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Bad Times Beater PLR

"Discover 9 Private Label Info Products That Could Save You A Fortune, Change Your Life, Save the Earth, Make You a Hero & Fill Your Pocket With A Lot of This Stuff...

With Private Label Rights!
Plus You Get a Copy of This Sales Page So You Can Sell This Exact Same Package...

Dear Internet Marketer,

What in the world is happening?

People are losing their jobs. The Stock Market is crashing. Home prices are falling to the abyss. But gas prices are soaring to the heavens.

According to a recent poll, Americans believe the Sky is Falling.

Indeed what we are looking at now maybe just the beginning of an economic recession.

But here's good news.

You can do something to beat the HARD TIMES and even profit from it.

For instance, there are little known ways wherein you can save a bundle on groceries, gas, utility bills, mortgage payments, etc. - without sacrificing your lifestyle.

Or, you can take advantage of this opportunity to get organized and therefore become more competitive.

And don't forget, you can make money too.

Remember, Warren Buffet made a fortune taking advantage of the opportunities during the last recessions like... buying certain things that people are selling at Fire Sale prices in panic.

If he can do it, so can you.

So what you are going to find out.... can dramatically change your life.


The Bad Times Buster Package!

The Bad Times Buster package is a set of powerful info products that could save you a lot of money, change your life, get you out of debt, save the earth, make you a hero and pave for you the road to financial independence.

But the Bad Times Buster Package is much more than a set of money-saving/making ebooks. Because you also get...

Private Label Rights

To all the 9 Packages. Meaning, you can do virtually anything you want to do with them...Sell them individually or as package (professional sales pages are included in this package including this main package sales page) and keep all the money!

Now let's see what are included in the Bad Times Buster Package.

The Bad Times Buster #1

"The Cheap Person's Way To Making The Most Out Of The Fuel In Your Tank"

62 Ways to Save Money at the Gas Pump

This Package Includes:

1. Professionally written Sales Letter
2. JPG Cover Graphics
3. Source File in Rich Text Format
4. Compiled PDF Ebook

With the ever-raising costs of filling your tank full of gas, there's no shame in cutting every corner to save a buck. All a person needs is the know-how, the tips and tricks, the truth and not the old rumors...

...of how to make that tank last until next payday! I've written it all down for you and put it in a report I like to call...

62 Ways To Save Money At The Gas Pump!

How gas prices in your area compare to the gas prices in other parts of the US - and if you're paying more than the rest of us! (Page 5)

The percentage of your fuel that is automatically wasted every time you use your car - and how to keep that number at a bare minimum. (Pages 5-6)

A little known figure about gas mileage that you can use to save money on your taxes. (Page 6)

An easy way to let credit cards save you up to $300/year on gas. (Page 7)

A little known secret about what time of day you should buy gas to get the most for your money. (Page 8)

How to use the Internet to save you money at the pumps. (Pages 8-9)

How to use coupons when buying gas to make sure your money stays in your bank account. (Page 9)

How money-saving drivers know when their car or truck needs to be serviced in order to get better gas mileage. (Page 12)

The insider's secret to buying higher quality gas based solely on the number of people filling up their tanks. (Page 13)

A secret move to use with the nozzel to save nearly a half cup of gasoline that you've already paid for. (Pages 13-14)

The little known truth about "high octane" gas and your vehicle. (Page 14)

What really happens when you drive on empty. (Page 15)

What never to put in your tank if money is your main concern. (Pages 15-16)

How to avoid certain gas stations that will clog your fuel filter. (Page 16)

What really happens to your fuel efficiency when you don't service your car regularly. (Page 17)

An easy way to increase fuel consumption that's very important for the health of your car. (Page 18)

How to make sure you're using the right type of oil in you car. (Pages 18-19)

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With Private Label Rights

The Bad Times Buster #2

15 Top Ways To Save Money

This Package Includes:

1. Professionally written Sales Letter
2. JPG Cover Graphics
3. Source File in Rich Text Format
4. Compiled PDF Ebook

Every day we are bombarded with messages telling us how to save money. Zero percent down, half off and two for one are commonplace announcements blasted at us through television, radio and billboards.

