MP3 Fictioneering - The Day Is All Your Own
A rustic blend of indie pop, ambient, soundtrack, and experimental
12 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Post-Rock/Experimental, ROCK: Modern Rock
The music of Fictioneering ranges from image-rich pop songs to lush, intricate soundtracks. Songwriters Chris Lynn and Jeff Stroud are both multi-instrumentalists. The style of the album The Day is All Your Own varies from the imagery of Kerouac to the precision of Kraftwerk; acoustic and spontaneous one moment, ethereal and refined the next.
Chris and Jeff spent much of the late 90’s taking improvised road trips to shoot film and gather ideas. Scenes from Montreal, The Mississippi coastline, Strasbourg, France and their immediate surroundings in Maryland found their way into films, lyrics and projections during live shows during that period. During a break from recording their self-titled double album, the two musicians cut a cross-section of the U.S. in the early spring of ’99. With super 8 cameras and plenty of music, namely, Steve Reich, Aphex Twin and Beach Boys’ bootlegs, they set out on an epic drive from Maryland to San Francisco and back. Both agree that they could have perished during a blizzard in Utah, but in the end, much of the journey served as inspiration and found its way into that album.
Chris Lynn and Jeff Stroud first collaborated as the rhythm section for The Brine in the early 90’s along with guitarist/vocalist James Jabbari. This period was a very productive time as the trio were writing furiously, performing and developing as musicians. It was with The Brine in ’95 that the two first produced film for projection during live shows. Following Jabbari’s departure for Sheffield, England, Chris and Jeff continued to write songs and began shooting the film Massive Antiques (video,super 8mm). The project evolved from a script which Chris had been developing for several years. The project served as a pivotal artistic transition as they focused on filmmaking and composing soundtracks. Chris was already a serious film enthusiast with a huge collection of international films. Jeff had experience in videography and had already started collecting images of his surroundings. The collaboration was fruitful. “Chris introduced me to the works of Godard, Ford and Kieslowski and his love for such works drew me more into the process. Before that I was more interested in capturing nature in a documentary style.”
The filmmaking process has influenced the songwriting of Fictioneering. A lyrical example of film''s influence on the CD The Day is All Your Own is: "Adding scenes to future films/Every frame is a note/In the artificial light she can''t decide between fiction and life."
Fictioneering is a term that Jeff coined in ’97 while working in a technical job by day and making music with Chris and others by night. “I was truly burning the candle at both ends but somehow found energy in the creative process. At work each day, I’d be listening to recordings of our sessions and writing lyrics that I kept hidden under spreadsheets of energy calculations. The term Fictioneering blended those two worlds for me.”
The music of Fictioneering has been used for Soundtracks for a number of films and videos. Both are currently working on new material for Fictioneering and other projects. They frequently post new musical ideas, sketches, and songs at