MP3 AMD's O2 - Beyond Romance from Scratch
The lyrics hit you like a fresh shower cookin'' with a pop R&B slight jazz sprinkle in the background.
9 MP3 Songs
POP: Pop, URBAN/R&B: R&B Pop Crossover
Biography: James Amadeus Bynum was born in the southern city of Rocky Mount North Carolina known as “Remarkable Rocky Mount. James Amadeus is the son of the late Mr. James Oscar Bynum, who passed one month after 911, his mother Mrs. Laura Ann Byum was born on the 4th of July and passed just four days short of her 4th of July birthday. His musical inclinations come from his father. One Christmas morning around the third grade he received his first acoustic guitar from his Dad; a Sears’s special.
Everything usually came from sears if it came from his father who worked for sears and roebuck twenty some years. That particular Christmas morning things seemed different
something magical was in the air. His father’s plan was to teach his son guitar if his son showed any musical inclinations. James Amadeus not only showed an inclination he actually picked the guitar up and started playing the classic peter gun tune. His father was awed but little Jimmy as his father called him was more sad than happy because of the look on faces around him. He rejected what had happen to him that day and what came naturally never flowed naturally again until his college days where he wrote nearly 100 songs in his first year. He would pen them every where. Two of his favorite places to write were in the bathroom and the dance classrooms. The bathroom provided that reverb sound without the electronics and the dance room provided a concert hall type sound. When he would finish playing and singing his heart out in the bathroom there would almost always be someone outside the door sitting or standing with glazed red eyes saying thanks man I needed that or that was beautiful from the ladies. One day while playing the piano in the dance room he was penning a song about his home room teacher that taught English, who he thought had the greatest legs in the entire world. In walks a music student with a violin who says I was listening outside the doors and I liked what I heard and I wondered if you wouldn’t mine if I played with you. That evening the awesome sound of the violin and the way that gifted young man played stayed with him. And it affected how he wanted to write songs in the future. . He also, said he knew now why English class was so enjoyable.
He auditioned in 1977 for North Carolina School of the Arts on the recommendation and support of his drama teacher Bill Rawls, and was accepted in the Drama department. His dreams of acting on the New York stage, playing in the Kennedy Center and doing Hollywood movies seemed to be just four years up the road. He and his roommate Steve had planned to ride their motorcycles off into the sunset to New York on graduation day. But James didn’t make graduation day he dropped out of college in his second year. He pursued the desire to help people help themselves and those that couldn’t help themselves from working with area churches, city programs, and ministries efforts that ranged from feeding centers and clothing programs to providing heaters for the elderly in the winter.
His desire to make music surfaced again around 1997 with a new cd release attempt titled “Sounds From The Heart” released in 1999, two songs two instrumentals “Colors of listening” and “The Proposal”. The instrumentals also bore the names of the songs. The cd “Sounds from the Heart” was born in the home studio that took many years to bring about and was unfortunately lost in the 1999 Hurricane Floyd tropical storm. His mother at the time of the storm was a bilateral amputee. He his mother and his dog were trapped in a flash flood that turn a community into a river. On that unforgettable night as he stared out the window in awe the neighbor’s house across from them on the hill was over half the length of a football field away. He knew if he didn’t get out now the house would be a death trap. One of his neighbors told him after the storm that the flood waters were running too fast and too deep to get back to his mother who he knew was in a wheel chair. There were 4 and a ½ to 5 and a ½ feet of icy cold flash flood waters, driven by hollowing winds and a nasty cold rain that stood between them and living. It was around 1 or 2 o’clock am when he attempted to cross the flood waters. The flood waters had filled the house in three to four minutes and now were up to his mother’s wheel chair arm rest, within a minute it would be over her head. He somehow got his mother out through the window and carried her through the flood waters that smacked and tossed objects with ease. He almost lost his mother three times during the crossing. By the morning and after the long cold hours in the water the Lewis family that took them in had chest deep water in the house and a way out had to be found. As he watched the city green trash can float by, follow by the yellow porch chairs and the floating automobile it seemed his dreams were washed away just like the community but just over the top of the flood waters near the roof of the house when the waters would lower just for a moment he saw what appeared to be a ray of hope his dog snow riding this thing out on top of the truck with her head barely above the water.
After the flood he focused on his mother’s health and worked very hard to eliminate any pain and to make her days comfortable and enjoyable. He was determined to get her healthier. His mother’s health did improve which released him to focus on his music. In 2004 he released a collection of twelve songs which was listed under the cd title “Unbridled… Unchained…” the 6th cut on the cd, He’s Amazing which was dedicated to his mother and father. After that CD release and before he could initiate support for “Unbridle Unchained”, Amadeus met with an accident that left him in a difficult physical condition to over come. His sleepless nights with pain greatly impacted his mother. And a year after the 2004 CD’s released, his mother passed away on June 30, 2005. The year later and still working through the pain and sleepless nights he begins to practice with the guitar and piano. Into the year 2007 he had managed to write 12 song ideas, but eliminated 3 of them in an effort to make Valentine’s Day. He was unsuccessful in making Valentine’s Day due to painful burning sensations in his feet hip and hands. He misses Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and reluctantly settles for mid June 2007. But he makes it.
In June 2007 the new release AMD’s O2 Beyond Romance from scratch is here.
Tags: pop