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*NEW!* One Time Offer Random Rotator + Error Page Generator

Who else wants to turn their Prime Web Site Real Estate Into A Never Ending and Constant Source Of Cash?

"Are YOU Growing Weeds on your Prime Web Site Real Estate or
Sowing Seeds Of
Instant Money Tree's?"


The very first thing I want you to do is STOP reading this web page and really think hard about...

What is and Where is Your Prime Web Site Real Estate?
If you answered your Sales Page [a.k.a. index page]...

Then you could be leaving anything up to an astounding 94.2% of your potential income on the table.

No, that's not hype or B.S. but proven statistics that can be worked out by anyone with a calculator.

Let me give you just one simple example that will send shock waves down your spine.

You have done a fantastic job on creating a killer Sales Page and it converts at say 5.8%. In laymen terms, that means you are generating almost 6 sales for every 100 visitors to your web site.

To most Internet Marketers they would give their eye tooth for stats like that, but more to the point...

What are you doing to convert the other 94.2% of visitors that didn't purchase?

And here is another crunch question for you to mull over...

What are you doing to upsell the
5.8% of clients who have purchased?

And even more to think about is...

What are you doing about your web visitors that never actually get to your web page or site due to an error?

The possible reasons for an error could be as:

* Simple as just mis-spelling a page name!
* You gave the wrong url link!
* The surfers internet connection is real slow and the page times out!
* You changed the layout of your site and the search engines still have that page indexed that you moved.

There are many many more reasons for an error page to be displayed.

How are you converting this enormous traffic?

And if that's not enough to get you really thinking about...

What is and Where is Your Prime Web Site Real Estate?

Then let me start listing some of them for you!

* Entry Page
* Exit Page
* Order Page
* Order Confirmation Page - pre and post purchase
* Thank you Page after purchase
* Subscription Page for your Ezine, Newsletter, Membership etc.
* Subscription Thank you for subscribing page
* Subscription Thank you for validating or verification page
* Members Login Page
* Members Logout Page
* Your Index Page
* Your Blog(s)
* Your 301 Moved Permanently - Error Page
* 302 Moved Temporarily - Error Page
* 400 Bad Request - Error Page
* 401 Authorization Required - Error Page
* 403 Forbidden - Error Page
* 404 Not Found - Error Page
* 405 Method Not Allowed - Error Page
* 408 Request Timed Out - Error Page
* 415 Unsupported Media Type - Error Page
* 500 Internal Server Error - Error Page
* 501 Not Implemented - Error Page
* 502 Bad Gateway - Error Page
* 503 Service Unavailable - Error Page
* 504 Gateway Timeout - Error Page
* 505 HTTP Version Not Supported - Error Page

The point I am trying to get across to you is simply this...

Every Web Page you ever create or haven't created
needs to be treated as...

Your Prime Web Site Real Estate!

You need to know that all the above web pages are converting your traffic into either customers or subscribers.

Now I know for a fact you simply will not sell to every visitor or indeed get them to subscribe to your newsletter or ezine.

BUT... What if you had a simple system in place that dynamically generated web pages to suit whatever action your potential customer or server made?

This system would have to be "100% on Auto Pilot". Set it and Forget it Technology.

This sytem would also have to allow for updates or any changes to be shown immediately without having to FTP any of the changes made.

As you probably have guessed by now, I am a great believer in Automation as I do have better things to do than continually update and change pages.

Infact, you'd have to agree that it would be a lifesaver in time and money, if this system could do away with having multiple scripts and do the following all from one handy Admin Area.

Be able to display and randomly rotate...

* news items
* quotations of the day
* new product announcements
* monthly specials
* one line text links
* one time offers
* rotate banner ads
* text ads
* subscription forms
* one time offers on any server error page(s)
* exit pages
* entry pages
* pop ups
* pop unders
* logout pages
* login pages
* thank you pages
* verification pages
* And another type of advertising or web page not mentioned. LOL

What if you could combine any number of the above on any number of web pages and Domains you own.

Just as simple as adding one line of code to your existing or new web pages!
PLUS store an unlimited amount of data to dynamically create an unlimited number of web pages.

Again all from this one handy little Admin Area.

"You Are 5 Minutes Away From Making A Dramatic Change To Bring You and Your
Online Business Into The 22nd Century"


Automation has played a major role in reducing the amount of time, energy and resources required to double and sometimes even triple many scores of Offline Companies Profit Margins.

For Instance: Vehicle Manufacturers, Banks, Telecommunications, Life Insurance Offices, Real Estate Offices, Department Stores, Power Companies. Can you think of any others?

So tell me why so many Online Marketers who have the most powerful Automation Tool at their finger tips every single day... Still Opt to do things MANUALLY?

Computers coupled with Web based scripts and Desktop software is how you and I can harness the full potential of Automating those daily tasks that otherwise drain our resources and waste precious hours that otherwise could be better spent "Making Money."

