Sold by markjohnsononline on Tradebit The world's largest download marketplace 3,277,804 satisfied buyers
Complete package to dominate OFFLINE LOCAL MARKET --PLR included
Introducing Complete package to dominate OFFLINE LOCAL MARKET --PLR included DOWNLOAD
If you research my posts, you'll see that I don't often leave positive feedback in package threads...if I comment it's usually to call out a fake screenshot or to call BS on something.
These are great looking themes. The fact that they are mobile ready and the installation is so simple, coupled with the price, makes these themes and exceptional value and a tool that everyone should have.
I let our list know about them, so hopefully they will snatch them up.
Jeremy Kelsall
I was able to receive a review copy of these themes & they do look very professional.
The images are all editable as Harold says & I was even able to edit a header a little using Gimp, had to play around with it a bit more but was still able to change city names and such.
I plan on using these with CPA affiliate programs and to me are a simple but clean look & a great addition to my themes plus when Don & Jeremy suggest it, I definitely take a look.
Dear Fellow Tradebit Viewers
Unless you are like the dudes from the car insurance commercial that "live under a rock" you know that local search marketing is amongst the HOTTEST topics for IMer's.
There are a few MAJOR reasons for this:
Offering Services & Consulting Local Businesses is a FAST Money Maker
Google Leveled The Search Playing Field By Emphasizing Local -- opened up tons of keywords
Whether you are new to Internet Marketing or have been around and have loads of good "war stories" you are always going to need the proper tools to get the results want. So you go out and get some of the following tools:
Keyword Tool Software (probably more than 3)
The Latest Course on SEO & Linkbuilding
Courses on Offline Client Getting
Google Places Courses
Virtual Assistant(s)
So maybe you have some of the stuff I just listed. And maybe you have a few courses on how to make money with local search. But let me ask you:
Are those courses built on singular case studies?
Have those methods worked for an extended period of time? Like a year?
How many of the techniques take an hour or less?
I ask those questions because every successful person I know has worked their way up. Of course there are cool new methods of money making that seem to come out daily, but how many last?...
With WP Local Search Supremacy Vol. 1 there a multiple ways to make GREAT, sustainable & scalable money. Local Businesses Aren't Going Anywhere.
These 3 premium Wordpress themes were designed to target Dentists, Chiropractors & CPA's, all three businesses have high client value, meaning you can charge them more and they will pay.
Any serious offliner knows that great looking functional sites are an absolute must have.
These sites are a no-brainer to an offline client that either doesnt have a site, has an old outdated site, or has a site that isnt ranking.
These templates are very Google Friendly and ALWAYS will be
With these templates you have a big part of a solid foundation for a true business that you can grow and scale to your hearts desire.
Many Tradebit Viewers are crushing it in the offline world.
Isnt it about time you take your piece of the pie?!
Usage Rights:
[Yes] You edit the graphics
[Yes] You can sell these themes to offline businesses
[No] You can sell these themes other then to offline clients
[Yes] The PLR article are yours to do whatever you want with
NOTE: This Package is offered at a very cheap rate here on Tradebit so the guarantee and refund conditions may not be as same as offered at other places However if there will be any fault with the product it will be solved as soon as possible .
File Data
This file is sold by markjohnsononline, an independent seller on Tradebit.