As relentless as these commercials are the reality is that very few of these solicitations will actually save us money.

Quite the contrary, they are designed as a call to action to grab your credit card and spend, spend, spend!

Can you spend wisely and have more savings? Yes, you can. But, you need to train yourself to be a disciplined buyer and learn to become an intelligent saver.

15 Top Ways to Save Money is just what you need to identify those areas that can really save you significant money. Learn:

How to save on insurance
How to save on auto loans
How to save on mortgage loans
How to save on credit cards
How to save on gasoline
How to save on car repairs
How to save on home improvement
How to save on home heating and energy
How to save on phone service
How to save on major appliances
How to save on discount furniture
How to save on clothing
How to save on groceries
How to save on vacations
How to save on prescription drugs

When you buy on sale, you usually are saving more but there are other nuances to take into consideration.

Saving money isnt only about buying on sale. You need to educate yourself on how to save money not just on the large purchases but on the everyday expenses as well. 15 Top Ways to Save Money takes those into consideration.

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With Private Label Rights

The Bad Times Buster #3

How To Prosper during Bad Times

This Package Includes:

1. Professionally written Sales Letter
2. JPG Cover Graphics
3. Source File in Rich Text Format
4. Compiled PDF Ebook

Important Note: This particular plr package contains articles with resource boxes of their respective authors. You are not allowed to remove them. However, this package still falls under private label rights category with the inclusion of plr textual content. You can definitely put your name as the compiler and publisher and if you add significant amount of content even as author.

Many people often associate economic downturn with lack or absence of opportunities. It's simply impossible to make money much less to prosper during an economic recession or depression.

This is absolutely not true.

Because the truth is, economic recessions or it's uglier cousin, economic depressions, are just the perfect opportunities that anyone with vision can take advantage of to become not just rich but filthy rich!

For the record no less than America's second richest person alive, Warren Buffet whose personal fortune reached a dizzying $48 billion before he decided to give back to the society $31 billion can attest to this.

Warren Buffet built his massive fortune buying businesses and properties that most people had given up as lost. To many businessmen, he is the great rescuer who bailed them out of their economic miseries.

But of course Warren Buffet saw more than rescuing them out of their economic woes. If he sees no value or potential in their businesses, he sees no reason to buy them.

But what exactly does he know that ordinary mortals don't usually know about economic downturns?

First and foremost, economic downturns don't last. During bad times, Prophets of Doom would say the worst things about the economy.

Of course things are bad. But they only remain bad to a certain point. This is because of the thing called Economic Cycle.

Economic Cycles are periods in history of booms and busts. Economic cycles are the hallmarks of laissez faire system. Economic cycles behave just like the seasons.

And just like the seasons, the climate always changes. And just like the seasons you can predict a downturn or an upturn...


How to Successfully Navigate Your Business through an Economic Downturn

Understanding the Mortgage Meltdown; What happened and Who's to Blame

Superior Leader - Warren Buffet

Invest In Yourself Your Career, Future Income Stream, Education And Training

Economic Recession Strategy - How To Keep Your Business Alive During Economic Recession

How to Recession Proof Your Job: Ten Job Secrets for Career Success!

Recession Proof Your Business - Get Bigger Profits

3 Foolproof Ways To Soar Through A Recession

World Recession now Inevitable - Assume the Crash Position!

Recessions Don't Last Forever!

Investing in a slow market? Its all a case of demand and supply!

Why BuffettS Investment Strategy Wont Work For Buffett Anymore But For You It Will Still Work!

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With Private Label Rights

The Bad Times Buster #4

101 Fast Fixes To Boosting Your Credit Score

This Package Includes:

1. Professionally written Sales Letter
2. JPG Cover Graphics
3. Source File in Rich Text Format
4. Compiled PDF Ebook

"Give Me 45 Minutes And I'll Have You On Your Way To A Better Credit Rating, Happy Lenders, And Open Doors!"

If you're planning on asking for a loan in the future... If you want to get help from the bank to buy your dream home, dream car, start your own business or more... but feel like your bad credit rating is holding you back. FRET NO MORE.

