MP3 Corpus - Inca Sex
Shut off the lights, crank the stereo, sit back and enjoy mystic rhythms of extreme energies and adventures. A drug of purity and realistic phantasies.
7 MP3 Songs
ROCK: Hard Rock, ROCK: Progressive Rock
The Eye of Corpus...Years lived a happy life. Walking the tropical forest of Chili with the Incas, soaring through the skies with the birds, dancing in the waterfalls and running with the beasts over the mountains of untold treasures and purity. Then one day, the great one, Viracocha, stole its true love and caged him in the deepest of caves held back by a wall of stalagmites.
With only the sounds of water splashing onto the cave floor and the bats feasting on the rodents in pure darkness, it sat for thousands of years. Then one night as Corpus was off trekking the forest and its depths, we saw the most magical of visions. We followed it until we came upon the source, and behold....their it lay stranded. As we walked closer to it, the stalagmites disappeared and it was finally free.
It has followed us ever since searching for its true love and seeking revenge by opening its eye at the audience as Corpus performs. See they Eye at the next Corpus concert!