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Emails are the most effective way of reaching the masses, send these emails out to anyone who you think might be interested in Body Building Naturally.
Emailer 1There is no doubt that there are hundreds of thousands of individuals - both men and women - all over the world who are fascinated by bodybuilding. Whilst many of these people will become bodybuilders for their own personal satisfaction and pleasure, a smaller number will get into bodybuilding because they want to become bodybuilders who contest competitions all over the world, which is an extremely competitive environment to be involved in.
In fact, competitive bodybuilding has been around for in excess of 100 years, and has always been a highly keen and combative sport. Consequently, chicanery of some form or another - cheating in other words - has never been far from the surface, with one of the most obvious ways of trying to gain an artificial advantage being the use of drugs and other substances to help competitors to 'bulk up' and slim down for competitions as appropriate.
Over the past few years however, there has been significant backlash against the use of artificial substances and materials in competition bodybuilding, to the extent that there are now international organizations which focus on 'outing' such cheats whilst pushing the merits of natural bodybuilders.
Of course, bodybuilding has not been alone in being blighted by drug cheats and substance abusers as it is a problem that has been suffered by all forms of sport and competitive activity over the past few years. However, because bodybuilding is a sport that relies on building up muscle mass whilst reducing fat and because such activities rely upon the ability to train for long periods, it is a sad truth that bodybuilding has probably been more prone to drug cheating than many other activities.
The most important factor that I have recently picked up from reading an excellent new book called 'Bodybuilding the natural way' is that despite what some bodybuilders seem to believe, there is no logical or sensible reason for bodybuilding in any other way than doing so entirely naturally. Whilst you might perhaps believe that certain individuals are more naturally endowed when it comes to becoming a successful bodybuilder (and there might be a small degree of truth in this sometimes), it is also nevertheless true that anyone can become successful bodybuilder with enough dedication, training and the appropriate diet.
If you have any interest in bodybuilding whatsoever, 'Bodybuilding the natural way' is a book that you must read, because you can be a successful bodybuilder no matter what shape or size you are, but you should only ever do so by 'Bodybuilding the natural way'.
Bodybuilding is a sport that enables any devotee to become the physical specimen that they have always wanted to be, a sport that perhaps more than any other enables you to become exactly what you want to become.
However, at the same time, as any successful bodybuilder knows, it is absolutely essential to strike some kind of balance in your attitude to and practice of your sport. For example, whilst it is a well-known fact that the 'rush' of working out in the gym every day can become addictive to the point where gym-lovers feel physically unwell without their daily workout, the bodybuilder lifestyle should not be the be-all and end-all of your existence.
Perhaps more importantly, you should understand from the beginning that the only real achievements that you will gain from bodybuilding are those that you gain completely naturally, and that becoming a bodybuilder who relies upon anything that is not 100 natural is nothing more or less than cheating.
If of course you are not intending to be a competitive bodybuilder, then the only person that you are cheating is yourself, but if you can never be honest or truthful with anyone else in life, you should always be 100 true to you.
Fortunately, if you are a newcomer to bodybuilding, you probably believe that if you are not a certain size or shape, you are severely disadvantaged as far as becoming a successful bodybuilder is concerned. After reading an excellent new e-book which focuses on natural bodybuilding which is called (not entirely surprisingly) 'Bodybuilding the natural way', I can say without any fear of contradiction that nothing could be further from the truth, and that anyone can become a successful bodybuilder as long as they have enough dedication and determination to succeed.
What you don't need under any circumstances is any kind of substances or materials which are not 100 natural however. Over the past 30 or 40 years since drug abuse in sport became a 'hot topic', there is no doubt that many thousands of athletes and sports people at all levels have suffered immense physical damage and hardship because of their devotion to cheating their way to the top.
This is not something any sane person should even consider doing because the damage that can be caused by non-natural substances can be long-term and irreversible, meaning that you could suffer for the rest of your life for a year or two of glory and cheated-for fame.
'Bodybuilding the natural way' on the other hand focuses on the two things that you need to master for successful bodybuilding, which are training and diet. Indeed, the book goes into great detail about the kind of progressive diet plan that you need to work with if you want to achieve bodybuilding success naturally, because whilst there is plenty of information available online about training regimes for bodybuilding, there is far less available about the kind of diet that you must seek to if you want to achieve success.
Becoming a successful bodybuilder is undoubtedly something that will instil a fantastic sense of achievement and personal pride but that sense of achievement and pride will really only come if you do everything totally naturally.
In order to be able to master 'Bodybuilding the natural way', there is really only one book you need, so I would recommend that you grab your own copy of this excellent book right now
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Bodybuilding Naturally...
For most people who do not know anything about bodybuilding, it might sometimes seem to be strange sort of activity or pastime to participate in. After all, if bodybuilding has never been your thing, it is probably quite difficult to understand or work out exactly what it is all about.
