Just think about it. Which of the following would you rather be doing? Spending time with the kids, going out to eat, watching a good movie or trudging through creating a time-consuming sales page?
The answer, I'm sure you'll agree, is obvious. Anything but dragging your feet through sales page hell!
From: Kim Enders & YOUR NAME HERE
Wednesday 4:06 PM
Dear Seller,
Introducing Sales Page Rapid Fire!
As an developer of unique and original eproducts, I needed an easier and quicker way to pump out sales pages for the various products I create each month. Popping out sales pages in some of the more popular html editors was still an enormous, heavy monkey on my back.
Do you have a similar heavy monkey on your back?
Sign up for Kim Enders' very own Reseller Weekly! Learn each week about everything going on behind the scenes as it pertains to reselling, resell rights and eproduct creation!
First name
Last name
E-mail address
* Your name and email address will not be sold, shared or disclosed to anyone. We promise to respect your privacy *
It's always best to find out everything you can about a product before buying it. With that in mind, we've included the following frequently asked questions about our software:
Question: But there are sales page creators everywhere, right?
Answer: Yes, but none of them are as quick and user-friendly as Sales Page Rapid Fire!
Question: Aren't most sales page creation programs rather cheesy?
Answer: Most are! Sales Page Rapid Fire, on the other hand, is sleek and visually appealing!
Question: I've had a lot of problems with software crashing my computer or doing all sorts of other annoying things. What about SP Rapid Fire -- it it also plagued by bugs?
Answer: In a word: no. Through our testing, we have found the software to be very stable.
Question: Lay it on me, already! How much is Sales Page Rapid Fire going to cost me?
Answer: Only $$
Question: Are you serious?!
Answer: Very serious. But I have been thinking about raising the price so make sure to order your copy before I do decide to go ahead and raise the price!
Continue reading and you'll see exactly why Sales Page Rapid Fire is such a great investment!
SP Rapid Fire boast the following features and more:
Testimonial Giver's Name Here https://www.tradebit.com
Testimonial Giver's Name Here https://www.tradebit.com
No offense, but going on without Sales Page Rapid Fire is like the blind walking without an eye-seeing dog! Creating your sales pages manually entails a whole lot of stumbling and wasted time! With SP Rapid Fire faithfully at your side, you can get done in a more timely and peaceful manner!
In fact, take a look at the screenshots below by clicking on the following link! You'll see how easy it actually is before you even buy SP Rapid Fire!
Screenshot of Features/Testimonial Window
Screenshot of Headlines/ Subheadlines Window
Screenshot of Settings Screen
Click Here To Order Now
After payment, you'll receive the Sales Page Rapid Fire application, its User Guide and the satisfaction of knowing that you're about to save yourself from a lot of wasted time and frustration!
100 Satisfaction Guaranteed!
I personally guarantee that you'll love Sales Page Rapid Fire or your money back! Give it 30 days and enjoy the heck out of it. If, within 30 days, you don't find it to be everything that I've said it is (highly unlikely), let me know and I'll send your money back.
I wanted to keep SP Rapid Fire affordable for you. I'm sure that you'll agree whole-heartedly with previous buyers once you've tried it out for yourself. Now that I think of it, maybe I should go ahead and raise the price... Hurry before I do!
You Really Cant Afford Not To Invest In
Sales Page Rapid Fire
Yes Kim, I Just Have To Have This Incredible Package! Count Me In Right Now!
It's Easy To Order...
Click PayPal Button Below To Order!
What are you waiting for?! I might just change my mind at this very moment!
Don't you owe it to yourself to try Sales Page Rapid Fire today?
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This file is sold by plrmrrnewstore, an independent seller on Tradebit.
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