"How Would You Like To Own
Seven Instant Businesses Which
Brings In Cash Day-in and Day-out
To Your Account For Less Than You'd
Pay For Dinner-For-Two?"
With These HOT Products You Could Be Making 100 Profits Without Your Own Products!
LIMITED! Every Order Placed Before DATE GOES HERE Will Get A Replica of This Salesletter and Package So You Can Sell It Right Away.
From the desk of Aurelius Tjin & [Your Name Goes Here]
Tuesday, 10:02AM
Dear Friend,
Creating your own products can be a pain in the rear.
I can understand where you're coming from.
Just take a look at the painful process:
Find a hot market to sell to
Survey your prospects to get topics to write about
Start writing your product or at least hire someone to write it for you
Write the salesletter or get a copywriter to write the salesletter for your product
Design the website graphics or hire someone to do it for you
Register for a domain
Upload your files to the server and make sure all files are loading properly
Promote your product - Contact JV's & affiliates, use Pay-per-click to advertise your product, do ezine ad swaps etc...
And more! This is only the basic components of creating and marketing your own product.
It's not an easy job to do I tell ya, especially if you're new. I know where you're coming from and I was in the same shoes.
I Was Desperate And on A Tight Budget...
I was desperate to find a way to make a solid income online but was on a really tight budget since I've spent most of my hard-earned money on those "get-rich-quick-schemes".
I wanted a way to make money online without having to create my own products. So I turned to a really profitable market which was the "Reprint Rights" business.
With "reprint right" or "resell rights" you basically have the license to a ready-made business so you can start selling the product right away.
I knew this was one of the easiest ways to profit online so I created...
Seven Instant Cash-Generating Products For Any Online Marketer To Profit From
SEVEN Essential Guides To Use And Profit From
Product #1
"Ezine Publishing Riches"
Inside this crash course guide, you will quickly discover:
The single most important asset you need to jump start your E-zine Publishing business! No complicated technical or programming knowledge required.
How to quickly search and determine a hot niche or hot topic that will attract droves of visitors to become your subscribers and then ultimately, paying customers!
How to get your E-zine content chalked out quickly! (Hint: You can use this trick even if you DON'T have the fingers to write a word!)
How to quickly and easily set up your online newsletter in less than 24 hours and dress for success - and your startup cost can be less than a dinner for two!
Eight (8) lead-sucking strategies you can tap into to bring in droves and droves of subscribers into your E-zine!
How to motivate your existing subscribers to willingly promote your E-zine to their contacts! (This is very vital if you don't want to be stuck at the marketing wheel forever but want it to continue even without your presence!)
How to "legally" get subscribers from other competing E-zines who are in the same niche!
How to squeeze the most benefits from using a very controversial marketing method in building your list of red hot opt-in subscribers!
The places on the web you can convert into lead-sucking gateways for maximum exposure and opt-in!
How to quickly and easily publish your E-zine in a friendly and professional manner. It doesn't matter even if this is your first time doing it (yes, it can be intimidating to some) - I'll show you how!
How to get your subscribers involved in every e-mail or e-zine issue you send!
How to deal with nasty and unwanted subscribers! (Hint: this is something you don't find written in many books on the same subject - but it'll be responsible for saving you energy and time when it comes to dealing with bad company!)
The three (3) profit-pulling powerhouses you can build into your E-zine!
How to "bribe" your visitors into joining your E-zine (no, it's not just about giving away freebies or Resell Rights products!),
And so much more!
What You Get:
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* Salesletter screenshot zoomed out.
Valued at: $47.00
Product #2
"Affiliate Success Blueprint"
Here is just a small sample of some of the things you will learn in the Affiliate Success Blueprint:
Exactly what you need in order to get on the fast, exciting and extremely profitable road to affiliate success!
The best places to get your reliable web hosting and domain names for your network of affiliate promoting websites (youll need this to get online and get started on the road of long term affiliate success)
Exactly what your affiliate promotion website should look like and where to go to get cheap, high quality graphics and web design (your website should look simple and easy on the eyesthats great because its both cheap and effective!)
The absolute easiest, simplest and yet one of the most effective and profitable ways to get started on becoming a successful affiliate! (you wont believe how simple and easy this isyou can be up and running in under an hour!)
Exactly how you can use Blogging to drive massive traffic to the websites you are promoting PLUS what Blogging service to use and how to make sure your blog keeps people coming back for more.