However, even the most disinterested bystander or observer is probably aware that in the past, bodybuilding has had a mixed reputation because it has long been suspected (and often proved) that many top bodybuilders of the past used artificial drugs or substances in their efforts to attain the competition winning body that they wanted.
Fortunately, over the recent few years, there has been a marked backlash against bodybuilders who use chemical drugs or artificial substances to achieve the sculpted physique that they require in order to be able to win competitions.
This is a direct result of a move towards bodybuilding the natural way, an ethos that has been adopted by many successful bodybuilders all over the world who realize that using artificial stimulants or drugs is not only cheating but that it can also be extremely harmful in the long run as well.
For example, back in the 1970s, the drug of choice for many international athletes, particularly those coming out of Eastern Europe to participate in all sorts of different disciplines were anabolic steroids. However, it is now widely accepted that using anabolic steroids for any period of time can cause serious medical side-effects, with liver damage, damage to the cardiovascular system and to the reproductive systems of both males and females being noted.
Since those days of course, drug testing has become far more sophisticated and effective, but one unfortunate side-effect of this is the fact that 'designer' drugs have become more prevalent in many different sports, including top-level athletics as well as such disciplines as bodybuilding. These drugs are far more difficult to detect using normal detection techniques, with the practice of preparing for competition being further clouded or complicated by the use of totally natural human hormones as well.
All of this has been counterbalanced by the swelling movement towards bodybuilding the natural way, with many organizations and outstanding champions being devotees of building their physique using only natural methods.
All of this of course focuses on people who are interested in body building for competition purposes, but there are thousands of people who are bodybuilders for their own satisfaction only, the kind of people who have no intention whatsoever of ever entering a bodybuilding competition.
For these people, even more than for those who are competition bodybuilders, there is no sensible reason for resorting to either artificial or artificially large amounts of otherwise natural substances that could potentially cause damage or long-term physical harm.
Consequently, it is even more critical for non-competitive bodybuilders to stick to bodybuilding the natural way, and fortunately, there are plenty of excellent guides out there which point the way to achieving bodybuilding success entirely naturally.
In addition, there are plenty of websites where there is an abundance of information about bodybuilding the natural way. There really is no reason whatsoever why if you are either bulking up or slimming down as part of your body building efforts, you should ever give serious consideration to anything that is not 100 natural.
HTML Version
For most people who do not know anything about bodybuilding, it might sometimes seem to be strange sort of activity or pastime to participate in. After all, if bodybuilding has never been your thing, it is probably quite difficult to understand or work out exactly what it is all about.
However, even the most disinterested bystander or observer is probably aware that in the past, bodybuilding has had a mixed reputation because it has long been suspected (and often proved) that many top bodybuilders of the past used artificial drugs or substances in their efforts to attain the competition winning body that they wanted.
Fortunately, over the recent few years, there has been a marked backlash against bodybuilders who use chemical drugs or artificial substances to achieve the sculpted physique that they require in order to be able to win competitions.
This is a direct result of a move towards bodybuilding the natural way, an ethos that has been adopted by many successful bodybuilders all over the world who realize that using artificial stimulants or drugs is not only cheating but that it can also be extremely harmful in the long run as well.
For example, back in the 1970s, the drug of choice for many international athletes, particularly those coming out of Eastern Europe to participate in all sorts of different disciplines were anabolic steroids. However, it is now widely accepted that using anabolic steroids for any period of time can cause serious medical side-effects, with liver damage, damage to the cardiovascular system and to the reproductive systems of both males and females being noted.
Since those days of course, drug testing has become far more sophisticated and effective, but one unfortunate side-effect of this is the fact that 'designer' drugs have become more prevalent in many different sports, including top-level athletics as well as such disciplines as bodybuilding. These drugs are far more difficult to detect using normal detection techniques, with the practice of preparing for competition being further clouded or complicated by the use of totally natural human hormones as well.
All of this has been counterbalanced by the swelling movement towards bodybuilding the natural way, with many organizations and outstanding champions being devotees of building their physique using only natural methods.
All of this of course focuses on people who are interested in body building for competition purposes, but there are thousands of people who are bodybuilders for their own satisfaction only, the kind of people who have no intention whatsoever of ever entering a bodybuilding competition.
For these people, even more than for those who are competition bodybuilders, there is no sensible reason for resorting to either artificial or artificially large amounts of otherwise natural substances that could potentially cause damage or long-term physical harm.
Consequently, it is even more critical for non-competitive bodybuilders to stick to bodybuilding the natural way, and fortunately, there are plenty of excellent guides out there which point the way to achieving bodybuilding success entirely naturally.
In addition, there are plenty of websites where there is an abundance of information about bodybuilding the natural way. There really is no reason whatsoever why if you are either bulking up or slimming down as part of your body building efforts, you should ever give serious consideration to anything that is not 100 natural.
Body Building Naturally is the only sensible way...
