MP3 The Celtic Ensemble - Eye of Bel
Traditional and contemporary Irish, Scottish, East European, Indian, North American, and Native American Songs and Instrumentals.
20 MP3 Songs
WORLD: Celtic
The Celtic Ensemble was originally formed under the name Rowan Tree in 1985. The original group comprised Jose Carvajal on whistle and harmonic, Claudia Poquoc, lead singer and on bodhran, Jack Hayden, guitar and vocals,and Carlos Warner, playing rhymic bones and illustrator. In 1995 the group went through a metamorphosis of mythical dimensions with the aid of their Celtic music mentor, Seonaidh Carlisle, who was a native Gaelic speaker. They began playing at Twiggs Green Room in San Diego every Sunday. While there, they were joined with classically trained violinist and composer, Tim Brittain, who brings profound magical composition as well as passionate fiddle to the group. The Celtic Ensemble performs eclectic tunes as well as their own original songs and tunes.
"Our vision is to free anyone feeling bound in body or soul. To restore human relation in ancient memory through the magic of myth, music and dance."