be Sure Your Product Will Make Money!

* Step 4: How To Create Your Killer Product With Least Amount Of Fuss!

* Step 5: The Secret To Writing Content For Your Ebook With Ease!

* Bonus: Putting It All Together!


Product 4. Product Creation Crash Course - with Private Label Rights:

Brand-New Private Label E-course Lets You Easily Teach Your Customers and Subscribers The Basics of Product Creation!

The "Product Creation" Crash Course was created to help you, your subscribers and customers start creating information products that really sell.

The best part is with the private label rights to this course not only will you be able to learn how to quickly create your own profitable information products, you will be able to pass that knowledge on to your subscribers. You will be providing them with quality information that will help them build their businesses and build your own at the same time.

The course is completely customizable. You will be able to add in your own contact information, product and service recommendations and links to your favorite affiliate programs. I am even including a ready to go to squeeze page confirmation page and sales page, so that you can get set up quickly and easily!

In this course you will be able to provide your subscribers with great information that they can actually use!

You will teach them:

* How to research their keywords and phrases so that they can be sure they are creating a hot in demand information product!

* How they can be 99.9 percent sure that their product will make them money before they spend hours of their valuable time creating it!

* How to quickly and easily research and create all the content that they will need to create a killer product without spending hours in front of the computer writing it all themselves!

* How to put it all together fast and end up with a product that they can be proud to sell!


What is Included in the...."Product Creation" Crash Course?

With this course you will providing 6 quality lessons full of solid information you and your subscribers can start using to immediately impact your business right away! The Product Creation Crash Course contains everything that you need to start using and selling this package including:

* A copy of this sales page
* 1 ready to go download page
* 6 customizable lessons
* 1 ready to go squeeze page
* 1 ready to go thank you page
* A complete graphic package
* + the editable PSD graphics


Product 5: Instant Product and Fast Traffic - with Master Resell Rights:

I've taken all my experience as a full time product creator and put it in a system that is plug-and-play. This system enables you to create premium products without the blood, sweat, and tears. Also, all the traffic techniques I've learned from established marketers are included, too.

Let Me List Benefits For You:

* Always Be Your OWN Boss

* Pick the Right Product

* Think, Don't Work

* No Investment Required

* Creates Premium $ Products

* Works in Any Niche

* Let Your Team Do It

* Quick Cash Boosters!

* Get Traffic Now

* Target The BUYERS

* WSO Momentum

* Twitter Traffic

* Facebook Traffic

* Article Traffic

* Magnetic Conversion

I designed my system so that you will succeed no matter what. This guide gives you the momentum and the team to bring your products to life very quickly. Once you get started, you will soon have a product in your hands that is bringing in sales and you will be planning your next product.

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Always Be BOSS

2. Product Topic

3. Catchy Title

4. Quick Creation

5. Your Angle

6. Put It Together

7. Graphics

8. Outsourcing

9. Twitter Traffic

10. Facebook Traffic

11. Ezine Traffic

12. Go High Profile

13. Your Official Site

14. Belcher Button

15. Conversion

16. Your WSO

17. Your LIST

18. Get Paid!

19. Outsource Traffic

20. Celebrate!


BONUS #1: Blog Profit Machine Report: How to Optimize Your Blogs and Turn Them Into
24/7 Profit Machines!

BONUS #2: Blog Traffic Insider Report: Secret Letters and Unpublished Articles by the Blog Traffic King!

BONUS #3: Blog Traffic Videos: 12 Video Tutorials for Instant Blog Traffic - The Easy Way!

BONUS #4: Traffic Overdrive Report: Discover TOP Traffic Building Strategies That Can Put Your Web Site On The High Traffics Of Internet Highway!

BONUS #5: Craigslist Traffic Report:

Table Of Contents:

-How To Post An Ad
-Selling Physical Products
-Selling Services
-Selling Affiliate Products
-Selling Your Own Product
-Testing Your Ads
-Special eBay Technique
-Recommended Resources


Product 6: Create Infoproducts in 24 Hours or Less - with Master Resell Rights:

This ebook focuses on using nothing but FREE TOOLS AND RESOURCES found online, to create your very own information product.

I'll show you how to:

* Find experts who are looking to be interviewed in a wide selection of niches for free

* A free website where you get ideas to compile a massive amount of questions to interview experts for your information product.

* The simplest and easiest type of information product to create that can be done in the next 60 minutes once you know how and is totally free to implement

* How to use this point and click free program to make recording your screencast go fast and easy and can shave hours off your product creation time.

* How to create professional quality MP3s with industrial-strength free software and make it sound like you had a professional create your audio.

* Where to find free music to use for your audios and not have to risk getting sued.

* A free software to rival $200 plus software you can use to create drop-dead simple screencasts, already formatted for you in the popular flash (swf) format.

* How to upload your audios, videos and other types of media to this 200 MB free storage/hosting solution.

* How to create stunning PDF ebooks and reports for free.

* How to quickly stand out from the crowd with this customizable free template to create PDF documents.

* Another free source where you can find high-quality graphics for your info product.