Remember when I made two lists earlier showing you what Your Prime Web Site Real Estate was and the other showed you the types of things you could have randomly displayed using Automation as an integral part of the equation?

You could very well be using several different scripts, services and software applications in automating some of the tasks above. Like Banner Rotators, Html Ad Rotators, Text Rotators, Link Exchanges, Autoresponders, Co-Op List exchanges and so on.

Now here's a news flash for you...

If you subcribe to a service... You do not have total unrestricted access to do what you want on their pages they provide you!

And if you own several scripts to do some of the above.. Then you have multiple Admin area's in which to administer in and you more than likely can not, without the help of a programmer, customize the script to allow you to do more than what it was designed for!

So what's the solution to enable you to gain Total Automation and Un-Restricted Access to harness the full income potential from Your Prime Web Site Real Estate.

The solution to
"Sowing Seeds Of Instant Money Tree's instead of Growing Weeds on your Prime Web Site Real Estate"

Ron Pumfleet's Breakthrough and Unique One Time Offer Random Rotator.

Secure Risk Free Ordering!

This powerful script was initially designed and programmed by myself as an add-on module for my Award Winning " Fire Sale Buddy System" and was called the "SpecAd Rotator."

Now as a programmer and Internet Marketer, I also found myself programming different scripts to do some of the above tasks.

Only to wake up one morning and realise that they all had a few common elements to them.

It was then that I started really brainstorming on how to pull them altogether in just one simple script.

The end result was the breakthrough creation of this "Unique One Time Offer Random Rotator."

Definition of Unique - "radically distinctive and without equal"
There is simply nothing else available on the Internet that even steps close to what this System does.

Although I use the term Random Rotator in the description. The "Uniqueness" is also because this powerful system can deliver static information as well.

Definition of Static - "never changes, stays the same"

One Time Offer - "Occurring or undertaken only once"
Each offer you set up within this System is in it's own right a One Time Offer.
Obviously for this to occur you need more than one offer set up in the database.

Now here is where you can get innovative.
# From the data stored you can create different web pages and have a heading that reads: One Time Offer
# Limited Offer
# Available until xx date.
# etc, etc.

By doing that you are increasing the versatitlity of this System.

Random Rotator - random "Having no particular pattern, purpose, organization, or structure" - rotator "causing rotation"
This System randomly selects the available data and rotates the given data on your web page(s) you have preciously chosen, with the information you want to shown.

Let me now show you some examples of the power within:

One Line Text
0) { $EntryID = stripslashes($row['EntryID']); $title = stripslashes($row['title']); $body = stripslashes($row['body']); $url = stripslashes($row['url']); $image = stripslashes($row['image']); $alt = stripslashes($row['alt']); $out = stripslashes($row['out']); $timesviewed = stripslashes($row['timesviewed']); $IP = stripslashes($row['IP']); $validated = stripslashes($row['validated']); } if(isset($_GET['EntryID'])) //If looking at a specific Html Ad { $EntryID=$_GET['EntryID']; } else { $EntryID=$row[EntryID]; } $tviewed = "UPDATE specad SET timesviewed=timesviewed+1 WHERE EntryID = '$EntryID'"; $tviewed2=mysql_query($tviewed); print "
"; ?>
The One Line Text changes at every refresh or new visit to the page.

What's New! .::
0) { $EntryID = stripslashes($row['EntryID']); $title = stripslashes($row['title']); $body = stripslashes($row['body']); $url = stripslashes($row['url']); $image = stripslashes($row['image']); $alt = stripslashes($row['alt']); $out = stripslashes($row['out']); $timesviewed = stripslashes($row['timesviewed']); $IP = stripslashes($row['IP']); $validated = stripslashes($row['validated']); } if(isset($_GET['EntryID'])) //If looking at a specific Html Ad { $EntryID=$_GET['EntryID']; } else { $EntryID=$row[EntryID]; } $tviewed = "UPDATE specad SET timesviewed=timesviewed+1 WHERE EntryID = '$EntryID'"; $tviewed2=mysql_query($tviewed); ?>

The What's New box is set up as a static information box. With a simple change it can rotate news as well.

Today In Time

0) { $EntryID = stripslashes($row['EntryID']); $title = stripslashes($row['title']); $body = stripslashes($row['body']); $url = stripslashes($row['url']); $image = stripslashes($row['image']); $alt = stripslashes($row['alt']); $out = stripslashes($row['out']); $timesviewed = stripslashes($row['timesviewed']); $IP = stripslashes($row['IP']); $validated = stripslashes($row['validated']); } if(isset($_GET['EntryID'])) //If looking at a specific Html Ad { $EntryID=$_GET['EntryID']; } else { $EntryID=$row[EntryID]; } $tviewed = "UPDATE specad SET timesviewed=timesviewed+1 WHERE EntryID = '$EntryID'"; $tviewed2=mysql_query($tviewed); ?>

The Today in Time has been set up to randomly show new tips on every refresh or visit to the page.