Within my 50 page guide, "101 Fast Fixes To Boosting Your Credit Score," I'll teach you exactly how the credit bureau's do their business. I'll teach you how to regain their trust step by step, and even show you a few simple tricks for being financially responsible.

You can download my guide straight to your computer in minutes. Once you do, the tips and tricks inside will blow your mind...

...here is just SOME of the information you will find inside:

What's a good credit score? And at what score should I start to be worried. (Page 4)

Even if you pay all your bills on time, you may still have marks against your credit. See why here. (Pages 4-5)

3 top credit agencies and how to keep tabs on them. (Page 5)

4 ways the credit bureau's look at your lending history - and how important each view is. (Pages 6-7)

3 ways to boost your credit score (and it's not just paying your bills). (Pages 7-8)

10 steps to protecting your identity from thieves who may destroy your credit on their joyride across the country. (Page 9)

4 steps to take right away if you think you've been a victim of identity theft. It may not be too late. (Pages 11-12)

5 common credit mistakes you may commit if you don't know about them in advance. (Pages 12-14)

How not having any debts may actually hurt your credit score. (Page 14)

How to dispute bad marks on your credit report. (Page 15)

After you contact the credit bureau about an error in your credit report, make sure you contact these people next. (Page 16)

The truth about "free credit reports" online. (Page 17)

3 ways to start building up trust after a major credit disaster. (Pages 17-18)

When to consider declaring bankruptcy. (Page 21)

5 organizations that can help you when you're in over your head. (Pages 22-23)

When you should fear credit repair companies. (Pages 23)

6 common scams some credit repair companies try and pull. (Pages 24-25)

How to use your bank as an ally in your fight against bad credit. (Page 25)

5 ways to curb your spending habit. (Page 27)

How to automatically cut down on your spending without beating yourself up. (Page 28)

6 ideas for adding extra dollars to your monthly income. (Page 29)

4 steps to preparing ahead of time for financial emergencies. (Pages 29-30)

The secret to changing the way you think about money. (Page 31)

7 most common reasons why credit scores are lowered. (Pages 31-32)

3 reasons why change in your life is not always a good thing. (Pages 32-33)

How a simple phone call may help out your credit. (Pages 33-34)

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With Private Label Rights

The Bad Times Buster #5

The Super Secrets of Credit!

This Package Includes:

1. Professionally written Sales Letter
2. JPG Cover Graphics
3. Source File in Rich Text Format
4. Compiled PDF Ebook

Bad Credit: Absolute Truth the Credit Industry Doesn't Want You to Know!

"How Anyone Can Establish, Manage, Repair and Erase Bad Credit Without Losing $1,000's to Credit Repair Company!"

Do you want to know how to establish credit, maintain, manage, and fix it when its broken? May be what you want is a better living that is free of harassing phone calls from creditors.

Or do you want to know how to get out of bad credit debt, avoid overspending, clean up your credit report and establish good credit? If your answer is yes - then this will be the best message you ever read this year.

Today we now live in credit world where credit is now a necessity for almost every consumer, but it's quite unfortunate that thousands upon thousands of people (possibly including you) are rejected for credit almost every day.

Most often it's usually because they have poor credit history or bad credit. It may even be because of error on your credit report being circulated in the credit market. If you are in this condition too it's not your all your fault and you are not alone. All you need is to read my latest book.


"The Super Secrets of Credit"

If you are in need of rebuilding your credit history and equity, believe a creditor has wronged you, or your want to get out of debt now this book will open your eyes to hidden truth credit card companies, credit reporting agencies, and credit repair companies have been hiding from you.

You will understand how to get back on your feet if you're in credit debt already. You will not only learn how to get out of debt now, you will learn how to avoid overspending, which is one of the possible reasons why you are in debt now.

After reading this book you will know more on how easy it is to clean your credit report, establish good credit and deal with creditors without the assistance of credit Repair Company.

You will no longer have to pay up to $400 or more for Repair Company to repair your credit for you. In my book I expose and explain the secrets to repairing and re-establishing new credit in a step-by-step easy to understand method. Anybody can make use of this information to drastically improve his or her credit rating.

