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MP3 T. Slack - Stop The Violence
Classic Hip-Hop beats with uplifting, i inspirational, life-changing messages.
12 MP3 Songs
HIP HOP/RAP: Spiritual Rap, FOLK: Power-folk
Terrence Slack is an Author, Motivational Speaker, Inspirational Artist and Founder of High Expectations Entertainment LLC. High Expectations is a Motivational Production Company designed to inspire youth and young adults to strive to be their best at all that the do. Terrence has performed at local high schools, churches,
stop the violence rallies, back to school rallies and many other civic and community projects. His latest project is the Stop the Violence Project which is to curtail the violence in our communities
as well as in our schools across America. Crime and Violence is at an all time high in this country and Terrence Slack is using his God
given talents to inspire youth and young adults to strive to be their best at all that they do. In his CD " Stop the Violence" he has used many of the principles and virtues that he use in his Motivational Presentations. Terrence Slack feels that this is a most have CD for all youth as well as adults of all races, creeds and colors across the world. So please purchase one or two for your child, niece, nephew, neighbor, students, youth group, church group or a friend. A portion of the procedes will go towards purchasing sporting equipment for youth at the New Orleans Recreation Department whose parks and recreational facilities were either destroyed or
severely damaged during Hurricane Katrina. Thank You and I hope you enjoy my CD.
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This file is sold by music, an independent seller on Tradebit.