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Free Cash Generator

Who says you need money to make money?... Its all non-sense!...
“Elite System Takes You Under The Wing And Reveals How To Generate FREE Cash Online Without Spending A Dime!”
This System Is So Valuable Its Like Having The Ability To Print Money! - And Now Youre Going To Learn How!

NO Advertising Costs, NO Domain Names, NO Webservers Or Hosting, NO Email Lists... NOTHING! All You Need Is A Little Time And The Knowledge Im About To Share With You!

We all know that we live in tough times right now. We live in times where you may have a hard time paying your more basic bills, and you may be struggling with high credit card payments, or are having a hard time just staying afloat financially...

The problem is that making money online initially may seem very expensive for those just starting out.

There is good news though.

You Can Make Money Online Without Any Out Of Pocket Expenses

Are you willing to put in some time & effort if you knew you could really make some money for your efforts?

Are you someone that can honestly say that you have a strong will and desire to succeed?

Are you someone that can follow a simple step-by-step plan if it is laid out in a plain easy to follow way?

Then you have what it takes to succeed with our totally brand new step-by-step video training program!

We realized that money was unfortunately an issue that was holding people back from actually getting started so we got the rights to a system that teaches you an entire affiliate marketing system without having to invest a dime. We take you from market research to setting up a free website to even marketing the website using powerful free online marketing techniques that are safe even with the latest Google updates!
38 Step-By-Step Content Rich Videos Show You How Right Before Your Eyes...

Once we mastered this system we wanted to make sure we presented the materials in an easy to follow formula so you can actually follow along. We have compiled a total of 38 powerful videos that show you every step of the way how to be wildly successful online without having to invest anything at all!

Introducing Free Cash Generator!...

This powerful 26 module video series with 38 videos covers the following:

Module 1 - Overview Of System

• In this 15:53 video, you will learn how to make money online with no out-of-pocket expenses.
• Learn the basics of Affiliate Marketing: what it is and how to effectively use it.
• Become acquainted with useful strategies that will help you gain traffic for your affiliate site.

Module 2 - Finding Your Niche To Promote

• In this 28:06 video, you will learn about profitable niche markets and how to find the most lucrative niches.
• Finding profitable niche is easy to do, all you need is common sense and an internet connection.
• There are many, many sites that can help you in finding profitable niche markets and topics to focus content on.

• In this 10:23 video you will learn how to become an affiliate and the steps in promoting a product.
• Affiliate marketing works for physical and digital products, both methods are covered.
• The process for signing up for AmazonAffiliates and Click bank are explained and demonstrated.
• Focus on one product at any time to maximize profits for the work you are doing.

Module 3 - Software And Services Needed For System To Work

• In this 20:26 video, find out what kind of preparation is needed to start making money with Affiliate Marketing.
• Set up an email account for this specific product effort, you will be using many different websites so having a dedicated email will help with organization.
• Free website builders are great resources to help increase profits form Affiliate Marketing.

• In this video, you will learn how to obtain your own domain name through paid options.
• Paid domain names are useful after utilizing free domain names.
• Good for long-term investments.
Module 4 - Content Creation

• In this 15:05 video, learn how to create topic appropriate content for the product you are promoting.
• Product reviews are great for bringing in traffic to your site, this tutorial will cover how to write a successful review.
• There are many tips and tricks you can use to streamline your reviewing process, increasing your overall profits.
• Utilize websites that find keywords you can use on your affiliate website to increase traffic.
Module 5 - Setup Listwire Account For List Management

• In this 6:57 video, discover what auto responders are and how they help your affiliate sites run smoother.
• Create a free https://www.tradebit.com account to help run your website while you are working on other projects.
• It is imperative that you give listwire a valid postal address or else your account will not function properly.

Module 6 - Grab Your Clickbank And Amazon Affiliate Link

• In this 3:54 video, you are shown how to grab your ClickBank affiliate link and use it on your free webpage.
• Utilize notepad or other word processors to store your affiliate link.
• Test your affiliate link to ensure that you are receiving credit for any purchases made through your website.

• In this 5:14 video, you will learn how to grab your Amazon affiliate link so that you may use it on your website.
• Utilize notepad or other word processors to store your affiliate link.
• Amazon offers many ways for you to use your affiliate link, offering text and image options.
• Test your affiliate link to ensure that you are receiving credit for any purchases made through your website.
Module 7 - Setup Of Your Free Site On Weebly (Amazon And Clickbank Setup)

• In this 12:53 video, find out how to set up, post on, and edit your Weebly website.
• Setting up your weebly page and posting your product content is quick and easy to do.
• Figure out the basics of getting your website filled out with relevant content to increase traffic.
• Check your site’s links to make sure everything functions properly.

• In this 14:26 video, see what you need to do in order for you website to look clean and professional.
• Utilize a free stock image website to give your website a clean and crisp appearance.
• Create and add product content to a blog page hosted through your Weebly webpage.