The easy and incredibly simple way to choose a profitable topic or niche for your first affiliate promoting website (in order to increase your profit potential, you must make your site is targeted at a certain topicthe more targeted it is the more profitable it will be!)
Exactly how and where to find great content for your website if you dont feel like spending hours on creating it yourself (this is a great shortcut that will enable you to focus more on making huge sums of money rather than writing articles :)
All the things you should watch out for when buying content for your website to make sure you get the best content possible and your moneys worth.
A simple guide to search engine optimization, which is an awesome and very cheap way to get free and extremely targeted search engine traffic that will generate sales!
Exactly how you can easily make your websites extremely easy to edit and link with other websites you own or link partners (editing websites is a pain in the butt, this simple method will save you hours!)
A simple way to save huge amounts of money when making new websites (with this simple method, youll be able to make as many extra websites as you like without spending more money)
Simple and easy ways to pump your website full of traffic, and exactly where to submit your site in order to drive a great wave of traffic to the affiliate websites you are promoting.
Things you much watch out for in order to avoid becoming another affiliate that fell short of success.
Exactly how to use forums and press releases to generate extra traffic to your website (these are great and easy ways to quickly generate a nice surge of traffic and get extra sales)
And much, much more!
What You Get:
Here's a Birds-Eye View of Your Money-Making Website:
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* Salesletter screenshot zoomed out.
Valued at: $47.00
Product #3
"Pricing Strategies Exposed"
Discover how I increased the sale price of my first product by ten times and still made four times more sales than I had at the lower price. Are you charging too little for the products you put your all into creating?
1 under used method of premium product creation. Did you know you could take a product you were planning to sell for $20 and turn it into a $500 monster without much effort? I'll show you exactly how I do this for 90 of my business ideas without overvaluing myself to the point of low sales figures.
Pricing strategies and the bigger picture. How do you select the price at which you're going to sell your products? By looking at the competition most people would reply. There are however several more factors that I'll discuss with you that can allow you to charge five times what your competition is charging and still outsell them by an incredible amount. (It's tips like these that force me to limit the number of a product I'll sell).
Times have changed, did you keep up? Pricing strategies are changing, and they're changing faster than ever before. Most can't keep up, or don't know whether they're too expensive or too cheap. I'm going to show you exactly why you can almost never be too expensive and how to spot it before taking a sales hit when you are.
Why I'm banning some marketing words. The language you use in your sales material might actually be casting a negative light on your products and services with regards to their price, so much so that I banned them from my vocabulary. I'll show you why if you ban them from yours too, your sales can skyrocket in a matter of days.
Learn the truth about trials and lead generation. Not sure how to go about getting leads, but still be making sales at the same time without interrupting your sales process? Not sure what to charge for your trial, or how you can even adapt a trial to your business in the first place? We'll talk through these points here.
Adding value done correctly 1. At least 80 of the marketing sites I visit are destroying their sales by adding value to their products incorrectly. Gain this insight and stop it before it happens to a product you've just put your all into creating.
Adding value done correctly 2. Did you know most lead generation sites aren't generating leads at all? Their value adding attempts to attract new subscribers and promotion resources are failing miserably, however, the worst thing about this is that short term ad tracking won't tell them the full story. Learn it here first and get streets ahead of the competition and a bunch of new free promotion outlets for your business at the same time.
Limiting numbers without limiting your profit. There are many reasons marketers will limit the number of customers allowed to buy their product. Done right, this is one heck of a marketing tool, but done badly, it'll ruin their sales figures (not to mention this has the potential to actually allow the site owner to lose money). Learn to limit numbers without ruining your businesses potential.
Ultimate testimonials. Discover how we've taken the number one method of improving customer faith in your product into the future, and how you can do it too with very little effort on your part. (This has shown to double our sales with specific products and services).
Get your customers talking. Adding value to your product isn't all about pre-sales marketing buzz words that get your customers to buy your products once. Learn the 'little something extra' method that substantially increased my backend sales and repeat custom, techniques that I'm confident can do the same for any online business.
Bonuses done right. Everyone offers bonuses for their products nowadays, but I can tell you right now that at least half of them are devaluing their products by doing so. I'll show you why I know this is the case, and how you can avoid it negatively effecting your sales.
