Sold by markjohnsononline on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,277,954 satisfied buyers
HTML Vertical
Google Maps Vertical
Videos Vertical
Images Vertical
Google News Vertical
Blogs Vertical
Discussions Vertical
Books Vertical
The thing is EVERYONE is trying to compete inside the HTML vertical. Very few savvy internet marketers are actively engaged in the other verticals.
What this means is that those competing inside the 'HTML Vertical' are finding it impossible to rank for competitive terms.
Conversely those competing in the less competitive verticals are getting page one placement on Google in as little as 24 hours.
The Weight Loss Niche
Take the term '6 pack abs' for example. This is a massively competitive niche where tons of money is being spent daily on courses like 'Truth About 6 Pack Abs' (a Clickbank #1 Product) and supplements from 'Whey Proteins' to 'Creatine'.
If you were targeting the phrase '6 pack abs' using HTML content, then I wish you well as its near on impossible to hit page one given the competition.
However if you took the time to perform some 'keyword trigger analysis' you would have realized that there are other verticals appearing in the search results for that term.
In fact outside of the HTML vertical, there are no fewer than 3 other verticals in the SERPS.
Images Vertical
Video Vertical
News Vertical
These verticals represent 3 trap doors to page one of Google for the term '6 pack abs'. Furthermore the competition inside these 3 verticals are significantly less than the competition insider the 'html vertical'.
Discussions Trap Door
Video Trap Door
News Trap Door
If you knew how to produce SEO optimized discussions, video and news content then you could dominate page one of Google for this term in the fastest possible time.
As you can see the 'Google Maps' trap door is dominating positons 1 to 7 in the top 11 results on page one of Google.
If you were not active in creating optimized 'Google Maps' content, then you had no chance of getting anywhere near positions #1 to #7 for that term.
I hope these examples are driving home the point that you simply must create content that satisfies the verticals triggered by the keyword phrases you wish to rank for.
The problem is that most internet marketers don't know how to produce content that is SEO optimized in a way that triggers a trap door vertical.
Well that is all about to change.
I am after putting together a detailed course that is going to show you how to Dominate page #1 of Google by producing content that is optimized to trigger the trap doors dominant in your niches.
Introducing "Google Topper"
Google Topper is a 139 page blueprint that reveals EVERYTHING you need to know about identifying the trap doors that are related to your niche, and how to produce content that gets through these trap doors to page one of Google.
When you grab your copy of 'Google Topper' today, here is just a small selection of what you will learn:
How to perform keyword research the RIGHT WAY, so that you are not wasting your time on terms that are impossible to rank for
How to perform keyword trigger analysis so that you can identify the trap doors to a Google page #1 position
How to conquer the 'Google Maps' trap door so that you can grab a number 1 position on Google for ultra competitive local search terms
How to TRIGGER the 'Video' trap door so that you can produce SEO optimized videos that get page one ranking in as little as 24 hours.
How to TAKEOVER the 'Google News' trap door, so that you can blast your way to a page one position in just a few hours
How to MUSCLE IN on the 'Images' trapdoor, so that you can bombard page one of Google with 'eye ball grabbing' image thumbnails
How to DOMINATE the 'Discussions' trapdoor so that you take control of the page one 'Discussions' vertical
How to Optimize your Blog Posts so that you can SKY ROCKET to page one of Google via the 'Blogs' trapdoor
How to Open the 'Google Books' trapdoor so that you can get your eBooks to page one of Google for laser targeted buyer traffic
How to FORCE your way through the ULTRA Competitive HTML Trap Door using powerful onpage and off page optimization techniques
How to create high quality backilnks on autopilot, so that you can 'slam shut' the trap doors on your competitors, and rise above those that have already made it through the trap doors.
The Benefits
The benefits to you are immense:
You'll never waste your time trying to rank for impossible terms
You'll get page one ranking in 24 hours for terms that would take years in the HTML vertical
You'll build a huge buyers lists, from all the free targeted traffic from Google
You'll make boat loads of sales by targeting buyer keyword phrases across multiple verticals
You'll have created multiple new revenue streams that flow into your bank account every single month.
All these things are possible when you target the less competitive trap doors on Google.
JUmp on because when he says $97 after this That's it
Originally Posted by titan55 Mao,
I've been around the Forum for a while, I've purchased a few package's. I've never taken the time to register...until now. I registered today so that I could thank you for this package!
You give a fully detailed step-by-step quide from the ground up for systematically dominating page one of Google. I will keep this as a reference book for a long time.
This is by far the best package I've purchased. I look forward to future offerings.
Rob Originally Posted by net-vaultI bought Google Topper earlier this evening and have just finished reading it. It is absolutely brilliant. So many new insights and angles I had never before considered.
Many thanks Mayo. As a result of that I just got two of your other products too about article marketing and solo ads. All very well researched, highly detailed, and very worthwhile.
As a side note, I notice a number of posts above complaining about being misled by the offer. I don't really know what these people are thinking about or perhaps they can't read properly. There was nothing misleading about the SENuke free trial. It was all pretty plain to me.