• In this 16:39, find out how to setup weebly for your amazon product.
• Customize your affiliate website for your amazon product to maximize traffic
• Post product content to your affiliate website in a clean, professional manner.
• Utilize HTML code to increase the quality of your affiliate website.
Module 8 - Create Your Free Report For List Building

• In this 26:04, you will create a free report to give away in order to get email addresses onto your list.
• Free reports are great ways to set up long term income that you will definitely want.
• Use existing articles to create a report of your affiliate product that will act as a “legal bribe.”

• In this 1:41 video, you will see how you can create a free report for amazon products.
• Websites that offer the use of articles for free are great for creating a free report for your affiliate product.

• In this 3:26 video, learn how to upload your pdf file for use in your auto-response email.
• Download your free pdf to integrate into listwire and save url to your pdf to utilize on your affiliate website.

Module 9 - Working With Listwire & Creating Your Optin Page On Your Free Site For List Building

• In this 22:09 video, you will set up your listwire auto-responder and integrate your free report with listwire.
• Listwire is a free and easy way to increase the efficiency of your affiliate website by using Listwire’s auto-responder.
• When making an automated response, be sure to make it polite and informative.
• Create email submission boxes for perspective buyers to request a free report.
Module 10 - Traffic Generation Overview

• In this 12:43 video, find out how to make your affiliate website bring in traffic.
• Have a few articles, 400+ words, posted on your website to give it a more professional appearance and increase traffic.
• Social bookmarking is a viable approach to increasing traffic for your site.
• Create other blogs to funnel traffic back to your affiliate website.
Module 11 - Traffic With Social Bookmarking

• In this 20:07 video, check out buddy marks and find out how to best use it to increase traffic for your affiliate site.
• Use a content rich internal link to ensure that your link is not taken down.
• The more social bookmarking sites you utilize, the more exposure your affiliate site will receive .
• Social Bookmarking is an excellent method of increasing traffic to your affiliate site.

Module 12 - Traffic With Article Marketing

• In this 21:12 video, you will be shown step by step how to best utilize article marketing to increase traffic to your affiliate website.
• Submit your content articles to article directories that will host and link back to your affiliate site.
• Create an author bio that will make you stand out among other authors and add to your professional image.
• Article directories may take a few to several days before you content is reviewed and posted.
Module 13 - Traffic With Blog Commenting

• In this 14:37 video, explore the concept of blog commenting and how to utilize this method of promotion to increase traffic to your affiliate website.
• Spam comments will not help increase your traffic; post only quality comments to lure in more traffic while also adding to the community of your product.
• Find niche blogs that are closely related to your product, this greatly increases the chance the links in your comment will be clicked.
Module 14 - Traffic With Quality Squidoo Lenses

• In this 25:26 video, you will find out how to best utilize squid lenses to increase traffic to your affiliate website.
• Squidoo is a versatile website in that you can use it for any type of product you would like to be an affiliate for.
• Fill your squidoo with keywords that will increase your google ranking which will bring more traffic to your affiliate website.
• Make sure your articles are unique and well written to help them stand out and draw more traffic to your affiliate website.

• In this 23:57 video, squidoos many different modules will be explained to you so that they can be utilized.
• Poll modules can be used to research your niche more and get users involved, which help add to your professional image.
• Include your affiliate links in your text modules as well as other useful links to improve the quality of your posts.
• Adding popular videos related to your niche is an effective way to increase your traffic.
Module 15 - Traffic With Web 2.0 Sites

• In this 26:57 video, find out how to utilize web 2.0 sites to drive traffic through your affiliate website.
• Web 2.0 sites allow users to post their own content and host the content for free.
• Include keywords in your web 2.0 site name that will rank you higher on google.
• Customize your web 2.0 site to add legitimacy and give your site a professional feel.
Module 16 - Traffic Video Marketing

• In this 16:37, you will learn how to create a video that you can post to youtube.
• When utilized correctly, this method will drastically increase the traffic going through your affiliate site.
• The method used here is completely free and can be used on both windows and Mac computers.
• Utilize articles you already have to create a powerpoint presentation that will draw more traffic to your sites.

• In this 11:48 video, see how to clean up your powerpoint presentation so that you can post it to youtube and other video sites.
• Adding animations to your presentation will increase the perceived quality of your video, which will draw more traffic through your affiliate website.
• Ensure that your presentation is in the correct order and functions properly.
• Use a screen capture software to record your presentation, creating a youtube ready video.

• In this 6:09 video, find out how to submit your product related video to youtube.
• Include good keywords in your title to increase the amount of hits your video receives
• Include your Weebly link in the description
• Youtube puts a large focus on tags, keywords, which makes this method perfect for niche markets.
Module 17 - Traffic With Slideshare

• In this 7:29 video, see how to upload your slideshow presentation to file sharing websites.
• Posting your video content to high traffic slide sharing sites is a great way of increasing exposure and traffic.
• Include your niche market keywords when uploading your video to draw more traffic through your slideshow and onto your affiliate website.
• There are many different pdf sharing websites that you can post to, submit to any that will take your content.
Module 18 - Traffic With WikiDot Pages

• In this 10:12 video, you will learn how to get more traffic using wiki dot and how to find other wiki sites to promote and link back to your content.
• Wiki sites are user driven, much like web 2.0 sites.
• Your wiki dot site can be quickly and easily updated with any new content you produce.
• Post articles with keywords and links to give your wiki dot a professional appearance.

