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MP3 Judy Jones - Ode to Janis Joplin
"ODE TO JANIS JOPLIN" by Judy Jones, flew through my pen in 3 minutes and the painting I did on the cover came through my brushes in 30 minutes and looks like Janis is on fire."
10 MP3 Songs
''Ode to Janis Joplin'' flew through my pen in five minutes!'' explains Judy ''Joy'' Jones, composer and creator of Ode to Janis Joplin, her lastest cd. ''When I painted Janis Joplin for the cover of this cd, she blazed across my canvas ON FIRE just as she was in real life.
''Ode to Janis Jolin'' won first place at a poetry slam, leaving the audience gasping for breath. Janis spoke directly through Judy and the rap you hear is like Janis lived her short life; FAST! She was driven by unseen forces that continue to touch the heart and souls of millions.
Judy''s book, ''The Bones of the Homeless''; published by Dailey Swan publishers is available at:
and plus other places including:
''The Bones of the Homeless'' is a moving portrayal of the homeless through photographs and award winning poems.
Her first spoken word/music cd; ''Bones of the Homeless'' comes from the deepest cries of the human soul; speaking for those silenced by poverty.
It is available on
''No Name Ho'', the second track on the cd, written by Judy, sung and arranged by David Thornburgh is based on a true story and because of David''s generous spirit and talent, ''No Name Ho'' has her place in eternity.
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This file is sold by music, an independent seller on Tradebit.