Bring back a dying art while providing wonderful crocheted pieces for pleasure and profit.
Instructions that are so easy to understand that anyone can master these techniques, even if they have never crocheted a single stitch!
If you've ever wanted to master this exquisite art, you'll find this detailed manual provides all the instructional guidance you'll need to make delicate and elegant crocheted pieces.
Although many may say that Irish crochet is a dying art, it's still a wonderful skill to master for those that love to create fine works of art from fine threads.
"Irish Crochet And How To Make It" is from the Priscilla crochet collection, and has been translated to today's modern English so that the reader can much better understand the instructions.
With over 100 patterns for motifs, medallions, beadings, backings and projects, you'll find that you have plenty to keep you busy crocheting happily for many months to come!
Once you have mastered these techniques, you'll be able to design your own articles of clothing, and other elegant projects, with ease because they all come together using the same basic assembly principles.
Be one of the first to bring this dying art back to life, and one of the few at your next crafts show that offers something unique and elegant enough to make others exclaim in wonder about how beautiful your pieces are.
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