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*Perfect for Newbies!*
Originally Posted by MindLikeWater I just got in quick at $7.40. Another one of Kim's PLR packs to add to my collection. Always top-notch and at a near give-away price given the quality of the writing. Attention Offline Marketing Consultants...

"Are You Looking for Top-Quality Content That Will Boost
Your Credibility AND Help Local Businesses See WHY
They Need Your Google Places Services...?"

Gain INSTANT ACCESS to this PLR Pack, Add Your Name to it, and
Start Generating New Google Places Leads on AUTO-PILOT!

as well as soft-selling them on "why they NEED a strong, optimized listing."

After reading this content, they will be anxious and ready for you to help them out...

YOU are going to be the one to show them the light with this PLR Report that has YOUR name on it...

It's HARD To Gain A Business Owner's Trust

Before a business owner will close a deal with you, they have to:
  • Trust You
  • Like You
  • Respect You
There is no way around this - period.

You Need High-Quality Content That Will Help You Accomplish 3 Major Goals:
  • Educate Your Prospects
  • Build Your Credibility
  • Soft-Sell Your Services

But There's Just One Problem...

Creating Content Yourself Can Be Very

Either you can tough it out and write it yourself or you can outsource
someone to write it for you and pay an arm and a leg...

But Why Spend Valuable Time and Money When You
Can Have The "Done-For-You" Solution Right At Your Fingertips?

Just take a few minutes to add your name and information to this
brand new PLR report and simply let it do the selling for you!

WARNING: This is Not Your Typical PLR Content...

HIGH-QUALITY 2,200+ Word Report With PLR

All you need to do is add your information and let it WORK FOR YOU

It Doesn't Stop There...

You Will Also Receive A Squeeze Page And Banner Ads To Help
You Capture Leads And Drive Traffic To Your Report!

OK, let me slow down... Let's recap this NO-BRAINER OFFER...

You will receive a 12-page, 2,200+ word, freshly-written "Google Places for Local Businesses" PLR Lead Generation report.

Some of the topics cover:

  • What is Google Places?
  • Listing Your Business in Google Places
  • The Importance of Citations
  • The Importance of Customer Reviews
  • Google Places and Mobile Internet Usage

It is written in SIMPLE terms and explains what Google Places is and why local business owners NEED to have a claimed, verified, and optimized listing.

You will receive the report in .doc and .txt format for easy editing.

You will receive the ecover image in JPEG and PSD formats for easy editing.


Originally Posted by MindLikeWater I've bought just about every PLR Kim has created... and I'm yet to be disappointed. I got in quick with this one without even having to think about it.

Update: I've now had time to download and review the PLR Pack and it's ideal for a new mini project I have in mind. Thanks again Kim.

Simon Originally Posted by CMCarlin I got the chance to check this out before the package launch.

I gotta say, WOW.

I read through the report. It is very educational and informative, without divulging the nuts and bolts of HOW to do everything. It covers social media, google places, mobile marketing, list building.

The OTO is great too - email auto responders - Very friendly tone with a CTA at the end of every one.

And throughout the report there are some fantastic uses of power words.

What business owner doesn't pay attention to clever uses of the word profit?

What I mean is, the writing style here will get the business owner to perk up in their seat and push them to think about new ways to market themselves.

This kind of writing would normally cost me, well, I don't want to say, but $50 for a 500 word article for this type of information is not abnormal.

Just get it. Promote it. Then profit.

By the way, I have no affiliation and nothing to gain from leaving this review - I was presented with a review copy however.

You know what? This is so good I am going to buy it anyway. Originally Posted by tripros I had the opportunity to review this package before launch and like all of Kim's previous work, this one was top notch as well.

Here's particularly what I liked about this report: it hit every topic that I like to share with my prospects and customers when it comes to maximizing their marketing potential online. In fact, the style in which it was written and presented is exactly the way I share it with my prospects, straightforward, professional, educational and gives them just enough information to be curious and ask you to help them implement the strategies. That's why Kim's reports are unique and effective, in my opinion. This type of high quality, effective writing for PLR reports is hard to find and why I buy most everything Kim puts out.

As always, Kim includes the source files to change anything I want, including the PSD's to the images.

And the OTO for the autoresponder emails is solid. The emails are ready to copy and paste with the Aweber name code already in place. They also inform as well as entice the reader to take action and contact you.

Kim is right, these are all newbie friendly, but also a huge time saver for veteran consultants as well.