New Products .::
0) { $EntryID = stripslashes($row['EntryID']); $title = stripslashes($row['title']); $body = stripslashes($row['body']); $url = stripslashes($row['url']); $image = stripslashes($row['image']); $alt = stripslashes($row['alt']); $out = stripslashes($row['out']); $timesviewed = stripslashes($row['timesviewed']); $IP = stripslashes($row['IP']); $validated = stripslashes($row['validated']); } if(isset($_GET['EntryID'])) //If looking at a specific Html Ad { $EntryID=$_GET['EntryID']; } else { $EntryID=$row[EntryID]; } $tviewed = "UPDATE specad SET timesviewed=timesviewed+1 WHERE EntryID = '$EntryID'"; $tviewed2=mysql_query($tviewed); ?>

The New Products has been set up to rotate through any new products in the database.

Now I have used the same page as an example for a 404 - Not Found error page.

Below is an example of a Banner Rotator.

Every "One Time Offer" set up has it's own in-built tracking system so you can see the number of times that page has been shown and the actual number of times your visitor has gone through to the web site.

OK, Ron I have seen enough what's it going to cost me?

As there is nothing on the market as of today to do a comparision and considering I'll be doing myself out of future orders for my...

# Banner Rotator - valued at $67.00
# My Html Ad Rotator - valued at $67.00
# My Text Ad Rotator - valued at $47.00
# My Specad Rotator - valued at $67.00

Total lose of potential income is $248.00.

If you got a programmer to write the exact same identical script, it would cost you over $5,000.

You are not only getting your own copy of the "Breakthrough and Unique One Time Offer Random Rotator System" but you will also be getting 6 pre-coded templates to show you how to set up:

1. News items
2. Today In Time
3. One Line Text
4. Logout Pages
5. Server Error Pages
6. Banner Rotator

If you got your programmer to set these up for you, you'd be paying $15-$25 for each one. Total cost of the 6 templates would be $90.00 to $150.00.

You will be able to change and customize these templates to display more of what I listed in the "Be able to display and randomly rotate section above.

Taking all those factors into count I could quite easily ask for $597.00 and get it without blinking an eye.

However that would exclude the very user my "Unique System" was created and designed to help.

But I am not going to charge anywhere near that price. In fact if you are quick enough you can save yourself $590.00 and pick up a copy of my "Breakthrough and Unique One Time Offer Random Rotator System" for only $ 3.50

This is what you will recieve within minutes of placing your

Your very own copy of "Breakthrough and Unique One Time Offer Random Rotator System" that will allow you to create One Time Offers on any of the following pages:

* Entry Page
* Exit Page
* Order Page
* Order Confirmation Page - pre and post purchase
* Thank you Page after purchase
* Subscription Page for your Ezine, Newsletter, Membership etc.
* Subscription Thank you for subscribing page
* Subscription Thank you for validating or verification page
* Members Login Page
* Members Logout Page
* Your Index Page
* Your Blog(s)
* Your 301 Moved Permanently - Error Page
* 302 Moved Temporarily - Error Page
* 400 Bad Request - Error Page
* 401 Authorization Required - Error Page
* 403 Forbidden - Error Page
* 404 Not Found - Error Page
* 405 Method Not Allowed - Error Page
* 408 Request Timed Out - Error Page
* 415 Unsupported Media Type - Error Page
* 500 Internal Server Error - Error Page
* 501 Not Implemented - Error Page
* 502 Bad Gateway - Error Page
* 503 Service Unavailable - Error Page
* 504 Gateway Timeout - Error Page
* 505 HTTP Version Not Supported - Error Page

Using any of the 6 pre-coded templates to get you started.

This PHP script Software is Valued at $147.00...
But Wait...There's More!
Two Time Sensitive Exclusive Bonuses offer for the
next 100 43 orders only.
Exclusive Bonus One:

You are going to save more off the listed price for the next few days while I am running a split test on the pricing.

I can assure you that the software can and more than likely will go back up to at least $97 within the next few days.

So don't kick yourself by coming back and finding the price has gone up. You have been forewarned.
Lock in this incredible Bonus Offer for Only $3.50.
Exclusive Bonus Two:
If you are one of the lucky ones, you will also receive a copy of the exact same tool I use in creating the code I need for setting up my customized error pages. [Valued at $67.00]

"Custom Error Page Generator"

With this Super Simple Generator you can generate the code required to bypass the clumsy cpanel set up on your server.

All you need to do is enter the one line of code that points back to one of the template pages you customized using your copy of the "Breakthrough and Unique One Time Offer Random Rotator System."

Then it tells you where to upload these files.

That's it! You now have customized error pages earning you money instead of the bland server non-profiting pages.

File Data

This file is sold by masterkeys, an independent seller on Tradebit.

File Size 1 megabytes
File Type ZIP
Customer Rating
Rated 5 out of 05, based on 1 review(s)
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