Again, a great product and many thanks.
Originally Posted by scottlee Hi,
After going through this package, all I can say is that Mao has outdone himself. This is the most value that I've ever gotten out of a package. Mao could have easily cut up the information into 7-8 smaller packages, but he's put them all into 1 massive package. IMHO, he's effectively become created the bible for SEO, and I don't say this lightly.
There's something for everyone from newbie to seasoned IMer. I was surprised to learn so many new things and I thought that I had read them all from the countless packages that I had bought.
The 132 pages are solid-packed with information, not some fluff written in font-18 with 2-inch margins. If anything, this is the equivalent of a textbook in SEO, it's that jam-packed with information.
For those still unconvinced, just continue to stay unconvinced. As far as I'm concerned, this is the gold standard if you want to understand SEO & SERPs.
This should be package of the year, and sets the standard for all other packages, as far as I'm concerned.
Nuff said. It's your loss if you don't get this package.
Originally Posted by Vrs After purchasing this package and going over everything I just had to come back to the forum and leave a testimonial.
Mao this is an incredibly generous offer. I'm so glad I bought this package and can't believe how much value you've put into it.
I've spent thousands on internet marketing courses - some really good, (most not) and I have to say this is one of the best buys I've ever made. I can't believe how much we get for the price.
The Google Topper Course by itself is worth many times the price - but the Instant Site Launcher (and it's bonuses) ????? Incredible.
You obviously know your stuff. I know without a doubt the Google Topper material is going to make me a lot of money. You're a very good writer and everything is so step by step that anyone who will apply it can't help but get results.
Thanks for this amazing offer you've put together. I'm going to be busy now for a long time. I can't wait to dig in and get started! I'll get back to you later with results.
Originally Posted by Pluton I'm one of the many members of this forum that absolutely love Mao's products both for their technical knowledge, clarity in writing and also his sheer enthusiasm for the IM subject.
Mao's latest blockbuster, 'Google Topper' stands out even from his other exceptional products. It's not so much a single package but could be looked upon as 'many package's' combined into one 130+ page 'how to do it' document.
This document is Mao's detailed concept on using the core principles of SEO and how to combine the 'keyword triggers' to give your blog or website a top Google rating. I really would'nt want to give more detail than that at this point - maybe Mao will cover that in his write up.
In true Mao style nothing is left out or skimped, the clearly written explanations, the super graphics and the structuring of his very comprehensive content making it easy for anyone to understand his ideas and his approach to maximise the chances of obtaining top Google results.
This is Mao at his best where he gives a fully detailed step by step toolkit/blueprint from the ground up for systematically dominating page one of Google regardless of your experience.
Not just a 'how to' book but a 'how to reference' book.
This is definitely one not to be missed and has to be a steal and total no brainer at any price.
Originally Posted by edaesq]This is newbie friendly actionable content. This is powerful and fundamental. Very comprehensive work and expertly organized.
I really want to be fair to Mr. Flynn and not say too much.
But I will surely never look at a Search Engine Results Page again without seeing the different parts he identifes. Hard to imagine being able to fully compete without this information - Gets to the core of what you're trying to REALLY do to get on Page One of Google.
Thanks for taking the great effort to put this course together. Pure value.
Originally Posted by Garage667 Mao Flynn has doen it again!He wrote an excellent E-book about how to dominate Google's page One almost in no time!You won't find a better structured e-book, i can guarantee https://www.tradebit.coms e-book is full of examples,with well taken screenshots, so a total newbie can follow.
I admit i didn't know Mao before i joined the Warrior now i eagearly await every time he releases a new at the price offered?It totally feels like stealing from him!
Thanks Mao for creating another great product!
Check Out These Great Bonuses
Take a look at all the great bonuses you will receive for FREE when you buy your copy of 'Google Topper':
FREE Lifetime Access to Instant Site Launcher
My current customers are paying $67 per month for access to this amazing membership that provides 10+ SEO optimized review sites per month for the best selling products on Clickbank. You get this for 100 FREE today from inside the Members AREA.
SEO Optimized Wordpress Theme
This Wordpress theme has been my 'secret weapon' for dominating the 'Blog' trap door.
It facilitates Google bot indexing better than any theme I have ever tried, and in itself help you to dominate the 'Blog' vertical.
Keyword Dump File
The keyword dump file is the template I use to conduct detailed keyword trigger analysis.
It will help you to pinpoint what phases trigger what verticals, and thus help you to focus your efforts on particular phrases that are best suited to your trad doors.
Update Services File
Simply paste this list of RSS pingers into your Wordpress Blog settings, and enjoy rapid indexing on autopilot.
NOTE: This Package is offered at a very cheap rate here on Tradebit so the guarantee and refund conditions may not be as same as offered at other places However if there will be any fault with the product it will be solved as soon as possible .
File Data
This file is sold by markjohnsononline, an independent seller on Tradebit.