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MP3 CallBox - Suspect
down home music with some heave rock and meaningful blues mixed with various styles all on one cd.
11 MP3 Songs
BLUES: Electric Blues, METAL: Alternative Metal
That guy from the band CALL BOX did it again with this there third CD release this year! (SUSPECT) this CD is a collection of down home jams like in the songs, (GOODS ON YOU) (PLAYING A GAME) and (TENNIS SHOE''S ON). It''s not a big time production recording, after all there CD''s sell for around $6.00 on CD baby and I believe this one was recorded and mixed in just three days in a small rehearsal studio, but I can hear there metal/blues style coming in loud on songs like (ANGEL CITY) (I DREAM THE SAME) and (RIDE AWAY), this CD has various styles on it from slow blues like songs as in (MY PROPHECY) or (OCCUPY YOUR MIND) to some good toe tapping songs as in (DON''T FORGET) OR (ECHO OF MY SOLE) "and my favorite"(IF YOU EVER). Even if you don''t buy the CD " give a click on two or three of the songs" And type-em what you think.
Solin P. from CD RECORD LABS. Asac* NY.
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