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MP3 Joel "pibo" Marquez - The Best Of Hot Hands

An impressive latin jazz cd by percussionist, composer, arranger, and leader “pibo” marquez.

14 MP3 Songs
JAZZ: Big Band, LATIN: Latin Jazz

An impressive CD by percussionist, composer, arranger, and leader “Pibo” Marquez.

Joel “Pibo” Marquez, without a doubt is one of the best Latin-jazz percussionists in the world, and in this CD he shows again why he''s one of the greatest. His abilities as a multi-percussionist, composer and performer place him among the most important figures on the International Latin Jazz Scene.

“Pibo” has become one of the most frequent and popular guests at the most important festivals in Europe over the last years. From Montreux to Umbria, Palatia, Espoo (Finland), Leverkusen, Dirnstein (Germany) and all the way to Minori and Jazz Baltica, he has traveled throughout Europe and been a great success with audiences. Now there is finally a recording, which documents these successful performances, plenty of high energy, vigorous improvisations and thundering groove with a universal meaning.

He was born in Caracas June twentytwo of 1966. To an early age, he began experiencing music by the incentive of his family. He began his musical studies of cuatro, and string instrument of great root in the Venezuelan music, in the school Cabrini Mother and from there his participation in different folklore groups with just 8 years of age.

He continued his formation at the popular school Cristo Rey, in the district 23 de Enero at Caracas where he refined his pleasure for the Latin American percussion and its origins. Then he received classes with different professors of popular style and he links himself with works of investigation about cultural and traditional manifestations of different regions all over Venezuela. This work soon extends to other countries in Latin America, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Colombia, Peru and Surinam, having the support of an important cultural organization in Venezuela. In these journeys he has the possibility of entering in direct contact with the cultural manifestations of these countries, study them, and learn them

From 1980, he has the opportunity to put into practice what he learned from these experiences linking them with different groups of Venezuelan folklore up to 1984 when Grupo Madera summoned him. This group of international recognition helps him to show his excellent musical capacity and his extensive knowledge of the percussion. With Grupo Madera he tours for different countries from Latin America and Europe.

After separating from this group, Marquez began to exploit other musical styles like salsa, Latin jazz as well as contemporary music for ballet and theatre. He then moved to Colombia, where he resided for six years. During this period, the percussionist assisted many of the famous Latin American artists and instrumental groups by joining them for concert dates and recordings. Luckily, he was hired as a sideman for Alfredo de la Fes’ orchestra in 1998, thus being able to follow them on a tour of Europe, also being featured at the Montreux Jazz Festival of that year. Soon afterwards, famous guitarist Carlos Santana commissioned him to write some songs for him and touring with him – a great honor for Marquez, who considers Santana to be one of his personal heroes within the Latin American music scene

In the beginning of 1998, Pibo Marquez was offered the chance to produce the first recording under his name. The album bears the name “Joel Pibo Marquez, Con Las Manos Calientes” – JPM, he with the hot hands! He shared this production with musicians from different origin, in particular with Cuban bass player Diego Valdez. This album shows Marquez’ increasing musical maturity by revealing a great variety of percussive colors. Way beyond his own expectations, experts of music, musicians and the general public have of late taken increased interest in Pibo Marquez’ work, inspiring and enabling him to continue the sharing of ideas with his friends.

El "Pibo" Márquez es uno de los músicos venezolanos más internacionales del momento. Nace en Caracas, Venezuela, y desde muy temprana edad comienza sus pasos en el ambiente musical, participando en colectivos familiares y tomando clases de música. Debido a su origen barloventeño, zona de gran concentración de cultura negra, proveniente del África, enfoca su atención en los tambores y asiste a numerosos cursos y talleres de percusión, en tanto participa en trabajos de campo para aprender directamente de los maestros y profesores en sus regiones de origen. Este método lo lleva también a otros países como Colombia, Puerto Rico, Surinam, México, Perú y Cuba. Ha participado como acompañante en distintos grupos de corte folclórico, como lo son: el Grupo Madera, de Venezuela; Colombia Negra, de Colombia; Fiesta de Tambores, Batata y su Rumba, Palenquera y Aquende. Paralelamente, continua sus estudios musicales con profesores como María Auxiliadora Rodríguez (lenguaje musical y solfeo) y Eddie Martínez, pianista reconocido en el ambiente del jazz latino, entre otros que profundizaron su conocimiento de música en general. Esta mezcla de folclore, salsa y jazz lo lleva a relacionarse más de cerca con el mundo de la improvisación y la fusión, donde decide arraigarse con el bagaje de todo lo aprendido. De esta forma, comienza su carrera como líder, que lo ha llevado a realizar cuatro producciones discográficas con su música y su idea particular como compositor y productor musical. Viaja a Europa, donde hace una exitosa carrera, específicamente en Francia. Desde ahí maneja las giras y conciertos por toda Europa, Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica de su grupo Los Manos Calientes, quienes se mantienen en actividad constante, aún hoy día, en el continente europeo.

