Google Adsense For Newbies - with PLR + 2 Mystery BONUSES!
Comes with FULL Private Label Rights, and two Mystery BONUSES!
103 pages - 16,309 Words!
Discover How to Create A Massive Auto-Pilot Income With The Google AdSense Program - Starting Now!
You'll learn:
* How YOU can get Google to stream ads onto your website for free.
* How Google AdSense ads are specially selected to match your site's topic.
* How YOU earn money every time a visitor to your site clicks on one of the ads.
* The difference between putting ads where they'll be seen on your site and where they'll be overlooked-would you believe it can make the difference in a click-through rate of 2.3 versus 40???
* How YOU can get killer content for your site that you don't have to write yourself!
* How YOU can use a few simple tools to direct massive amounts of traffic to your site.
* How YOU can automate your content, yet avoid being blacklisted by the major search engines for doing so.
* The secrets of keyword-rich content-what it means, what it does, how to get it!
* How YOU can figure out which keywords will bring you the most money!
Plus, much, much more!
Chapters Covered in This Report are as Follows:
1. Chapter 1: Introduction
-So What is Google Adsense?
-What Can it do for Me?
-What Kinds of Ads Will I Get on My Site?
-How do I Get Started?
-What are Users Saying about AdSense?
-Am I Going to Make a Lot of Money Off of This?
2. Chapter 2: Building Content-Rich Sites
-What are Content-Rich Sites and Why Have One?
-How Do I Build One?
-What Kind of Content Should I Put Up?
-Sample Google AdSense pages-real sites
3. Chapter 3: SEO-Search Engine Optimization
-Things to Consider
-Likes and dislikes of Googlebots
4. Chapter 4: About Specific Keyword Density Ranges
-Do-it-Yourself SEO
5. Chapter 5: About Extreme Content Sites
6. Chapter 6: Using Traffic Equalizer
-Using Traffic Equalizer
-Google's Guidelines
7. Chapter 7: Using Traffic Hurricane
8. Chapter 8: MetaWebs
9. Chapter 9: Additional Web Page Creation Software
-Directory Generator
-Traffic TurboCharger
10. Chapter 10: The Eyes Have it-So Where are They?
-Don't Nest, Just List
-Put web links where people will see them
-Never Hide Headers
11. Chapter 11: Building a Virtual Content Empire to Display Ads On
-Blog and Ping-not just funny names
12. Chapter 12: Using RSS Feeds for Content
-How do I start using RSS feeds?
13. Chapter 13: Summing Up
This product comes with PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS! To make the deal even sweeter for you, we are even including two announced bonuses with it! Only those who purchase this product from us would be able to get the bonuses at NO cost!
So what are you waiting for? Order today.
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