Dont allow a low credit score to keep you from getting the things you want. Get my book today to improve your knowledge about the credit industry, get new credit, improve your credit score and save yourself several hundreds or thousands of dollars while doing so.

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The Bad Times Buster #6

Getting Yourself Organized!

Who else wants to relieve stress by bringing order to your life once and for all?

This Package Includes:

1. Professionally written Sales Letter
2. JPG Cover Graphics
3. Source File in Rich Text Format
4. Compiled PDF Ebook

Are You Pulling Your Hair Out Because Your Life Is A Disorganized Mess?

Feel like a chicken running around with your head cut off?

Give me 45 minutes and I'll teach you to dump your old frantic habits and get organized once and for all!

If you spend all your time getting one task done just so you can move on to another, you need to make sure you don't waste one minute. Any time spent dilly-dallying is time you don't get to sit back and relax.

(It feels great to relax, doesn't it?)

The truth is, sometimes you're so busy with life you don't have time to sit down and make a plan to get organized. Well help is here. Now you can...

Get Rid Of The Bad Habits That Keep Your Life An Unorganized Mess!

If you're feeling more than a little stressed out today, now is the time to start managing your life for the better. You can restore order to your household (and clean it up while you're at it), while relieving the tension you're feeling (so you can finally sleep good at night).

Within my 52 page guide, "101 Ways to Help you get Organized and Stay Organized," you'll learn how to turn your hectic life right side up. With tips, tricks, and tactics to bring order to your life, you'll finally feel the weight lifted off your shoulders. And you can download my report straight to your computer (in just minutes from now) to start getting organized right away.

Here is just SOME of the information you will find inside:

10 ways to remember even the tiniest details of your life (to keep your thoughts organized). (Pages 6-7)

How to relieve stress through organization. (Page 8)

15 secrets to discovering organization in your every day life (and how to stay that way). (Pages 8-10)

9 things (that are probably cluttering your house) to throw out today. (Page 10)

8 places to remove clutter from your life. (Pages 10-12)

3 steps to dealing with papers and documents to keep your desk, office, or kitchen counter organized. (Page 12)

How your disorganization can effect (and annoy) others. (Page 14)

5 ways to let order reign supreme in your life. (Pages 14-15)

3 rules for deciding to keep or throw out your personal stuff. (Page 16)

4 ways to start multi-tasking successfully today. (Page 19)

5 tips and tricks for organizing your household (and kids). (Page 19)

Why it's important to keep both work and home ready for efficiency and productivity. (Page 21)

The secret to running your home like a business. (Pages 22-23)

How "playtime" can help you get more done. (Page 23)

3 things to concentrate on when you plan your schedule. (Pages 24-25)

4 steps to making your junk drawer a haven of organization. (Page 25)

6 steps to clean, tidy, and keep your laundry room organized. (Page 26)

The trick to helping your children stay organized. (Pages 26-28)

5 rules to cleaning and organizing your garage. (Pages 28-30)

13 ways to help teach your child studying skills and organization. (Pages 30-31)

How to take back control of your messy kitchen. (Pages 32-33)

6 timesaving tips to help you get and stay organized. (Page 33)

12 ways anyone can start simplifying their life today. (Pages 35-36)

The powerful COPE method for managing time. (Pages 36-37)

The secret to organizing for moving day. (Pages 37-38)

64 steps to finally organizing your office. (Pages 38-41)

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With Private Label Rights

The Bad Times Buster #7

Time To Move Abroad!

Isn't It About Time You Learnt EVERYTHING you need to know about moving overseas easily and painlessly?

Everything you'll need to know to ensure a smooth transition

Never Before Revealed Information!

Here is what you will learn inside this guide....
This Package Includes:

1. Professionally written Sales Letter
2. JPG Cover Graphics
3. Source File in Rich Text Format
4. Compiled PDF Ebook

Everything you need to know about having the right documentation. In order to move and work effectively within your chosen destination it is important that you have organized and obtained the relevant documentation. Failure to do so may result in your inability to legally work or even remain in the country. Learn all about this in chapter 4.

