MP3 Chris Day - Be My God
This debut single seems like the perfect starting point for singer/songwriter & worship leader Chris Day. His honesty and vulnerability when he writes is refreshing to see in Christian music.
2 MP3 Songs
GOSPEL: Contemporary Gospel, FOLK: Modern Folk
Some might say that the life of singer/songwriter Chris Day has been incredible, if not unbelievable. Spending his early years growing up in a humble home in South Carolina, most would agree that his first twelve years of life were much like that of any other boy. But just as this southern, blond-haired boy entered the world of adolescence, his family packed up and moved to Papua New Guinea.
"I remember stepping off the plane when we landed in New Guinea and feeling like I couldn''t breathe because of the humidity," Chris recounts. "You sort of wore the air like a shirt, and everything was always damp and moldy."
Speaking with Chris about his life reveals innumerable accounts of spectacular experiences of growing up on the world''s largest island. Like the time he ran down the mountain, nearly twisting his ankle because the village leaders began yelling and picking up their spears during a visit to the wise men''s hut. Only later did he find out from his brother that the men were screaming about a scorpion that crawled up through the cracks in the floor.
"I''ll never live that one down. It was sort of an initiation for us, with the juiciest pineapples and food, and I bailed like a cat in water."
Chris also recalls some of the fears and loneliness he felt as he attended the mission''s international boarding school while his parents worked deep in the jungle. Looking back, Chris knows that God was testing and preparing him for a life of ministry.
"There were a lot of cool things that I got to do in New Guinea and in all the countries I''ve been in since, but there are definitely some costs in following Christ. I have a few battle wounds, but I know that God wired me to do exactly what I''m doing. The pains that I carry in my heart and the weaknesses I struggle with are the channels through which God reveals himself to people around me. He is my Melody and Rhythm, and the lyrics I write are the outpouring of his Spirit in me."
Be My God, Chris'' debut single, seems like the perfect starting point for this emerging artist. In the song, he admits that he doesn''t always feel close to God, but as the lyrics go, he knows that God is the "God of the early mornings" and "still God late at night." Chris is continuing to write for his upcoming project. His latest additions include I Give You Me, a prodigal''s prayer, and Ruin Me, a song that takes the words of John the Baptist to the edge when he sings, "Ruin me, break me, mutilate me. Take my life and make it your own. I don''t want to live another day without you on the throne of my life."
Chris is currently preparing for his upcoming tour. Be My God Worship Tour 2003 is presented by Heart Level Ministries. Visit to find out if the tour is coming to your area.