If you are interested in bodybuilding, I probably don't need to tell you that the image of the sport has not always been as squeaky clean as it should have been. Over the years, there is no doubt that many bodybuilders have used artificial means to help them create the physique or shape that they wanted to achieve, and whilst a good number of these people have been caught, there are probably many who were never apprehended.
Fortunately, the days when using drugs or artificial substances as a way of helping competition bodybuilders to bulk up are probably on the way out. This is partially because on a global scale, detection of artificial drugs or substances has improved and partially because many bodybuilders have realized that not only is using artificial drugs cheating, it is also pretty dangerous as well.
Going back to the 1970s, a time when the world in general became aware of the widespread abuse of drugs for athletic gains, there can be little doubt that many 'elite' athletes suffered for many, many years for the trophies and competitions that they won.
Many of these people suffered terrible physical side-effects from the drugs that they were taking as well as dreadful psychological damage as well, so there can be no doubt that drugs can never have any real place in sport. In short, there is nothing worth causing this much damage to yourself for, no matter how interested or even obsessed with your sport or pastime you might be.
The truth is, bodybuilding is a fantastic sport that can be enjoyed by anyone but it is a sport that should only be enjoyed totally naturally. This much is made extremely clear by an excellent new natural health book that I have recently been reading, 'Bodybuilding the natural way' that highlights just why there is no need or room in bodybuilding for drug cheats.
This is a book that highlights how anyone who is interested in developing a great physique can do so through bodybuilding without resorting to artificial drugs, stimulants or other natural or unnatural substances which are designed to shortcut the bodybuilding process.
Indeed, one of the most impressive factors about the book is the way it highlights just how hard many top bodybuilders have had to work in order to develop their physique from less than promising beginnings, and how you can do exactly the same. For instance, whilst it is often suggested that there is a 'perfect' shape that you need to have if you are to become a successful bodybuilder - which might well put you off from trying if you don't have such a physique - the book makes clear that this is totally untrue.
Instead, no matter what shape or size you are, becoming a successful natural bodybuilder should not be beyond the scope of anyone, with different patterns of training and preparation being more than capable of making up for any natural 'physical shortfalls'. In fact, 'Bodybuilding the natural way' makes it very clear that there is no way that anyone who comes to bodybuilding starts off with any kind of disadvantage, so if you have ever been led to believe that you are not cut out to be a bodybuilder, think again!
'Bodybuilding the natural way' is an excellent guide to developing your physique completely naturally, one that I would recommend to anyone who is in the least bit interested in bodybuilding.
HTML Version
If you are interested in bodybuilding, I probably don't need to tell you that the image of the sport has not always been as squeaky clean as it should have been. Over the years, there is no doubt that many bodybuilders have used artificial means to help them create the physique or shape that they wanted to achieve, and whilst a good number of these people have been caught, there are probably many who were never apprehended.
Fortunately, the days when using drugs or artificial substances as a way of helping competition bodybuilders to bulk up are probably on the way out. This is partially because on a global scale, detection of artificial drugs or substances has improved and partially because many bodybuilders have realized that not only is using artificial drugs cheating, it is also pretty dangerous as well.
Going back to the 1970s, a time when the world in general became aware of the widespread abuse of drugs for athletic gains, there can be little doubt that many 'elite' athletes suffered for many, many years for the trophies and competitions that they won.
Many of these people suffered terrible physical side-effects from the drugs that they were taking as well as dreadful psychological damage as well, so there can be no doubt that drugs can never have any real place in sport. In short, there is nothing worth causing this much damage to yourself for, no matter how interested or even obsessed with your sport or pastime you might be.
The truth is, bodybuilding is a fantastic sport that can be enjoyed by anyone but it is a sport that should only be enjoyed totally naturally. This much is made extremely clear by an excellent new natural health book that I have recently been reading, 'Bodybuilding the natural way' that highlights just why there is no need or room in bodybuilding for drug cheats.
This is a book that highlights how anyone who is interested in developing a great physique can do so through bodybuilding without resorting to artificial drugs, stimulants or other natural or unnatural substances which are designed to shortcut the bodybuilding process.
Indeed, one of the most impressive factors about the book is the way it highlights just how hard many top bodybuilders have had to work in order to develop their physique from less than promising beginnings, and how you can do exactly the same. For instance, whilst it is often suggested that there is a 'perfect' shape that you need to have if you are to become a successful bodybuilder - which might well put you off from trying if you don't have such a physique - the book makes clear that this is totally untrue.
Instead, no matter what shape or size you are, becoming a successful natural bodybuilder should not be beyond the scope of anyone, with different patterns of training and preparation being more than capable of making up for any natural 'physical shortfalls'. In fact, 'Bodybuilding the natural way' makes it very clear that there is no way that anyone who comes to bodybuilding starts off with any kind of disadvantage, so if you have ever been led to believe that you are not cut out to be a bodybuilder, think again!
'Bodybuilding the natural way' is an excellent guide to developing your physique completely naturally, one that I would recommend to anyone who is in the least bit interested in bodybuilding.
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