MP3 Mitchell Gibson - The Living Soul Meditation
A simple, natural, and effortless procedure that will require only about 20 minutes once a day to complete. During this time, your awareness will settle down and you will experience a unique state of calm and serenity.
1 MP3 Songs
NEW AGE: Meditation, NEW AGE: Healing
Mitchell E. Gibson
Date of Birth: August 24, 1959
Education: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Profession: Musical artist, writer, physician, spiritual teacher.
Recent Accomplishments: Recorded a collection of piano music and lyrical poetry inspired by the writings of Gibran, Milton, and Shelley.
Favorite Quote: You were born in the mind of God and you will never die. "Kahlil Gibran"
In ancient times, physicians played the dual roles in society of spiritual counselor and healer. Each day presented new challenges in combining the arts of medicine and spirituality in such a way that the ills of the soul and the body were addressed. In today''s world, science has become the new head of the healing state and with its ascendancy, the needs of the soul have been forgotten. Not all physicians have forgotten however.
In 2002, Mitchell E. Gibson, a forensic medical doctor and accomplished musical artist, founded Tybro Corporation. The purpose of the corporation is to publish and distribute the latest in healing spiritual technologies and therapeutic recordings. The first of these major recordings is entitled "Remembering Inner Peace". This fantastic musical experience combines the elements of a relaxing evening rainstorm with the lyrically soothing embrace of Chopin piano music. This intoxicating brew is then laced with Gibson''s unique and melodic vocal stylings. The result is a beautiful and exhilarating auditory experience that must be heard to be believed. Created on one track with six different songs, the first song, "The Creator''s Love", Gibson strives to capture the passionate love and musical embrace he believes defines a true spiritual experience. In the second song, "The Sound of Peace", he further explores this theme by evoking deep and stunningly beautiful piano chords that mix with the poetry and rainstorm in such a way as to simulate the caress of a loving partner. The last cut, "The Flame of Spirit", delights the listener with more of this thoroughly delightful musical ambrosia. Gibson has released nineteen additional CD''s, Releasement,The MiraclePrayer,Words of Healing,Words of Prosperity and The Fourth Domain etc.