MP3 Click - Gently Unraveling
The amazing heaviness of the guitars mixed with angelic vocals and harmonies make this the most unique and incredible cd you will listen to... ever.
13 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Modern Rock, METAL: Industrial Metal
.click. was born from old bands and old ideas. As their preceding identity grew obsolete and became irrelevant, the four members morphed into what is now .click. .click. is a twisted blend of heaviness and pop listenability. Slicing guitars and thunderous low end combined with swirling futuristic sounds and vocals that stick in your head long after the song ends. Layering many influences and textures, .click. is composing the soundtrack for the new millenium.
Here is a review fresh from Megakungfu (
With high regard for the evolvement of sound displayed within rE: construK tion, my hopes for the newest effort from the Baltimore based band were considerably high. Even so, my anticipations were not near prepared for the hard-hitting completeness I discovered with .click.''s Gently Unraveling.
Heavy guitar deeply piercing... downcast bass implying inescapable darkness... extraordinary drums shadowing undiminished chaos like clockwork... appealing melody, at times so harmonious the severity of the instrumental attack is momentarily tuned out. Each instrument powerfully contributes to an imaginative sound synthesized with profound poetic lyrics to reveal intense thematic feeling. The concepts, often regarding abstract states of being, are not entirely direct allowing for vast interpretation. Emotions stirred throughout the album are very real and extremely honest, striking a personal chord with any listener.
Only three seconds into "https://www.tradebit.comrything" and you''re doomed, spirits falling. Overpowering bass and dominant drums produce a solid repeated rhythm throwing you into a dark trance of feeling. As soon as the chorus begins, you''re slammed with attractive harmony set by both vocalists. Yet, darkness prevails as heavy guitars accompany the notable rhythms immediately contrasting any positive feeling. The components of this song alone display astronomical variation of emotion, it''s simply all over the place instrumentally, lyrically, and in tone.
Added effects and intriguing interludes allow for fluent transition between song and feeling further developing concept and enhancing mental image.
"https://www.tradebit.comagments" vividly portrays sharp, piercing darkness as menacing guitars beautifully illustrate overwhelming desolation. Complementary to angry, helpless, desperate vocals, the lyrical use of words is powerfully suggestive. The song contrasts nicely with more calm, reflective tracks such as gently unraveling and skyclad. Each track seems to be placed deliberately in order to continue thematic feeling and well-developed concept.
Just when it seemed the evolution was complete with rE: construK tion, .click. has gone to a whole new level by really challenging themselves to produce a complete work of art. Gently Unraveling is simply one of the most intriguing albums I''ve experienced in quite some time. Artistic, thoughtful, and honest, .click. has created a masterpiece that everyone should pursue.
On the Rachel Scale: 9.999999999999999999999999999999 out of 10.......... [leaving .000000000000000000000000000001 room for growth, evolution is a continuing process]. Can''t say enough about Gently Unraveling, AMAZING and addictive album. Constantly craving a listen, the album hasn''t left my stereo.