MP3 Stonecrash - Vol. 2
Stonecrash Creates Original High Energy Hard Driving Modern Melodic Heavy Rock/Heavy Metal Music Inspired By Black Sabbath and Van Halen.
11 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Hard Rock, METAL: Heavy Metal
Stonecrash Vol. 2 is the second release and follow up to Stonecrash''s debut album Vol. 1. Releasing a second album that''s just as good or even better than the first is a feat for any band. The band delivers again. This release in many ways is even "Heavier" than their debut release. Songs done in the style such as "I''ll Be Leaving","Believe In Your Heart" and "Just One Night" that were featured on Vol. 1 are not followed up on Vol. 2. Instead the album starts out with a very "Heavy" tune with "Ring Into The Sun" a song about a married man that is torn between his married life and being single. The song features great guitar riffs, harmonics, pick slides, palm muting and lead work that sets the stage for what the listener can expect from the rest of the album. Track two "The Eagles Claws" is a song written for the US Troops serving in Iraq and the units looking for Bin Laden in Afghanistan. It''s about the war with deep, deep lyrics so well written that you would think one of the band members was a soldier actually fighting in that war. The band is very proud of "The Eagles Claws" and the song actually sounds better live than the recorded version. The song has "Classic" written all over it. Track Three "Miles Around You" is a song on it''s on. Great tone, great lyrics, great subject matter and great lead work make it a "want to listen to again" Type song. Track four "In Those Eyes" is a
Stonecrash "masterpiece" combining great FX effects, deep lyrics and a very clever arrangement. The song is also the longest song at 6:28 released on any Stonecrash Album to date. Track five "Guitar God" is a great song that sets the limits of how far Stonecrash will go away from their own style but yet keep the basic Stonecrash sound the same. This futuristic interesting song about a young guitarist becoming a "Guitar God" just goes to show how creative and original a song can get. There is an extended "Live" version of "Guitar God" that might surface on a future Stonecrash release. We''ll see, it''s the bands call. Track six "That Isle" and track seven "Whispering Run Away are "throw backs" to have at least two different style songs than the rest of the album included on Vol. 2 to keep the album interesting. Track eight "Playing Heavy Everyday" goes back to the "She Devil" and "Fly So High" tone featured on Vol.1 and delivers even through it''s simplicity thanks to the great subject matter about how a Guitarist and his guitar "Play heavy everyday and create". Track nine "Liar In Disguise", Track ten "That Damn Bar" and the final and last track on vol. 2 track eleven "Todays Your Day" just further shows that Stonecrash is well on it''s way to becoming a fan favorite. Stonecrash Vol. 3 is on schedule to be released by the end of 2007.
Stonecrash is...
John LaFrance: Vocals, Rythum, Lead Guitar.
Frankie Jones: Bass, Back-up Vocals.
Louie Spitnik: Drums.
All Songs Performed And Produced By Stonecrash.