MP3 doublethink - Creating The Creator
Rock music: the loud, the soft, the angry, the sad. All at once.
12 MP3 Songs
ROCK: 90''s Rock, ROCK: Modern Rock
***Special Offer!***
Buy this CD and you will receive a link to download a bonus track of the "Stop The World From Crying" acoustic remix! This bonus track is unavailable anywhere else. You''ll receive your link in an e-mail within 24 hours of buying "Creating The Creator". Rock!
dou-ble-think (n.):
# Thought marked by the acceptance of gross contradictions and falsehoods, especially when used as a technique of self-indoctrination: "Doublethink... is a vast system of mental cheating" (George Orwell).
# believing two contradictory ideas at the same time
"Sometimes you''ve just got to do it yourself."
That''s the mantra that set Connecticut-based rock band doublethink on the path to making their first full-length album, Creating The Creator. Lead singer/guitarist/songwriter scott brown recalls, "It was the only way it was going to get done correctly. We were coming off such a tumultuous era for the band so we knew we had to make it ourselves or else it wouldn''t be worth making."
The "tumultuous era" he refers to started in early 2005. The band, who has been in existence for many years but only started getting serious 2 years ago, had just re-grouped and was working on a new EP called Feeler. The recording sessions for Feeler ended up being a nightmare of disagreements with the producer, fighting within the group, and financial strain that could only be summed up as "staggering". All for only 5 songs. "We spent tons of money and time making Feeler and when it was released it got great reviews from all the local publications, and most people who bought it told me they loved it. But we still are beating ourselves up over how much better that EP could have been if we had done things differently," scott says with a shake of his head.
Along with Jeff Callahan (drums), Tyler Seely (guitar), and Stef Tanguay (bass), the band released Feeler and toured relentlessly throughout New England supporting it. Playing great shows opening for bands like Collective Soul, The Exit, VAST, and Nonpoint, garnering great reviews from local press as well as a two-page spread in New Haven''s art magazine "Play", and doing countless college radio interviews, brought high sales of Feeler. In late 2006 the decision was made that the band would begin recording demos for a full-length record. Basic tracking was completed when problems arose yet again: Stef was leaving the band.
"When Stef left the group we were literally in the middle of making the record. Everything had to be put on hold while we figured out what our next step was going to be and how we were going to finish the record without a bassist," scott explains. "It wasn''t easy to do, but through a lot of hardwork and determination we made what we feel to be the best album we could make at this time."
The record was completed and titled Creating The Creator, twelve tracks of rock music that sounds unlike any band in America today. Songs like opener "Turn The Halos" and the relentless "Saccharin" are filled with arena-rock magnitude the world has sorely missed, while the soft ballad "Fading Out" shows that the band sounds amazing even when the amps aren''t at "11". But rock is the forte and head-pounders "Get More", "Slaves", and "Tanya" will make any rock enthusiast sigh in relief that someone is finally getting it right.
While preparing the album for release a new bass player was found in Johnny Kobierowski, a bass player with a penchant for performance art. A full line-up once again and a great album to begin promoting put everyone in good spirits. "We''re a live band in the forefront, there''s no question about that," scott says with a smile. "We live and breathe on the stage so being away from it for the past few months has been awful. I know most bands take full years off touring to make records but I don''t know how they do it! Putting out Creating The Creator is going to be like releasing 2 years of built up energy. Feeler didn''t blow us away like this album does so when we put it out and start to tour for it, all hell is going to break loose."