* An online solution to rival PhotoShop to add text to any image.

* Where to find video, audio, text and software content that you legally steal without going to jail to create your information products.

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Introduction

2. The Most Profitable Business

3. The Information Product Process

4. Infoproduct Creation: Audio MP3s

5. Infoproduct Creation: Ebooks And Special Reports

6. Infoproduct Content Creation: Private Label Content

7. Infoproduct Content Creation: Public Domain Resources

8. Infoproduct Creation: Screencasts

9. Finding Stock Images And Photos

10. Pricing Your Information Product

11. Promoting Your Information Product

12. Continually Improving Your Information Product

13. Conclusion

14. Resources

BONUS: Screencast tutorial on how to use the free mindmapping software (suggested in the report) - a key point to end the frustration of being overwhelmed


Product 7: Creating and Cashing In On Short Reports:

Let's be honest - everyone wants to be rich, and no one wants to do any work.

Although that's mostly a pipe dream, it's entirely possible to make a full-time income doing only a couple hours of work a week! People do it all the time by creating short reports and selling them like crazy.

Here, you will get a video (of 8 Minutes and 40 Seconds) showing you how to make those quick reports and get them selling in a day or two.

In this video, you will learn:

* What markets lend themselves to profiting from quick reports

* How to pick the topic (What problem you're going to solve)

* Where to get your content - In case you've never done it yourself

* And how to sell the darn thing when you're all done!


Product 8: Info Product Pathway - with Private Label Rights:

Discover the Insider Secrets to Making Money with Information Products!


1. How to make money with hot selling information products within 72 hours or less!

2. The fastest way to find high profit digital products using ONE free resource!

3. What info products always sell out and why you need to focus on this 'key' component to make more money in less time!

4. How to create your own high profit info products for less than $97!

5. How to make more money from the SAME product with "alternative" format offers!

6. And Much, Much More!


Product 9: How To Launch Your Products - with Private Label Rights:

Discover The Methods I Use To Successfully Launch My Online Products To An Audience That I Can Guarantee Will Buy From Me...- And Learn How You Can Get Access to Them Too

* A full 4 week start to finish, step by step launch guide for your products.

* 1 reason why a majority of marketers are failing to successfully launch their products by breaking the natural flow and chain of events surrounding a successful product launch.

* 6 aspects of a successful pre-launch.

* Looking beyond immediate profits is ultimately the key to product launch success.

* How to almost never run out of prospects to promote to for free ever again.

* Are you going to attract affiliates, and are they going to promote for you?

* Are you pulling in $60 per sale when you should be pulling in nothing?

* Are the sales of your digital or info product netting you less than $100 profit per product that you designed specifically to make you money?

* Are you building your business for the future correctly through lead generation and list building?

* 3 list building and lead generation mistakes of the online marketing newbie.

* Are you carrying out joint ventures for profit?

* 4 launch day tips that almost ensure your product launches will go down without a hitch.

* 6 methods of successful post launch day promotion.

* 4 tell tail ad tracking signs that will show you what promotion to do and when to do it even after your products have launched.


Product 10: Presell Launch Strategies - with Private Label Rights:

11 pages - 2,048 Words!

Presell Launch Strategies: How To Sell Your Products Before You Launch!

Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:

1. Introduction

2. Video Demonstrations

3. Product Outlines

4. Product Samples

5. Table Of Contents

6. Product Covers

7. Product Excerpts

8. Beta Test Results

9. White Board/Chalk Board

10. Expert Totals

11. Product Reviews

12. Hints And Clues

13. Free eBook/Course

14. Salesletter Previews

15. Product Costs

16. Cross Out Information

17. Expert Endorsements

18. Statistics Results

19. Before And After

20. No Show

21. Beneficial Statistics

22. Process Videos

23. Stimulate Imagination

24. Past Results

25. Hyped Up

26. Media Stories

27. Working Demo

28. Story Pre-selling

29. Contest Involvement

30. Informational Articles

31. First Chance

32. Conclusion


Here is A Summary of Everything You will Get in This Package:

Product 1. Ebook Creation and Promotion For Newbies - with Private Label Rights

Product 2. Product Creation Guru - with Private Label Rights

Product 3. Create Your Own Killer Product in 5 Easy Steps - with Private Label Rights

Product 4. Product Creation Crash Course - with Private Label Rights

Product 5. Instant Product and Fast Traffic - with Master Resell Rights

Product 6. Create Infoproducts in 24 Hours or Less - with Master Resell Rights

Product 7. Creating and Cashing In On Short Reports

Product 8. Info Product Pathway - with Private Label Rights

Product 9. How To Launch Your Products - with Private Label Rights

Product 10. Presell Launch Strategies - with Private Label Rights

To make the deal even sweeter for you, we are even including two announced bonuses with it! Only those who purchase this product from us would be able to get the bonuses at NO cost!

So what are you waiting for? Order today.

30-day money back guarantee!

In case you are not 100 percent satisfied with your purchase, simply contact us within 30 days of your purchase and we will refund every penny! No questions asked!
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