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*NEW!* Private Label Rights Special Offer 7 - Private Label Rights

Attention: Want To Have Your Very Own HOT Selling Info Products But Absolutely HATE Writing?

“Discover How You Can Expand Your Online Empire By Pumping An INSTANT Collection Of Brand New, Profit-Pulling Info Products In The Next Mouse Click!”

This Is Your Grand Opportunity To Grab The **NO RESTRICTION** Private Label Rights To Over 4 Brand New Products, Which You Can Do Absolutely ANYTHING You Want With Them And Rake In Generous Profits Selling Them... In Your Name!

And When You Reach The End Of This Letter...
You Will Also Discover 3 Super Bonuses That Not Only Help You Profit From These Products Almost INSTANTLY, But Also EXPAND Your Online Business Empire!

From: FBM
Date: Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Dear Professional Marketer,

You and I know that selling information online is a very lucrative business. That is the reason why a lot of home business people and even seasoned marketers are online selling information... and are making a fortune from it!

Now it's a small wonder why many leading Internet Entrepreneurs preach the importance of having your very own Info Product. Because having your own Info Product allows you to have the following advantages over most conventional businesses - PLUS MORE!

Your profit margin is close to 100% - with the exception of the merchant transaction fee for every sale you make, you get to keep the rest of the profit.

No need for manual delivery - it is very possible for you to automate your delivery process, allowing your customers to download your digital product after the sale is made without having to involve you in the process.

No need to stock - because of the duplicable nature of digital products, there is absolutely no need to re-create them let alone keep inventory!

You can spawn a series of profit centers - You can also make even money from your existing customers through affiliate links, advertisements, and more! Also, the nature of the Internet prones your customer to take action almost instantly. This is one advantage that published books do not have.

These Are Just Some Advantages... But You Get The Idea!

But There Is A Problem...

... and it's called product creation or product development.

Now let's face it: NOT everybody is gifted in writing. As long as you lack the flair for writing, creating your own Info Product can prove to be more of a problem than a challenge.

And even if you can write, creating your own Info Product can be a real pain.

Sure, you can hire ghostwriters to relieve you of this burden but do you have the deep pockets for it?

Okay, So What' The Best Solution?

May I suggest that skipping your product creation job altogether and...

Own The ** NO RESTRICTION ** PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS To Over 4 Brand New, Smoking Hot E-Books - That You Can Call Your Own & Do Absolutely ANYTHING You Want With Them!

That's correct. All the product development chores have already been taken care of for you so you DON'T have to spend hours, days or possibly weeks on them!

Yet you can decide your potential earnings selling these products in your name!

These products have been created and designed to target at hungry demands. And contrary to most Private Label products you see in the Internet marketplace, I am offering you ZERO restrictions over the Private Label Rights terms to these products.

Simply put: you can do absolutely ANYTHING you want with them!

And That's Not All...
When You Reach The End Of This Letter, You Will Also Learn Of A PRICELESS Bonus That Can Enable YOU To Profit From These Products Almost Immediately!

First, Let's Check Out The Brand New Products That You Can Call Your Own...

No Restriction PLR Product #1:
Dealing With Loneliness

** No Restriction Private Label Rights Included! **

An Open Invitation To Life, Love And True Companionship!

Everyone in the world has felt this emotion one time or another. Especially in these times rapid technological growth the feeling of loneliness is rapidly increasing.

Loneliness is an emotional state where people experience a disconnection from others as well as a deep feeling of emptiness, which renders their present company around them meaningless.

Dealing With Loneliness, while self explanatory, is quick and easy guide to tackling this problem and is a must read for all.

In This E-Book, Discover:

* Understanding the theory behind loneliness to better understand yourself,

* How to understand the feelings associated with loneliness,

* How to develop a healthy feeling of love to help you overcome your problems - relationship, financial, personal, and more,

* The practical step-by-step guide to breaking the lonely cycle,

* How to replace the feeling of loneliness with healthy thoughts easily,

* The 15 common symptoms of loneliness that you can observe not only in yourself but also your spouse, partner, friend, family member, and any other individual you come in contact with!