This will be the primary content going to all my prospects now. Awesome report Kim and thanks for putting this out! Originally Posted by 1netscribe I don't know Kim personally but I own alot of her products because the products are always high quality and this one is no exception.

The banners and ecover are beautiful - come in both jpeg and psd formats

The squeeze page is beautiful AND it already has the bullet points and ecover image added (what a time saver) just add your autoresponder code and upload and you are good to go...

The report is 26 pages - well written, informative and easily leads to presenting your services/products as a solution to the "profit leaks".

The oto is 10 emails about the most popular services to offer:
updating existing websites
linking a website to social media
mobile websites
email set up
business blogs
google places
sms/text messaging
reputation management

All are well written with a strong call to action

If you are in the offline field:
-this is a done for you package that will save you time
-it is professionally done and will reflect well on you and your business
-the price is small in comparison to the value it offers your business

If you need this for your business - purchase with confidence Originally Posted by MassiveMedia So Glad I ran across this, because the little report I was putting together just wasn't getting https://www.tradebit.comnks. Just pick it up. Originally Posted by NathanGarnett I got this package as soon as it opened up! I bought Kim's previous PLR package and loved it .
Not being the greatest writer I am always looking for great content to add more value to my offline business for my clients.
The 20 Profit Leaks are very well written and will definitely give me more credibility. Also I like the attractive graphics ! Waiting to look at the auto responder series when I get moment. I am sure it will be good!
Another package well done Kim,
Keep them coming.
Thanks Originally Posted by Armin Bartsch Hi Kim,

you've done it again... thank you for another outstanding Offline PLR Package.

Offline marketing is really a great market, BUT only if you make it...
1. to educate your prospective clients to build trust and
2. to sell your services in a gentle manner.

In both, you'll be supported by this PLR Package.
The "No Brainer"-OTO (10 autoresponder emails) - at a very low price - complements the whole package perfectly and is a real time saver.

Buy - Unzip - Push the send button... it really goes so fast!

MsMotivation1 stands for...

top notch quality PLR Packages
in plain English and straight to the point
clean formatted
absolutly newbie friendly
my "buy first, then read the sales letter" garantie
and for always overdelivering

Thank you and good luck with your current package!

Armin Originally Posted by TheCashWhisperer Disclaimer: I did receive a review copy beforehand, AND would have gladly dropped my own hard-earned cash to pick up Kim's latest product. Having "said" that, I do purchase ALL of her PLR materials. I don't even read the sales copy anymore... I just buy baby!

I understand we normally buy PLR products to post on our own sites, to help create articles, to use as a hook, etc., but I really found this particular product to be quite educational.

The material is well written, and as always, Kim does a good job of explaining foreign, and maybe even difficult concepts, to her intended audience (local business owners with little or no knowledge of how to utilize the Internet to retain/gain customers). She does a great job of soft selling the different services without leaving the reader feeling like s/he is being sold to, and this is key!

I especially appreciate how Kim included many, if not all, the various types of offline services one can sell to their local clients. Talk about getting your foot in the door...

The autoresponder series is fantastic, too, as it helps to build trust with the prospective client. It also provides that gentle reminder they need to finally purchase our service(s).

What are you waiting for? Buy it, read it and take action!


TCW Originally Posted by Harbourmaster Unlike much of the PLR that is sold here on the WF, Kim writes her own stuff and that makes all the difference!

This report is full of fresh, up to date information and is exactly what I would have written myself (without all of my typos and grammatical errors of course) if I had the time!

You can quickly edit this report to add your own name to it and then print it out to hand to prospects or offer it for free on your website in order to get new leads.

The information in the report lets the prospect know what they should be doing, without giving away the farm, and then positions you to naturally step in and take over the how of getting it all done!

The OTO email sequence is a natural followup that reinforces the key points of the report and brings anyone that is still hesitant along to the same conclusion.... that you should be doing the work for them!

Thank you for the opportunity to review this package, Great Job once again Kim!

Aloha, Ken Santucci Originally Posted by bsvoboda I purchased the main product and the OTO based on your writing sample. Most PLR is really poorly written, in my opinion, and takes as much time to edit as it would to write from scratch.

Also, I think educating a small business owner first makes for a cleaner sale. Although these guys are generally clueless about marketing they are pretty immune to the typical sales pitches.

Give them just enough information to show you know what you're doing, but not so much that they can do it themselves or outsource it elsewhere.

You're my kinda woman!


Brenda Originally Posted by Double O Listen up Warriors!

How do you convince someone who you've never seen to buy a product they've never seen...yet, you know that it will only help their business? Well...I'll give it a shot!