What You Get:
Full Master Resell Rights so you can profit from it 100. Free "Brander" tool so you can insert your name and website on the title page of this product so you can brand your name and bring traffic to your website.
Here's a Birds-Eye View of Your Money-Making Website:
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* Salesletter screenshot zoomed out.
Valued at: $47.00
Product #4
"Product Creation Riches"
Here Are Just Some Of The Key Issues Discussed:
Should You be the Manufacturer, as well as the Creator?
Why you must Divorce yourself from your personal connection to the project for it to be successful
Three Musts for Successful Product Creation
An all too common mistake that will suck your energies and time. (This is one of the main reasons why most projects fail - Avoid it all costs)
The reason why you must step out of the 'builder mindset' to create awesome products that will take the marketplace by storm.
How to collect glowing testimonials and actually get people to use the words you want to hear in them.
The easy way to refine a product for ultimate profitability FOR FREE
The many product creation pitfalls to avoid like the plague.
Another common mistake to avoid that can be far worse than a bad product - It can kill your long-term reputation as a marketer.
Another common problem that can result in great products never hitting the market (by avoiding this easy to make mistake during project creation, you'll be able to hit the market with the right project at the right time.)
The 4 questions you must answer before setting a price and the simple way to answer them (get this wrong and you could be losing thousands of dollars in potential revenue.)
How to choose the best delivery method for your products.
The three reasons why you must guarantee your products (And how to word them to reduce the number of people ready to abuse it)
The secrets of increasing your sales with 'Safe Guarantees'
Creating a good terms of use policy
How to protect your product and yourself against chargebacks, refunds and worse!
A proven method of increasing the value of all your products
The real reason why your buyers are far more important than your product and how to protect the relationship with them.
Outsourcing and how to choose 'the right' person for the job (discover the 4 simple rules that will save you money, time and months of stress.)
The six types of profitable product you may want to do yourself.
What You Get:
Full Master Resell Rights so you can profit from it 100.
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* Salesletter screenshot zoomed out.
Valued at: $47.00
Product #5
"Resell Rights Most Asked Questions
Finally Answered!"
You'll finally discover:
With the most common questions about resell rights answered for you, you can stop getting confused and start making some real cash with it now.
What You Get:
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* Salesletter screenshot zoomed out.
Valued at: $27.00
Product #6
"How To Write Your Own Killer Salesletter"
Here are what you will discover:
What You Get:
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* Salesletter screenshot zoomed out.
Valued at: $47.00
Product #7
"How To Build Your Self Esteem In Just ONE Weekend!"
Heres a sneak peek into what you will find inside the pages of our amazing e-book, Improve Your Self-Esteem in Just One Weekend!
Find out if you indeed do have low self-esteem
Learn to combat the negative inner voice
Use positive affirmations to celebrate yourself
Get help from those around you
Employing positive self-talk to get rid of the negativity
You will have an overall positive attitude
You will value yourself highly
You will be fully convinced of your own abilities
You will see yourself as competent, in control of your own life and able to do what you want.
You will compare yourself favorably with others and know that you belong wherever you are
And so much more!
What You Get:
Full Master Resell Rights so you can profit from it 100.
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* Salesletter screenshot zoomed out.
Valued at: $47.00
Total Value: $309.00
PLUS, If That Wasn't Enough,
Check Out This PRICELESS Bonus:
"Internet Marketing Essentials" Benefits:
Product #1: Ezine Publishing Riches
Product #2: Affiliate Success Blueprint
Product #3: Pricing Strategies Exposed
Product #7: How To Build Your Self Esteem In Just One Weekend
A Replica of This Entire Site
Total Value:
$309.00 + Priceless Bonus
Yours Today For Just
$97.00 $19.97!
Your getting the essential guides to making money online and even if you have no plan or desire to resell these products they are still valuable tools you can use and follow.
Take Action Right Now...
Claim Your Copy Today!YES Aurelius & [Your Name Here]! I want the "Internet Marketing Essentials" package so I can use and profit from them right away.
So with that being said, give me access right now!
(Even if it's 2:00 AM on a Saturday and
You're Drunk With Your Pyjamas On)
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Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and it's potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, dont apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individuals success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavour, there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.
To Your Success,
P.S. - Don't let this amazing deal pass you by. Skip all your product development chores and start exercising your creativity in producing profits from them!
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