Learning whether or not you should rent or buy overseas. Before starting your search for a home, ensure you set yourself a budget to stick to. Ensure you include costs such as bond or renovations, legal fees during the process and the estate agent. It is recommended that you allow yourself an extra ten percent on which to fall back on, if costs prove to be more than initially expected.

How to prepare for the big move without fuss. The key component to ensuring a smooth and stress free move is organisation. Moving abroad is very different to moving domestically and for this reason it is imperative that you be as organized as possible. Learn all about this in chapter 8.

How to find an international moving company without being scammed. In preparing to ship your goods overseas ensure you contact a few removal companies to compare quotes and ensure a reasonable price. Price should not be the only factor on which to base your choice.

And a lot more!

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With Private Label Rights

The Bad Times Buster #8

Household Budgeting

Give Me 50 Minutes And Ill Have You On The Fast Track To A Family Budget That Erases Debt, Starts Piling Up The Savings, And Leaves You With Enough Left Over To Hit Disneyland With The Kids.

This Package Includes:

1. Professionally written Sales Letter
2. JPG Cover Graphics
3. Source File in Rich Text Format
4. Compiled PDF Ebook

The relief is almost instant when you create a family budget. But you know what the best part is?

When sticking to your budget starts to pay off. Soon you will have a monthly surplus. Soon you will see your savings start to grow. Your debt will start to dwindle. And youll notice youre still able to do the things you love!

Within my 50 page guide, How To Set Up A Family Budget, Ill tell you exactly what you need to do to turn past money-management mistakes upside down. Youll discover all my tricks, tips, and techniques for putting yourself on the fast track to financial security.

You can download my report straight to your computer. And you can have it in just minutes from now.

Here is just SOME of the information you will find inside:

The secret to why we can spend, spend, spend and never know where the money went. (Page 6)

How to sit down with bank statements, checking accounts, stock portfolios and a list of assets to find out your true financial status. (Page 7)

7 types of assets that have real value that you may not know to include as part of your self worth. (Page 8)

Why this guide is different than other budgeting books. (It has to do with our hands-on approach.) (Page 8)

5 main categories of spending that your budget will allow (dont worry, this should make you happy!) (Pages 9-10)

9 defenses of budgeting to tell your partner if they need convincing. (Page 10)

26 simple tricks to help you keep to your budget (without grinding your teeth). (Pages 11-12)

12 reasons why starting a family budget will empower you like never before (and help you sleep at night). (Pages 13-14)

3 most common reasons why budgets fail. Know what to look out for and youll avoid these budget busters. (Pages 14-15)

What most financial advisors will tell you to keep motivated. Hint: It involves something good for you. (Page 16)

Why its important to set one main goal. (Page 17)

11 successful characteristics of a family budget that you may want to make sure your budget has (if you want to turn your life around for the better) (Page 17)

5 step-by-step actions to take on your way from financial mess to pillar of (wealthy) success. (Page 18)

13 common expenses that you may forget to add to your budget if youre not careful. (Pages 19-20)

6 categories to separate your payment information into (to make sure there arent any unexpected bills that could bust your budget) (Page 21)

What to do if your expenses total more than your income. (Pages 21-22)

How to handle your paycheck strategically to make sure your bills get paid. Hint: This trick is so good, you wont notice how responsible you are being. (Page 23)

Why its important to splurge every once in a while. (Page 23)

What does fiscal awareness mean? And why is it the first technique you should start applying. (Page 25)

The 17 rules to family budgeting. Print these out and post them on your refrigerator. (Pages 26-28)

10 important processes creating a budget must provide for. (Page 30)

11 secrets to budgeting found deep within the world wide web. (Pages 31-33)

14 secret weapons for stopping the reach to your purse or wallet. Tried and tested, these are guaranteed to cut down your spending. (Pages 33-35)

11 steps to changing your attitude towards money and turning yourself into a saver instead of a spender (with some fun exceptions). (Pages 37-38)

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With Private Label Rights

The Bad Times Buster #9

How To Sell Your House Without An Agent and At The Best Price Possible

Give Me 50 Minutes And Ill Have You On The Fast Track To A Family Budget That Erases Debt, Starts Piling Up The Savings, And Leaves You With Enough Left Over To Hit Disneyland With The Kids.