• In this 1:21 video, find many other sites that function much like WikiDot.
• All of these websites are easily found by going to google and doing a search for Sites like WikiDot.
• After finding what other sites are out there, post to as many as you can.
• The more pages with your links in them, the more traffic your affiliate site will receive.
Module 19 - Traffic With Ping RSS Feeds

• In this 6:39 video, find out what you can do to get your websites indexed by pinging them with multiple mass-pinging websites.
• Pinging your homepage as well as internal links is an effective way of promoting your content.
• Add your niche market keywords to your pings to increase the chance.
• Submit your blogs RSS feed to as many ping sites as you can find.
Module 20 - Traffic With Blogger

• In this 6:15 video, you will see how to create a free blog for your affiliate product.
• Blogger combined with effective niche market keywords will increase your affiliate websites traffic greatly.
• Post articles with keywords incorporated into them as well as your affiliate link and any other useful links that will create a more professional appearance and increase traffic to your affiliate website.
• Blogs are a quick and easy way to spread word about your content.

• In this 4:12 video, see how to visually customize your blog and add gadgets to increase the perceived quality of your content.
• Organize your gadgets to increase traffic to your affiliate website.
• Include your video content in a blog post to add more traffic funnels.
• Link up content with backlinks and update your blog with keyword rich posts.
Module 21 - Traffic With Press Releases

• In this 6:00 video, find out how to create a press release for your content.
• Press releases discuss any new events that you want to announce to the general public.
• Include keywords in Press Release title that grabs attention.
• When writing a press release, include links to your website and describe the features offered on your affiliate website.

• In this 9:05 video, quickly learn how to submit your press release and other press release websites.
• Use niche market keywords in your headline and summary for your press release.
• Copy and paste your press release into the submit form, making sure to include your affiliate website links.
• Add niche market keyword tags to your press release.
Module 22 - Traffic With Guest Blogging

• In this 4:27 video, learn about a method to grab new traffic by guest blogging for a similar niche blog.
• Create a high quality article for a similar niche market blog that will include ever-useful back links to your affiliate website.
• Search for guest blog opportunities using google and pursue any opportunities in your niche market.
• Submitting guest blog articles can be a somewhat time consuming process but you only need to submit a small amount of articles for this method to be useful.

Module 23 - Traffic With Forum Signatures

• In this 3:10 video, find out how to use forum signatures to promote your content.
• The perk of using this method is that any post you make on that forum links back to your affiliate website.
• Post questions and helpful replies to increase the amount of places your signature links will be seen.
• Some sites require a certain amount of posts before you can create a forum signature.
• Use forums closely related to your niche market to increase the effectiveness of this method.
Module 24 - Traffic Recap

• The tutorial series is wrapped up in this 1:12 video.
• Proper utilization of these methods will yield successful results.
• Take time everyday to work on new content for your affiliate website.
Module 25 - Send Broadcast Messages To Your Email List

• In this 4:03 video, see how to send out a List Wire broadcast to your email list.
• Using this method you can keep your affiliate link fresh in your subscribers minds.
• Keep your broadcast simple but effective by making them short and too the point including your affiliate link.
• Send broadcasts at reasonable intervals, do not spam your subscribers.
Module 26 - Take It To The Next Level - Your Long Term Strategy

• In this 2:53 video, you will see how the long term strategy works and advice on how to improve your affiliate marketing.
• Invest money made from affiliate marketing back into your operation.
• Once you have started making money, dont stop working on expanding where your content can be found.
• Never stop generating more traffic.

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This is the ultimate step-by-step, user-friendly, long-needed, and easy to follow system for making income online without having to invest any money out of your own pocket.

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Now is YOUR time to start succeeding online. Free Cash Generator was designed to give you the step by step, real, actionable strategy you need to profit online without having to risk a penny.

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We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for income. Earning and Income statements made by our company and its customers are estimates of what we think you can possibly earn. There is no guarantee that you will make these levels of income and you accept the risk that the earnings and income statements differ by individual. As with any business, your results may vary, and will be based on your individual capacity, business experience, expertise, and level of desire. There are no guarantees concerning the level of success you may experience. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, which do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individuals success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. There is no assurance that examples of past earnings can be duplicated in the future. We cannot guarantee your future results and/or success nor is this a guarantee of ways to make money online. There are some unknown risks in business and on the internet that we cannot foresee which can reduce results. We are not responsible for your actions. The use of our information, products and services should be based on your own due diligence and you agree that our company is not liable for any success or failure of your business that is directly or indirectly related to the purchase and use of our information, products and services. ClickBank is a registered trademark of Keynetics Inc., a Delaware corporation. Free Cash Generator is not affiliated with Keynetics Inc. in any way, nor does Keynetics Inc. sponsor or approve any Free Cash Generator product. Keynetics Inc. expresses no opinion as to the correctness of any of the statements made by Free Cash Generator in the materials on this Web page.
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