Entre los músicos con quienes ha participado Joel “Pibo” Márquez podemos destacar a Joe Zawinull, Omar Hakim, Hilton Ruiz, Giovanni Hidalgo, Chico Freeman, Justo Almario, Alfredo de La Fe, Luis “Perico” Ortiz, Eddie Martínez, Alfredo Rodríguez, David Valentin, El Pavo Frank, Beny Golson, Antonio Farao, Pino Paladino, Dominic Miller, y Franco Ambrosetti, entre otros. Ha participado en numerosos festivales de jazz y world music en Europa, Latinoamérica y EUA. Joel “Pibo” Márquez ha sido galardonado con el prestigioso premio Tamanaco de Oro, edición 2004, otorgado a aquellas personalidades destacadas en el ambiente artístico venezolano.

La Salsa de Aquí (orquesta) es uno de sus nuevos proyectos, encaminado particularmente hacia el género de la salsa, con lo cual da un paso necesario para un artista latino que lleva por dentro toda la formación del barrio y de los pueblos de Latinoamérica. También participa en la conducción del programa de televisión Madera presenta, específicamente en la sección Tambor Tamborero, donde imparte clases de percusión para todos aquellos televidentes que tienen la inquietud de aprender sobre percusión.

En la actualidad cuenta con cuatro producciones propias en el mundo del World Music hechas tanto en Latinoamérica como en Europa. Los Manos Calientes es internacionalmente reconocido por su calidad interpretativa y han recorrido innumerables festivales de renombre internacional como North Sea Jazz Festival - Holanda, Montreaux Jazz Festival - Suiza, Umbría Jazz – Italia y otros países como Alemania, Finlandia, Rumania, Croacia, Eslovenia, Brasil y https://www.tradebit.com. Los Manos Calientes son una mezcla de música folklórica latinoamericana con los sonidos modernos del funky ,el jazz y el rap en donde se destaca el equilibrio y buen gusto.

Pibo Marquez, geboren 1966 in Caracas, Venezuela, wurde in jungen Jahren durch seine Familie musikalisch inspiriert. Sein erstes Instrument, eine Cuatro, ein venezulanisches Streichinstrument spielte er nach kürzester Zeit so gut, dass er in verschiedenen Volksmusik- gruppen ein Gastspiel gab.1984 gründete er die international bekannte „Group Madera“ (Latin Music). Er tourte mit dem berühmten „Carlos Santana“ und schrieb im Auftrag dessen einige Songs.1998 nahm der Percussionist sein erstes eigenes Album „ Joel Pibo Marquez, Con Las Manos Calientes“ auf.

Joel Pibo Marquez
In Venezuela existã o diversitate extraordinarã de la ritmurile senzuale de pe coastã pânã la armoniile instrumentale minunate ale Llanos-ului. Pibo Marquez vine sã întregeascã o listã ce include pe Alirio Diaz, unul dintre cei mai buni interpreti de chiatarã clasicã din lume, Los Amigos Invisibles, care îsi difuzeazã muzica Funk Latino pe tot globul.

Pibo Marquez este unul dintre percutionistii cei mai respectati din lumea Jazzului Latino care a fãcut inregistrãri cu muzicieni precum Carlos Santana si Orishas. Nãscut în 1966 în Caracas, Venezuela, Marquez a fost introdus de la o vârstã fragedã în lumea muzicii de cãtre familia sa. A crescut între Catia si San Augustin, în zona durã a Caracasului, cunoscutã pentru cã a dat cei mai buni percutionisti ai Venezuelei.

Marquez exploreaza si alte stiluri muzicale precum salsa, jazzul latin si muzica contemporanã pentru teatru si balet. S-a mutat apoi în Columbia unde a trãit timp de sase ani. Din fericire, în 1998 a fost angajat de cãtre orchestra lui Alfredo de la Fes, ceea ce i-a permis sã concerteze împreunã cu aceasta în Europa, apãrând în acelasi an pe scena Festivalului de Jazz Montreux. Curând dupã aceea, faimosul chitarist Carlos Santana i-a cerut sã compunã câteva cântece pentru el - o mare onoare pentru Marquez care-l considerã pe Santana ca fiind unul dintre eroii sai personali de pe scena muzicii din America Latinã.

Stilul sãu este mai degrabã universal, combinând ce este mai bun în muzica din Venezuela cu o varietate de influente care l-au marcat în urma cãlãtoriilor sale. Folosesc muzica folcloricã venezueleanã ca un fundament, dar am renuntat la ea ca scop în sine. Imi place sã combin diferite stiluri si sã le dau sansa si celorlalti muzicieni sã strãluceascã, explica Marquez.
Albumul "The Best of Hot Hands", este o lucrare stelarã care reflectã originile sale si scena muzicalã internationalã de la Paris. Nu înceteazã nici un moment sã uimeascã si dovedeste cã Marquez a studiat serios ritmurile afro-latine ale Caraibelor si le combinã perfect cu fusion, jazz, funk si salsa, pentru a creea ceva magnific.

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