This Package Includes:

1. Professionally written Sales Letter
2. JPG Cover Graphics
3. Source File in Rich Text Format
4. Compiled PDF Ebook

The relief is almost instant when you create a family budget. But you know what the best part is?

When sticking to your budget starts to pay off. Soon you will have a monthly surplus. Soon you will see your savings start to grow. Your debt will start to dwindle. And youll notice youre still able to do the things you love!

Within my 50 page guide, How To Set Up A Family Budget, Ill tell you exactly what you need to do to turn past money-management mistakes upside down. Youll discover all my tricks, tips, and techniques for putting yourself on the fast track to financial security.

You can download my report straight to your computer. And you can have it in just minutes from now.

Here is just SOME of the information you will find inside:

The secret to why we can spend, spend, spend and never know where the money went. (Page 6)

How to sit down with bank statements, checking accounts, stock portfolios and a list of assets to find out your true financial status. (Page 7)

7 types of assets that have real value that you may not know to include as part of your self worth. (Page 8)

Why this guide is different than other budgeting books. (It has to do with our hands-on approach.) (Page 8)

5 main categories of spending that your budget will allow (dont worry, this should make you happy!) (Pages 9-10)

9 defenses of budgeting to tell your partner if they need convincing. (Page 10)

26 simple tricks to help you keep to your budget (without grinding your teeth). (Pages 11-12)

12 reasons why starting a family budget will empower you like never before (and help you sleep at night). (Pages 13-14)

3 most common reasons why budgets fail. Know what to look out for and youll avoid these budget busters. (Pages 14-15)

What most financial advisors will tell you to keep motivated. Hint: It involves something good for you. (Page 16)

Why its important to set one main goal. (Page 17)

11 successful characteristics of a family budget that you may want to make sure your budget has (if you want to turn your life around for the better) (Page 17)

5 step-by-step actions to take on your way from financial mess to pillar of (wealthy) success. (Page 18)

13 common expenses that you may forget to add to your budget if youre not careful. (Pages 19-20)

6 categories to separate your payment information into (to make sure there arent any unexpected bills that could bust your budget) (Page 21)

What to do if your expenses total more than your income. (Pages 21-22)

How to handle your paycheck strategically to make sure your bills get paid. Hint: This trick is so good, you wont notice how responsible you are being. (Page 23)

Why its important to splurge every once in a while. (Page 23)

What does fiscal awareness mean? And why is it the first technique you should start applying. (Page 25)

The 17 rules to family budgeting. Print these out and post them on your refrigerator. (Pages 26-28)

10 important processes creating a budget must provide for. (Page 30)

11 secrets to budgeting found deep within the world wide web. (Pages 31-33)

14 secret weapons for stopping the reach to your purse or wallet. Tried and tested, these are guaranteed to cut down your spending. (Pages 33-35)

11 steps to changing your attitude towards money and turning yourself into a saver instead of a spender (with some fun exceptions). (Pages 37-38)

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With Private Label Rights

The Bad Times Buster is - Bar None - the Best Investment You Can Make Today...

I know that's a pretty bold statement to make.

But let me explain. The first step to achieve financial success is to get your financial house in order.

This is not empty rhetoric. This is the truth and nothing but the absolute truth.

You simply cannot achieve financial success without finding the discipline to get your financial house in order first!

And this is precisely the Number One Reason "The Bad Times Buster" package was created.

Imagine saving hundreds of dollars on gas, groceries and utility bills...This alone would amount to less work in meeting your financial needs.

Any extra money you make would translate to pure profits - money that would otherwise get spent unnecessarily.

But remember, this is just the least you can achieve when you implement everything that the Bad Times Buster Package preaches.

Because this package also contains the exact blueprint to achieving wealth by taking advantage of the opportunities that you won't be able to find at any other time.
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