MP3 Ray Gehring Trio - JAZZ: Traditional Jazz Combo
Jazz guitar with a breathy, funky and soulful edge. Featuring Shilo by Neil Diamond.
7 MP3 Songs
JAZZ: Traditional Jazz Combo, JAZZ: Soul-Jazz
This CD has seven pieces/tunes which I really love to perform and wanted to record. It''s a diverse set which features two original compositions. The intent was to capture the melodies as the main narrative with a tone that was as honest and clear as possible. Again my very special thanks go out to George Mel on drums and Michael O''Brien on bass and who is as well an ex- Minneapolite!
A "Little" Bio for your amusement:
I was born in Washington D.C. September 20, 1968. After a two or so years of living in D.C I found work as an unassuming toddler in Lincoln Nebraska. As fortune should have it my parents were able to find work as well so off we went to the Mid-West together.
Lincoln was really like a microcosm (and probably still is) of what all larger cities represented, including of course sex, drugs, and well let us say a whole lot of music in
As a child of the late 60''s and 70’s, music was everywhere in our lives via the radio and records. Especially long road trips to Wyoming or Colorado to see relatives where
hours of cassettes from Beatles to Bob Denver, Neil Diamond and Paul Simon to the Carpenters, were heard repeatedly. For us kids who liked the harder stuff, mock concerts of Kiss Alive or Led Zeppelin II took place in the basement with tennis rackets for guitars and one broken drumstick to beat on the couch.
Punk Rock, and the awful descriptor “New Wave”, caught my ear around 1980 and I took off fast in that direction. As many of those bands musically progressed so did many of their listeners. I would definitely single out most of the bands on SST Records as an enormous influence on me as well as a lot of other people.
By 1985, I was a less than a half-assed guitarist but after listening to the Meat Puppets album “Out My Way” I think everything changed for me. I wanted to play like
Kirk Kirkwood, in general I wanted to play the guitar that well. They usually toured through Lincoln each year and I would hang around after the gigs to talk a bit. Kirkwood said I should pick up a John McLaughlin-Mahavishnu Orchestra LP as a source of inspiration and learning more about the guitar and music in a broader sense.
Aside from my father having a Dave Brubeck album in his collection, I was no Jazz fan really until that moment. However, it took a while to begin to appreciate and begin learn the tradition of jazz without the music being in a more accessible format. Starting out I listened to more Pat Metheny, John Scofield, Bireli Lagrene, Chick Corea, Steely Dan, mostly fusion oriented jazz and rock.
I moved to Minneapolis, MN in 1989 where I knew there were so many pioneering "indie" bands and, yeah, Prince, Morris Day and the Time, The Steeles, Prairie Home Companion etc. After more damn schooling, I eventually earned my B.A. in music composition from the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. There were so many great people with whom I played, studied, and by whom I was influenced both classically as well as jazz. These creative people and performers gave me the inspiration and drive to become a better musician (that and the isolation that accompanies the cold!)
With the exception of spending a year performing and teaching in Paris, France, I stayed in Minneapolis until September of 2000 when I moved to Park Slope, Brooklyn
where I still reside. Sorry Minneapolis, too damn cold for me! Oddly enough though, there are a whole lot of folks from there living in Park Slope!
Currently I perform in and around the New York metropolitan area and if you should find yourself coming through the city drop a line, maybe the spare futon is free while
you are visiting! Shoot an email, hope all is well.
Thanks, Ray Gehring.