* And much more!

You Receive The No Restriction Private Label Rights To This Book In PDF Format, Raw Word (DOC) File And Editable Photoshop Source Document To The E-Cover!

No Restriction PLR Product #2:
Show Me The Plan! Part I

** No Restriction Private Label Rights Included! **

Dissecting Network Marketing's Compensation System To Maximize Profits & Even Start Your Own Company!

It is no surprise that majority of new Network Marketers spend a lot of time in training.

This is because they simply don't understand how the compensation or marketing plan in their company works!

Every year, Network Marketing companies and teams spend a fortune on marketing plan training alone because most people simply find marketing plans today too confusing, complicated or just not enough.

Show Me The Plan! Part I dissect Network Marketing plans from a third party perspective and offers you inspirational ideas for your own and your business!

In This E-Book, Discover:

* How to differentiate between typical plans and how to make money there,

* How to choose a good network marketing company based on how good their plan is,

* How to develop confidence in front of your prospects,

* How to close the deal with other Network Marketers by simply stressing the benefits of your plan over theirs and bring them into YOUR organization,

* How to develop a strategy to building your network for the long term,

* How to avoid costly mistakes by placing your new downlines under the right people to maximize your profits,

* Start your own Network Marketing company from scratch the right way (whether it be online or offline) saving you heartache and disaster!

* And much more!

You Receive The No Restriction Private Label Rights To This Book In PDF Format, Raw Word (DOC) File And Editable Photoshop Source Document To The E-Cover!

No Restriction PLR Product #3:
Show Me The Plan! Part II

** No Restriction Private Label Rights Included! **

Mastering the Product Synergy, Downline Development Tactics, & Techniques To Building The Best Network Marketing Company!

In this sequel, Show Me The Plan! Part II takes a more "in depth" look at plan mechanics as well as practical steps to boost your career in the world of Network Marketing.

Another must read for all Network Marketers and those in the making, you will unearth the downline building tactics that really, really work PLUS so much more!

In This E-Book, Discover:

* How to avoid the various pitfalls of typical plans and how to use them to your advantage,

* How to stay in control in spite of quotas and use them to drive your team to success,

* How to use products and create a cash flow generating machine,

* How to work with the right people and the right plan to become a networking juggernaut,

* Other nifty secrets your upline might be too busy to teach you,

* And much more!

You Receive The No Restriction Private Label Rights To This Book In PDF Format, Raw Word (DOC) File And Editable Photoshop Source Document To The E-Cover!

No Restriction PLR Product #4:
Personality Quadrant's Dating Guide

** No Restriction Private Label Rights Included! **

How To Master And Hon Your Dating Skills Simply By Understanding The Way Your Date Behaves!

Becoming a hopeless romantic? Not having any luck at scoring a date? Or didn't do enough to impress your date for another one?

Personality Quadrant's Dating Guide is a fun-filled, light-hearted guide on how to get a good date by understanding yourself as well as understanding how your date will behave based on his or her personality type!

In This E-Book, Discover:

* The secret to success and happiness! (Hint: NO, it has nothing to do with having a lot of money or even good looks!)

* The four (4) types of Personality Quadrant - you will learn EXACTLY what they are, their strengths, their weaknesses, and how you can observe that every individual fall into either one of these quadrants,

* Which Personality Quadrant you fall into - and so is your date/potential date,

* How to date and press the RIGHT hot buttons in your date as soon as you learn what quadrant his or her personality falls into!

* The single fatal mistake novice daters often do - and you SHOULDN'T be doing it!

* And so much more!

You Receive The No Restriction Private Label Rights To This Book In PDF Format, Raw Word (DOC) File And Editable Photoshop Source Document To The E-Cover!

With The ** NO RESTRICTION ** Private Label Rights To These Products, You Can:

Put your name on the products as the author,

Edit the contents - put in your affiliate links, insert advertisements, change the E-Cover, and alter the contents in the products,

Set up multiple mini sites and sell the Info Products separately - you can sell the Info Products at any price you wish. In other words, you have flexible rights over how much you decide to earn!

