MP3 Vie - As For Me And My Music...
“RAZZLES.” That’s how Vie describes his debut CD As for Me And My Music… “A little crunchy, then nice and chewy”. V takes you from the rock club all the way to Sunday worship. God honoring music delivered via Rock, Power Pop, and Contemporary Christian.
12 MP3 Songs
GOSPEL: Contemporary Gospel, POP: Power Pop
RM: Ok, can we not talk about candy your making me hungry?
V: Sure no problem. (laughs) But don’t you just love Razzles?
RM: Who is asking the questions here?
V: Sorry. (still laughing) I’ll be good!
RM: So where did the CD title come from?
V: Joshua 24:15. Joshua is giving a speech to the Israelites and toward the end says, “…As for me and my household we will serve the Lord.” Sometime after I finally started playing music for The Lord the title just came to me one day. It just seemed appropriate. Actually that verse is written all over the skeleton of my house now. In the walls and such. Every time I remodeled something I wrote it in the wall.
RM: Interesting. What about musical influences?
V: Wow, we could be here all night for this one… Well since I have been playing Christian music only for about 3 or 4 years, most of my influences are from the rock world. My biggest influence would be Cheap Trick. Everybody in school knew me as the guy that liked Cheap Trick. Also, The Knack, Enuff Z’Nuff, The Producers, Go-Go’s, The Beatles of course, stuff like that. Mostly straightforward rock.
RM: Any Christian Artists at all?
V: Well once I started going to church like I should, I started hearing all of the contemporary Christian songs. Ya know songs like, We Want To See Jesus Lifted High, God Of Wonders etc… Hymns also! Once I got on the Worship Team I was playing all these types of songs every Sunday. One Christian band I really like is Satellite Soul. Listening to their Great Big Universe CD, along with God’s nudging, helped me to decide to write Christian/Worship music. (pauses) Chris Tomlin, I like him too.
RM: So if you could only let someone here one song on this CD so that they could get a feel for it, which song would it be?
V: Boy tough question. Is this a test?
RM: It might be!
V: That could be tough if I had to use the same song for everyone. If it was someone I thought liked more of a rock style I would say Little Miss Sin or Therefore. For someone that likes more of a worship type song I would say something like My Lord or Eternally maybe…. (stops to think) I’m really not answering the question am I?
RM: Not really but that’s ok I get the message.
V: Lets hope everyone else does too!
See the full interview at