MP3 Sleeping Dogs Lie - Swirl
A 22-song cd with creative & eclectic, guitar driven indie rock along the lines of Yo La Tengo, the Pixies and Nirvana with Beck styled vocals.
22 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Modern Rock, ROCK: Hard Rock
“Swirl” is the digitally remastered/remixed version of Sleeping Dogs Lie’s debut 1996 tape with the addition of 10 new songs. Some of the new additions are old songs that have been reworked and some are brand new songs that have never been released.
The first 12 songs are the same songs that appeared on the original Swirl tape, but sounding significantly better. These songs were selected from over 100 songs that were the initial Sleeping Dogs Lie recordings and were the catalyst for the four subsequent Sleeping Dogs Lie cd releases.
The first 5 cds currently being sold right now on CD Baby are limited-edition hand-packaged cds in a homemade box with 22 individual lyrics cards with various pictures and commentary. After they''re sold out, this paragraph will be elimnated...
Quick listening reference:
Rock songs:
Track 1: Archie Swirl
Track 5: Sally
Track 6: High five on the dead guy
Track 19: Yellowbeat
More eclectic songs:
Track 14: Fun Government cheese
Track 17: You’re too old to ride a pony
Track 22: Stick it to the man
Sleeping Dogs Lie started in 1995 with a Tascam 4-track in my apartment in West Palm Beach, Florida. I had a Thomas organ, two guitars, bass, drum machine (Dr. Uma Chine in the credits) and a $19.95 Radioshack Realistic microphone with the idea of writing music that was purely a cure for my own boredom.
I wrote and recorded everyday for a year and half straight... As I wrote and recorded more songs, the whole thing was becoming more interesting as I stumbled through the creative song writing process ... I wasn''t sure where I was going with it or if I could even call myself a real songwriter... Even to this day, for some reason, I don''t look at myself as a songwriter... just some guy that''s making organized noise? Anyways, There are more and more people out there that seem to really enjoy whatever it is I am doing. So, why stop now? Over the last couple of years, I’ve worked with a variety of musicians to come up with an even more diverse and eclectic collection of songs... But, down here in South Florida, there is very little support for the indie rock scene... most clubs are either hip-hop, djs or salsa... and I''ve tried numerous times to get a band going to bring the music to the stage, but I can never find the right musicians for this noise. I''m not going to let a little thing like no band stop me from making music... So, I''ll just keep on and just see what happens... I guess that''s the way I write too.
The music is essentially rock, but there’s a lot of experimentation and unique chord arrangements combined with offbeat subject matter in the lyrics that makes Sleeping Dogs Lie what it is. If you want to read more about all of this, go to and read the story.
There are currently six Sleeping Dogs Lie albums that have been released since 1996. Below is more info on all of the Sleeping Dogs Lie releases:
SWIRL (1996) 12-song cassette
JOY (1997) 12-song CD
NUDE (2002) 12-song CD
SWIRL (2007 REMASTER) 12 songs from cassette & 10 new bonus tracks CD
“Head first down the stairs” has 22 songs and over an hour of music that has a more mainstream appeal than any of the other Sleeping Dogs Lie CDs. I also worked with a dozen other musicians, friends and even my cat Bowie to create the most polished and though-out songs that I’ve come up to date. Don''t get me wrong, It''s still got that good ''ole lofiness... but, damn if this doesn''t sound like a repectable CD?
Quick listening reference:
loud songs:
Track 2: Try not to go headfirst down the stairs
Track 6: Brainiac
Track 11: Kilimanjaro
groove songs:
Track 4: Ray Liotta
Track 14: Technology
Track 20: 1,000,000
creative songs:
Track 3: Mike fixed my car
Track 19: Go to the sto
Track 20: zzzzzzzzzzzZ
CD: NUDE (2002)
"Nude" is the fourth of five cds released in 2002. This indie rock cd has a cool laid back vibe with a variety of acoustic, electric and experimental sounding songs that continue in the Sleeping Dogs Lie tradition of unique and tasty chord arrangements and wide ranging lyrical subject matter. Nude is the introspective Sleeping Dogs Lie CD.
The CD cover art is a true story that I painted. A friend of mine was walking on Jupiter Beach in Florida in the late afternoon with her mother-in-law. She suddenly decided that she had to use the restroom... she scurried over to the public bathroom only to discover that it was locked. So, without missing a beat she walked over to the pristeen white beach sand and proceeded to pull down her pants and underwear and took a crap on Jupiter''s public beach.
No one was around at the time, but my friend, who shall remain nameless was wrought with fear as she looked around for possible onlookers and proclaimed that "we''re going to be arrested!" Well, mother-in-law finished her business quickly and without missing a beat continued her leisurely stroll and started the next conversation... (what bothers me is that she didn''t bury her droppings like a cat). So needless to say, it was worthy of an CD cover... Nude has a bit of a Lou Reed vocal feel, Beck oddity, Nirvana musicality, Brian Eno silence, David Bowie separation, Primus lyricalness with a Violent Femmes feel? Listen to a few songs and decide for yourself... enjoy... and for God sakes, watch where you step.
Quick listening reference:
people like ''em songs:
5. Burl Ives died
2. Weird about steve
11. Bad for me
Laid back songs:
1. Lonesome Jack
3. Cigarette
8. It''s fun until someone gets hurt
Odd songs:
4. Chinchilla doldrums
6. The green blanket
7. The rain daisies
Songs written and recorded while hammered:
9. You take the world
"Slightly confusing to a stranger" is the third of five cds from Sleeping Dogs Lie. Released in 2000, this cd is the most experimental of the Sleeping Dogs Lie CD releases. The music is well-written, home-recorded, lofi, interesting and creative. Just music made for the love of screwing around with sound until it does something. Now, THAT''S the way to record music! This CD is like having a child with three arms and loving it for it''s shortcomings.
Quick listening reference:
Some loud music:
Mr. Corn
Big fat slob
Some laid back music:
Slightly confusing to a stranger
The girl that broke my heart
This girl on a bench
Just weird:
CD: JOY (1997)
“Joy” may very well be the most creative of the Sleeping Dogs Lie CDs. There''s songs about telethon hosts, an armhair named "Jerry" Garcia, lost pets, dirty nuns, aliens, corrupt government officials, Ron Jeremy, the witness protection program, satanic boyscouts, bad computer salesmen, fat slobs, my friend Maria, Monty Python, disease, a beer drinkin'' fetus, presidents, mall rats and some other neglected subjects...
Strange enough though, there is a lot of “hooky” songs on the CD. Jake Cline of CITY LINK Magazine said “David Geffen was missing out…” after giving it a four-star rating. I tend to agree, but who the hell am I?
Quick listening reference:
Turn it up songs:
9. Todd
8. Witness protection program
5. Porno flicks from 1974
Turn it up and scratch your head songs:
1. Jerry the hair
10. Saturn Girl
11. American
Turn it up and yeah, turn it up some more songs:
2. Tragic monk sat
7. Better than healing
12. Black marble
You can hear all of the music or buy a CD right here at CD Baby.
You can also download any of the songs from iTunes and many other sites.
The Box Set is also available on the website for just $30 (plus shipping).
An artistically slathered homemade box with all of the Sleeping Dogs Lie releases and a couple of other CDs from bands/artists that I have recorded with over the years, pictures, stickers, actual hand-written lyric sheets that I used to write some songs, guitar strings & pick and lots of other random things that I found laying around the house... go to
Feel free to contact me with any of your thoughts or questions.
Enjoy the music...
MYSPACE: http;//
EMAIL: sleepingdogslie@