Offer the Standard Resell Rights to the products at a higher price,

Offer the Full Master Resell Rights to the products - together or separately - and allow your customers to resell the products!

Resell the Private Label Rights to these products!

Sell the products on auction sites such as https://www.tradebit.com,

Use the products as bonus incentives or unannounced bonuses to other products you are selling,

Add them into your paid membership site - increase the value of your membership site,

Add the products into your paid package and sell at a higher price,

Use as backend sellers or One Time Offers, allowing you to profit even more from your existing customers,

Chop the contents into multiple articles and spawn free reports for article and free report submission and viral marketing campaigns,

Extract the contents from the products to be shared in your e-zine, blog and/or website,

Publish the contents offline!

Even if you have no plans for selling or reselling the products, you can use the products for personal use!

AND MUCH MORE! Your Imagination Is The Limit.

No need to crack your brain and fingers over writing your own Info Product from scratch. No need to design your own covers from scratch, and no need to burn your wallet in paying expensive ghostwriting fees!

But that's not all.

Act Now And Walk Away With Up To
3 Super Bonuses!

Super Bonus #1:
Lifetime Gold Membership Access To https://www.tradebit.com
($197.00 Value)

Gain instant access to a consistently adding collection of brand new Resell Rights products, beautiful web templates, Private Label articles, cool resources, Advanced Reseller Strategies, and so much more!

Invest in this Private Label Rights package today and this $197.00 value lifetime Gold membership access is yours to keep!

Super Bonus #2:
Lifetime Gold Membership Access To https://www.tradebit.com
($97.00 Value)

Discover the jealously guarded secrets of TOP Internet Marketers on how to make a fortune with Private Label Content!

Invest in this Private Label Rights package today and this $97.00 value lifetime Gold membership access is yours to keep!

Super Bonus #3:
Receive A Replica Of This Letter + Thank You Page!

I've saved this best bonus for the last.

You Can Paste Your Name Onto This Principal Sales Letter, Insert Your Order Link, Upload The Files To Your Server, And Be In Business With This Package! You Keep 100% Of The Sales And Profits without Having To Share A Single Cent With Me!

You read that right. You can make changes to the products and use them anyhow you like as there is zero Private Label Rights restrictions applied to them.

But if you want to cover your investment in the fastest time possible, simply insert your name into the replica of this letter and thank you page, paste your order link, set it up, and market it!

This is NOT an affiliate program so you have no obligations whatsoever in sharing your profits with me. In other words, you can sell as many copies of this package as you want and pocket ALL the sales!

The Good Stuff Told... Here's A Quick Summary Of Everything You'll Receive In This Package:

PLR Product #1: Dealing With Loneliness
PLR Product #2: Show Me The Plan! - Part 1
PLR Product #3: Show Me The Plan! - Part 2
PLR Product #4: Personality Quadrants’ Dating Guide
Super Bonus #1: Gold Membership to https://www.tradebit.com
Super Bonus #2: Gold Membership to https://www.tradebit.com
Super Bonus #3: A Replica of This Letter with Thank You Page!

Grab This Package Right Now While It's Still Available!

Grab The Whole Package And Your Reseller Site For Only $16.95


FBM marketing
eBooks with Resell Rights
Quality eBooks with Master Resale
Rights and Plug-in Sales Websites!

P.S. Finally, here's your golden opportunity to own the ** no restriction ** Private Label Rights to over 4 brand new products for cents on the dollar and skip weeks of product development chores!

Refund Policy: There is NO refund policy attached due to the nature of this offer.

When you gain access to these Private Label products with "no restrictions", you have virtually unlimited possibilities of doing anything (or nothing) with them.

Having said that, I won't have any idea as to what you will do next.

So if you perceive this offer as risky because of the "no refund" policy or don't have any solid plans with the products, I would kindly advise you NOT to purchase this package.

But if you're serious about your Internet Marketing business and have solid plans on using these products, then I urge you to act upon this offer right now!
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