You need this if you are a REAL person with a REAL business looking to establish some REAL credibility. Businesses are more savy than you may think. You may be the smartest marketer in the world, but it is your marketing presence that stands out in the mind of the business owner. Kim has provided great work once again (which oftentimes can get lost in the midst of 'over-hyped' product launches).

It is up to you my friend. If you value your business then you will definitely value this product...

Thanks again Kim! Originally Posted by handydandy Just got this and the oto because of all the great feedback on this. I am going to be using this on my local businesses immediately. Originally Posted by zphil Just downloaded and did a quick read, this is very timely for me more of what I need to help me get more clients! Much more than I expected and very complete. I did not purchase the OTO, because with it being the Holiday Season I just have to watch the spending. Thanks Kim Originally Posted by Sheila As usual, Kim's attention to detail shows in this report and the OTO . . .if you're looking to build or expand your offline business, these are great tools for lead generation!

By using the approach of letting business owners know how they could be losing profits right now - then letting them know "what" to do and "why" to do it, but not telling them "how" to do it - Kim sets up the sale for you.

She covers all the hot buttons: the importance of building a list, reputation management, selling through business blogs, press releases, optimizing classified ads, SEO, Google places, interlinking and backlinking, tracking, and even includes tips on creating mobile friendly sites, mobile coupons, text marketing and QR codes - who could ask for anything more?

If you're not currently selling some of the services offered . . .so what? You can always delete that content and add it later if/when you expand your offline business. If you already have a free offer . . .how's that working for you?

I'd recommend this plr package to anyone who wants to pick up some plr to effectively target the offline business owner, yet doesn't want to spend a ton of time reworking the content because of mistakes in grammar, or because the content doesn't include a clear call to action.

To me, this package is a no-brainer . . . Kim's content is top-notch, will get a business owners' attention, and is a steal at this price. Originally Posted by CJ Lang Hello Kim,

I want to thank you for a really good product. I would say great, (because it is..) but I do not want to sound like hype. This is a well put together product and the OTP while not needed is an extra tool. Save yourself LOTS of time and spend the few dollars on the OTO. Honest.

I've seen several products here on the forum and yours ranks up there as one of the best. Even if you have nothing else and want to get started in offliine marketing, this product + OTO is a real starting point. With everything I've already bought, this one help put things into focus for me.

Thanks for your hard work, and if you are planning on offering this elsewhere for more, it is worth it. Easily worth $79 and up because of the way you've put it all together. As Berry said above, this gives a person expert status.

Best of luck to you.

CJ Lang Originally Posted by Gilissia Hi Kim,

I wasn't even going to leave a message for you here. But after I went through your report and the OTO, I just couldn't help myself... I had to leave a comment here.
Guys, this is very well done! It will give you instant expert status. Print it out, hand it to a prospect or try to get people to opt-in. This is good stuff.
It comes just at the right time for me, I am just about to launch my offline business finally and was not looking forward to writing something similar. Now, it saved me a lot of time, same for the follow up emails/auto-responder!

Thanks a lot Kim!

So... How Much is This Going to Cost?

Usually, a package of this value would cost you a VERY nice penny...

We're talking at least $100+ for the Report, another $50+ for the Squeeze Page and another $100+ for the Banner Ads!

But you won't pay anything near that today...

My goal with this package is to OVER-DELIVER

*Get it While the Price is Still LOW*

Thank you and good luck with your Google Places business!


P.S. The price of this package won't stay this low for long... Grab yours NOW if you're serious about growing your Offline business and taking it to the next level!

P.P.S. How long would it take you to create this amount of content YOURSELF? This time-saving package will help position you as the Google Places expert and have businesses BEGGING for your help...

Earn INSTANT PAYPAL COMMISSIONS by Promoting This Offer!


[NO] Cannot Give Away, Sell, or Transfer Private Label or Resell Rights to Other Internet Marketers
[NO] Cannot Resell or Give Away on the Warrior Forum

[YES] Can Edit the Content Any Way You Want to Use with Business Owners
[YES] Can Use to Create Articles, Blog Posts, Website Content
[YES] Can Be Sold to Business Owners
[YES] Can Be Given Away to Business Owners
[YES] Can Claim Full Authorship

NOTE: This Package is offered at a very cheap rate here on Tradebit so the guarantee and refund conditions may not be as same as offered at other places However if there will be any fault with the product it will be solved as soon as possible .
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This file is sold by markjohnsononline, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 13 megabytes
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